



The No.2 Provincial Highway begins in Danshuei and travels around Taiwan's northernmost point. It then follows the rocky eastern coastline down to the harbor city of Keelung. The western section of this coastline is known primarily for its beaches, while thee eastern section is famous for its rock formations. The No.2 Provincial Highway covers a distance of about 70.5 kilometers and gives travelers a comprehensive view of Taiwan's varied coastal scenery.

Green Bay翡翠灣


One of the most exclusive stretches of beach along the north coast is Feitsueiwan--or Green Bay--which has been developed as a tourist resort. Located between Yeliou and Wanli, it encompasses 1500 meters of beach and is also equipped with many other resort facilities. It is one of the locations closest to Taipei where surfing is possible.

Open Hour開放時間

Beach 沙灘: 5月到10May to Oct. 09:00~17:00 , 7月到8July to August 08:00~19:00

Resort Area園區: 08:00~22:00 , 暑假Summer 07:00~23:00

Entrance Fee 門票: NT$300

((02)24926565*5033 Howard Plaza Hotel翡翠灣福華飯店休閒部


Howard Beach Resort Pacific Green bay 太平洋翡翠灣福華渡假飯店

,: 台北縣萬里鄉翡翠路1-1

(: ( 02 )24926565

Yeliou 野柳


Yeliou is the most remarkable of all Taiwan’s northern scenic areas. A promontory that stretches 1,700 meters into the sea and contains a bewildering variety of rock formations forms the park. Erosion has revealed different types of rock that have been embedded in strata and have been shaped by wind and waves. From the end of the promontory one can get a truly spectacular view of Taiwan’s northern coast. There are plenty of oddly shaped rocks, fossil remains, and veins of colored minerals to satisfy the most fastidious tourist. The single man-made monument on the promontory is a statue of brave young man who lost his life trying to save a person who fell from the cliff at Yeliou. It also serves as a warning for others to stay away from the cliff edge.

Scenic Area 風景區



Open Hour開放時間 : 08:00~17:00, 5月到10May to Oct 08:00~18:00

Entrance Fee 門票 : NT$ 50

Ocean World海洋世界



Open Hour開放時間08:30~17:30 on holidays假日、08:30~17:00 on weekdays平日

Dolphin Performance Schedule 海豚表演 Entrance Fee:全票NT$350










Sun. & Holiday假日






Juming Museum 朱銘美術館


The largest outdoor sculpture museum in Taiwan, Juming Museum opened in September 1999 in Jinshan, a coastal township in northern Taiwan noted for its lush forests and clear streams. Covering a land area of about 10.7 hectares, the museum, following the natural terrain, is divided into fourteen areas. The highlight of the museum is, of course, Juming’s works. The museum boasts a full collection of works. The museum boasts a full collection of works done by Ju Ming in the different stages of his life and artistic development, including 500 sculptures and 500 paintings.

,2 shishrhu,jinshan shiang,Taipei County台北縣金山鄉208西勢湖2


Open Hour開放時間:May to Oct.五至十月10:00-18:00; Nov. to Apr.十一月至四月10:00-17:00

Mondays off每週一休館,遇國定假日順延一天

Fare 票價NT$250

Shuttle Bus藝術專車Free shuttle bus Jinshan downtown.自金山市區有免費接駁巴士。班次為10:30everyday except Monday)及14:00everyday except Monday,星期六、日及假日加開12:30extra on Saturday, Sunday & holidays.經法鼓山)。返程(return)13:4017:00, 星期六、日及假日加開13:40extra on Saturday, Sunday & holidays.經法鼓山)

Jinbaushan Cemetery & Teresa Deng's Grave金寶山筠園

一首「何日君再來」風靡整個華人地區,永遠的軍中情人,歌迷暱稱為小鄧的愛國藝人鄧麗君,於199558因氣喘病逝世於泰國清邁,得年43歲。由於鄧麗君在華人地區享有高知名度,她的過逝震驚了整個華人地區,鄧家有感於歌迷的熱情,便選擇將鄧麗君葬在秀麗風光景緻的金寶山墓園,並以本名中的筠字,命名並興建了筠園,以供歌迷可隨時到此處來回憶追悼。鄧麗君紀念館由鄧家整理鄧麗君的遺物展示於此,包括曾穿上台演唱的服裝及家居服,還有鄧麗君所出過的唱片。並利用電腦科技的設計建造了巨型琴鍵,並將巨型琴鍵鑲在墓園的地上,只要一踩,便會發出優美的樂音。只要一走進筠園,就會聽到「好花不常開,好景不常來,愁堆解笑眉,淚灑相思帶」............的白符飄揚在耳邊。也特別設計了一座音符花園,以小灌木排列出音符符號,以象徵鄧麗君的塑像宛如音樂女神般靜靜的豎立其中,充份表現出鄧麗君生前對音樂的喜好。還有一部自動點唱機,裡內存有十首鄧麗君的成名曲,包括「何日君再來」、「小城故事」等膾炙人口的好歌,寧靜的山巒之間,終日飄送著其甜美而優雅的歌聲,彷彿歌迷們永遠的懷念。 The Jinbaushan Cemetery covers the seaward slopes of the mountains overlooking northern Taiwan. Its beautifully kept grounds are pleasant to stroll in, and it provides a vantage point that offers some grand views of the coast. The best known of the graves, and the one, which is the object of pilgrimage to many music lovers in Asia, is that if, Teresa Deng's, who died in 1995. During her life, she was an object of adoration to her many fans. She reached a vast audience with her songs in Mandarin, Taiwanese, Japanese, and English. Songs can be selected at the grave so that the sound of her voice will never die. 開放時間Open Hours0800 1700 電話Tel(02)24985900

,:台北縣金山鄉西勢湖金寶山墓園18 Shishrhu, Jinshan Shiang,Taipei County


Transportation交通:搭乘國光客運往金山班車,於金山站下車,換搭計程車上金寶山墓園。計程車單趟約200~300元,假日較貴。Take Guokuang Bus to Jinshan stoptransfer by taxi to Jinbaushan Cemetery, taxi fare is about NT$200~300

Dharma Drum Mountain法鼓山

1955年,東初老人於北投興建中華佛教文化館推動佛教文化弘法、開辦冬令救濟。並帶領弟子於關渡平原整地開墾,以「禪修為主,務農為生」將此處命名為「農禪寺」。1959年,退下戎裝的聖嚴法師來到中華文化館,在東初老人的座下二度出家。1977年,東初老人無疾坐化,囑聖嚴法師繼承法業,接任中華佛教文化館、農禪寺住持,致力佛法弘化與禪修推廣工作。由於信眾日增,為了要尋找一個具有長久性、安定性和未來性的道場建築用地,前後費時八年,卻苦無結果。直到1989325,在例行的念佛共修會中,聖嚴法師親自帶領僧俗四眾弟子,共同持誦二十一遍《大悲咒》祈求觀世音菩薩加持。巧合的是,幾乎在同一時間,位於金山鄉三界村半嶺的觀音殿中,全度法師也在觀世音菩薩法像前持《大悲咒》,祈求菩薩指引,能夠早日找到適當的大德法師接掌寺院主持。結果竟以如此不可思議的因緣,覓得一塊得以深耕的福田寶地。同年七月,聖嚴法師正式宣佈將金山的新道場命名為「法鼓山」,並為道場未來的建設勾勒出清晰的藍圖發揮教育、文化、弘法的功能,為一般信眾提供一個修行佛法、淨化身心的良好環境,運用佛法來安定人心、安定社會。法鼓山位於台北縣金山鄉三界村,座落在北部濱海公路與陽金公路交會的一處山坡上,三面環山,雙溪交抱,正面千峰來朝,遙迎翡翠海灣,風光明媚,鳥語花香。坐北向南,左有高崗聳立,如古鐘懸空;俯瞰本山地形,則似巨鼓縱臥。在這裡,聖嚴法師集合了十方善信功德,建設一個整合教育、修行、文化的「法鼓山世界佛教教育園區」。這塊土地與佛法有不可思議的因緣,從山的地理形貌而言,左似青龍昂首右如白虎低頭;左視高崗如古鍾懸空,俯瞰整塊地則向縱臥兩山之間的大鼓;從地名上看,此地屬金山鄉「三界」村,在此處撞鐘擊鼓,其聲可響徹三界村,象徵法輪常轉、超越三界。Dharma Drum Mountain developed from Nung Chan Monastery and the Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Culture, which were both founded by Venerable Master Dongchu. Nung Chan Monastery, whose early residents dedicated themselves to the practice of Chan and grew their own food (hence its name, as "Nung" here means "to farm"), was established in 1975. At that time, Venerable Master Dongchu was devoted to promoting Buddhist culture in Taiwan, cultivating Buddhist human talent, and holding an annual winter charity event. In 1978, Master Sheng Yen succeeded Venerable Master Dongchu as the abbot of Nung Chan Monastery and the Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Culture, carrying on his master's vocation and popularizing the Buddhadharma by converting it into concepts and methods that everyone can understand, accept and use. As the number of devotees at Nung Chan Monastery and students at the Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies continued to increase, in 1989 a plot of land in Jinshan Township, Taipei County, was purchased. Master Sheng Yen named this land "Dharma Drum Mountain," and the organization Dharma Drum Mountain was formally established.

開放時間為09:00 to 16:00.為提供參學來賓完善的服務品質,讓每位參學悅眾都能感受到法鼓山的禪悅法喜,15人以上者建議以預約方式來法鼓山參學。Visiting hours: 09:00 to 16:00. For group visit, please make an appointment in advance to ensure a complete tour experience.

, 14-5, Lin 7, Sanjie Village, Jinshan, Taipei County台北縣金山鄉三界村七鄰半嶺14-5

( 02-24987171 ext. 1350, 1351法鼓山世界佛教教育園區弘化院參學組

1.由台北From Taipei

a)國光客運「台北法鼓山」線專車,起站為國道客運台北總站,沿途停靠審計部北科大 ( 捷運忠孝新生 3 號出口旁 )正義郵局捷運忠孝復興站 (2 號出口旁) 捷運忠孝敦化站 (4 號出口旁,到安和分院請 在此站下車) 觀光局(捷運國父紀念館站 2 號出口旁)聯合報(近捷運市政府站 2 號出口)、安樂社區、大武崙、武聖街口、萬里、翡翠灣、野柳、國聖村、金山等。車程 1.5 小時。Take Guoguang Bus Taipei-DDM routefrom the Taipei Intercity Bus Terminal (at the intersection of Chongqing N Road and Civic Boulevard) . It takes about 1.5 hours.

去程from Taipei // 06150715074008400920100010401135121513151415182019202120

返程return to Taipei // 07550855、*09301005、*1020、*1105、*1145、*1225、*1250、*1315、*1330、◎1350、*1355、*1405、*1415、*1450153016201720、*18201920、*2105

週一至週五Mon. to Fri. 例假日及週六、日加開班次Extra on Sat. & Sun.

b) 國光客運 「台北金青中心」線,起站同a),車程約 1.5小時,大約每 5-15分鐘一班。在「金山郵局」站下車,轉搭聯營公車828829 (站牌就在下車處) 到法鼓山園區。Take Guoguang Bus Taipei Jinshan Youth Activity Center routefrom the Taipei Intercity Bus Terminal, and get off at Jinshan Post Office Stop. It takes about 1.5 hours, and runs every 5-15 mins. You have to transfer Bus #828, 829 from Jinshan to DDM. 國光客運金山站Guoguang Bus Jinshan Station 02-24982006

c) 皇家客運:「台北陽明山金山」線,在公園路32號對面、臺大醫院牙醫部門口的站牌區上車,途經中山北路、捷運劍潭站、泰北中學、文化大學等。車程約1.5小時,平日約每隔1小時一班。在「金山郵局」站下車,轉搭聯營公車828829 (站牌就在下車處) 到法鼓山園區。Take Royal Bus Taipei-Yangmingshan-Jinshan routefrom Bureau of National Health Insurance Building on Gungyuan Rd. and get off at Jinshan Post Office Stop. It takes about 1.5 hours, and runs every one hour. You have to transfer Bus #828, 829 from Jinshan to DDM. 皇家客運Royal Bus080055168702-22969666

2.由淡水From Danshui

a)淡水客運Danshui Bus 080000227702-26227331

在淡水捷運站對面、中油加油站旁搭車。Bus stop: opposite to Danshui MRT Station, next to the gas station.車程約1小時,大約每15-30分鐘一班。Duration one hour, running every 15-30 mins.在「金山鄉公所」站下車,到對面轉搭聯營公車828829 到法鼓山園區。Get off at Jinshan Town Hall, and then transfer bus # 828, 829.

b) 基隆客運Keelung Bus 080058801002-24323185

上車處在淡水捷運站,出站後向右、福臨門餐廳門口站牌區。Bus Stop: in front of Fu-Lin-Men Restaurant, on the right when you exit from the MRT Station. Duration one hour, running every 15-30 mins.在「金山鄉公所」站下車,到對面轉搭聯營公車828829 到法鼓山園區。Get off at Jinshan Town Hall, and then transfer bus # 828, 829.



Once known as Hu Wei (which literally means port terminals), Danshuei is a village rich in history, having been Taiwan’s first trading port and consequently a major traffic point on land. Walking down the streets and alleys of Danshuei, European-, Japanese-, and Fukien-style architecture can be seen. Although the bustling atmosphere of a commercial port is no longer present, Danshuei still maintains its multicultural ambiance.

Baisha Bay白沙灣


This beach lies between Linshanbi and Fuguei capes. Boasting of clean water and white sand, it is a favorite of those who love swimming. The hills beside serve as an ideal place for hang glider lovers. This is the most famous beach along the North Coast and is suitable for all kinds of aquatic sports and recreational activities.

北海岸旅遊服務中心the North Coast Travel Service Center (:(0226364503

開放時間Open Hour: 08:30~17:00, 5月到9 May to Sep 08:00~18:00

The Li Tien-lu Glove Puppet Museum李天祿布袋戲文物館


In recognition of the huge contribution made by the puppeteer Li Tien-Lu to the preservation of Taiwanese culture and the ancient art of puppetry, the Li Tien-Lu Glove Puppet Museum was established in 1996 in Sanjr Shiang. On display are numerous glove puppets and other items associated with hand puppet theater.

,26 Jrbo Rd.,Jrbo Shanjuang,Sanjr Shiang,Taipei County台北縣三芝鄉芝柏山莊芝柏路26


開放時間Open Hour: 13:00~17:00, 假日Holidays10:00~17:00, 星期一休館 Monday off

Fare 票價NT$100

Cape Fuquei富貴角


This is Taiwan’s northernmost point, about 26 kilometers along the No. 2 Provincial Highway, a rocky outcrop surrounded by lush greenery. One of the most notable features of this section of the coast are the angular blocks of andesine half-buried in the surrounding sand and soft rock. Another feature of the area is the Cape Fuguei Lighthouse, which marks the northernmost tip of Taiwan.

Shrmen Cave石門洞


Located about 29 kilometers along the No. 2 Provincial Highway is Shrmen Cave. This is not a cave at all, but a stone arch formed by erosion. Standing at the side of the highway, it offers an excellent spot to look out at the sea. On top of the stone arch there are seats and what remains of a gun emplacement. It is the perfect place to enjoy the sunset or watch the clouds that hang over the vast northern ocean. The arch was formed by tidal erosion before the land was pushed upward. It now stands high and dry overlooking the coast. As the whole structure is now above ground, it is an ideal showcase for the different geological strata in this part of Taiwan.

18 Kings Temple十八王公廟


This temple, which is notable for its bronze statue of a dog, has an interesting legend associated with it. It is said that sometime during the middle of the Ching Dynasty ( 1644-1911 ), 17 merchants and a dog died during a rough crossing from mainland China. The dog, which had tried to save its master, was buried together with the merchants, and their grave became a shrine called 18 Kings Temple. Apart from the dog, another singular practice is associated with the temple. The legend goes that the 17 merchants were fond of smoking, so many worshippers offer cigarettes at the shrine, lighting them and placing them in stands, just as they do with incense. 18 Kings Temple is a popular place of worship and is especially busy a t night, when large crowds visit to make offerings of incense and food. The temple is located at a side road 31 kilometers along the No. 2 Provincial Highway.



The Jinshan peninsula is not only the site of some spectacular coastal scenery, but also a place of considerable cultural interest. In the old town center of Jinshan, Jinbauli St. is one of the last surviving streets that retain its ancient Ching Dynasty look. The focus of its scenic interest is the Candlestick Islets that lie just 450 meters offshore and which can be seen from the peninsula. These islets are, in fact, no more than rock coral outcrops that have been shaped by wind and sea to form a natural adornment to the coastal scene.


Jinshan Hot Spring is located at the northern part of Jinshan. It smells and tastes like regular water. The temperature is about 50, which has unique therapeutic qualities. In Jinshan Youth Activity Center there are Hot Springs and Health Center, which is open between 7 a.m. and 10:30 p.m. from Tuesday to Sunday.

住宿 Accommodation

*喜凱亞溫泉酒店SEA GAIA SPRING HOTEL0224082559萬里鄉大鵬村加投路166-1 166-1 Jiatou Rd., Wanli Township

萬里仙境溫泉會館(0224082669萬里鄉大鵬村萬里加投路197-3 197-3 Jiatou Rd., Wanli Township

映象休旅會館HOTEL OCEAN VISTA & SPA0224928833萬里鄉玉田路33 33 Yutian Rd., Wanli Township

愛琴海太平洋海景溫泉會館(0224928080萬里鄉海景路1 1 Haijing Rd., Wanli Township

美滿賓館(0224922091萬里鄉瑪鍊路112號之2 112-2 Malian Rd., Wanli Township


萬里鄉翡翠路17 17 Feicui Rd., Wanli Township

怡美賓館(0224982212 金山鄉大同村民生路2042樓及206 2F 204 & 206 Minsheng Rd., Jinshan Township

天籟溫泉會館TIEN-LAL SPRING RESORT 0224080000 金山鄉重和村名流路1-61-7 1-6 & 1-7 Mingliou Rd., Jinshan Township


基隆古名[ 雞籠 ] ,以本地有山形似雞籠而得名。 [ 雞籠 ]一名早見於明萬曆四十五年(1617)張燮著[ 東西洋考 ],至清光緒元年(1875),始改雞籠為基隆,蓋取[基地昌隆]之意。民國34(1945),台灣光復後,設基隆市為省轄市,並於同年1111日成立基隆市政府。全市面積計132.7589 平方公里,現有人口35萬餘人,分設為七個行政區。中正公園遊旅若織;大佛禪寺宏麗莊嚴;協和電廠電量冠居北台;港口天成,漁民終歲慶收,海岸奇觀詩情畫意;常年雨滴,蜚聲國際,是一座揉合傳統與現代,山色與海景之美麗港市。基隆位於台灣北部,三面環山,北臨東海,為一天然海港,港灣深入市區,水面 寬闊,境內山陵環繞,平地較少,海岬兩側有基隆嶼、和平島為屏障,形勢險要自然天成,集商港、軍港、漁港於一身,為全台北門之鎖鑰。著名的特產小吃有廟口小吃、連珍糕餅、李鵠餅店、太陽谷蜂蜜更是享譽全國的基隆名產。

Keelung's name derives from a homophone, which means 'Chicken Coop', a name given to the area long ago because of the basket-shaped area created by the surrounding mountains. The modern name Keelung comes from two words meaning 'Base' and 'Crag' and indicates the area's many low and high spots. In 1945, with the return of Taiwan to China, the municipality of Keelung was created. Keelung has a total area of 132 square kilometers and a population in the mid 1980's of about 350,000, which is scattered, through seven districts. Keelung has beautiful parks, ancient temples, modern power plant, and the rocky pacific coast with its many spectacular views. The 'Rainy Harbor' is a fascinating blend of the old and new, of tradition and progress.

Tourist Spots旅遊景點

1. Chungcheng Park中正公園

Chungchang Park lies on a hill in the eastern part of downtown Keelung. The first level is reached by means of a stairway starting at Hsinerh Road. On the first level are remnants of the fortifications from which Chinese defenders under Governor Liu Ming-Ch'uan fought. On the second level is the Pu-tan Temple where one can sit and listen to the sound of voices intoning the sutras and the occasional ringing of a bell. The Mi-lo-fu or Laughing Buddha oversees the entrance to the third level.

中正公園位於市區東岸大沙灣得背後山腹上,公園共分三層,第一層可由信二路正門沿石階而上,坡頂有平地,可供遠眺,沿途並可看到當年清朝巡撫劉銘傳攻法時所修築的枕山砲台遺跡.今開闢為綠意盎然的公園,中正亭,溜冰場,網球場等休閒遊樂設施頗多. 第二層有一座金碧輝煌的[主普壇]民俗文物館,晨昏之際, 梵宇鐘聲響徹山間每年農曆七月十五日,中元祭典,人潮洶湧,熱鬧非凡. 第三層入口是笑口常開的彌勒佛,並有一座高達22.5公尺,名聞全省的觀音佛像,在觀音像前鳥瞰基隆港市海景最是令人欣賞到這別具一格的城市.

2. Peace Island & Huang-Di-Dean (Emperor Temple) 和平島風景精華

It lies at the northern end of Keelung harbor and has a circumference of about four kilometers. Ruins on the island date from the appearance of the Spanish during the first part of the Ming dynasty, and the shore surrounding the island has been battered and beaten into a crazy-quit of shapes by years of wind and waves. Kan-tieh-fu is one of these eroded shores and lies at the eastern top of Peace Island, while Fan-tzu Cave is at the northern tip of the island; emperor Temple lies in between these two spots. Fan-tzu Cave remains from the brief Dutchman occupation of Peace Island. Opposite the entrance to the cave is a natural rock formation with looks remarkably like the goddess Kwanyin and is therefore called Kwanyin Rock.

和平島原名社寮島,位於基隆港口北端,四週範圍約四公里,島上有西班牙人築城遺跡,海岸因受強烈的海蝕作用,海蝕地形很發達蔚為天然奇景. 千疊敷是岸邊的岩石被侵蝕分割地一大塊一大塊地重疊平舖. 皇帝殿位於和平島最北端是海神和風神的傑作,這一片岩岸經過幾萬年來侵蝕, 形成許多光怪陸離, 造形奇特的雕塑品, 整個景觀富麗堂皇而又奇妙令人讚絕.蕃子洞是荷蘭人佔領和平島時留下來的遺跡, 具有歷史性, 洞對面岩壁上有一石塊,像極觀音,人稱觀音石, 從蕃子洞附近岩石遠望大海,一片汪洋, 狂瀾怒濤,奔騰澎湃,是基隆八景中的[社寮銀瀾].

3. Patoutzu & Wangyuku八斗子忘憂谷

Patoutzu is located to the east of Peace Island and features an excellent fishing harbor, sandy beaches and another of Keelung's eight scenic wonder --Patoutzu sunset. Wangyuku links between Patoutzu and Changtan. It is a small hill that nestles close to the sea, and nearby is a rock-strewn beach about 20 meters wide. Patoutzu is known for a patch of rocks which has been wave-and-wind worn to resemble huge chunks of tofu.

八斗子在和平島東面, 是一個很好的漁港, 海灘沙淺, 漁舟環列,尤其是夕陽斜照時, 彩霞滿雲天, 真是一幅美景, 有基隆八景中的 [八斗夕照美稱]. 忘憂谷位於八斗子和長潭之間, 是一座依臨海邊的小山, 範圍約20公尺的淺海灘, 適合戲水弄潮與撿拾貝殼,谷地寬敞,海風習習, 令人心境舒暢, 留連忘返,在海案的侵蝕遺跡中有一塊狀似青蛙的巨石, 另有一片海濱岩石狀似豆腐, 又名豆腐岩, 是北部沈降海岸的特殊景觀.

4. Snacks in Keelung廟口小吃

A full range of foods from all over China. Keelung is famous throughout Taiwan for the food and snacks that can be found in its temple area. The temple area is a collection of two or three hundred stalls and carts, which stretch some three, or four hundred meters in an L shape at the intersection of Jen-san and Ai-szu Roads. The food stands in this area have a long history, and their fame has spread far and wide. Here can be found vendors selling seafood made with oysters, lobsters and every kind of fresh fish as well as tasty tempura and some special dishes that can't be found anywhere else. The area bustles with activity every night and is an absolute must any time one visits Keelung.

夜晚的基隆,獨樹一格,廟口小吃名聞全省,有本地也有外地遊人, 懷著悠閒得心情,走向廟口一帶逛夜市和解饞. 廟口乃指仁三路和愛四路兩條位於[ 奠濟宮 ]附近的小吃攤,[ L ],綿延三,四百公尺. 聚集了二,三百個攤位. 這裡的小吃由於歷史悠久,口碑遠播,因此深具特色,南北口味,應有盡有. 仁三路的海鮮攤由蚵,螺到九孔,龍蝦,海魚等種類多又新鮮,甜不辣( 天婦羅 )更是香醇可口,獨樹風格.其他如三明治,蝦仁肉羹,麵線羹,獨一豆簽粳,泡泡冰等都坐客滿盈,生意興隆. 愛四路小吃的番石榴片、八寶冬粉、紅燒鰻粳、甜酒釀、元宵、奶油螃蟹、西米露、豬腳原汁、豆花等,也都口味獨特,遠近馳名.


*長榮桂冠酒店Evergreen Laurel Hotel0224279988 中正路62-1 (Zhongzheng Rd.)

華帥海景飯店HUA SHUAI SEAPORT HOTEL022422313124239235 孝二路108 (Xiao 2nd Rd.)

*蔚藍海景旅店ONE-STAR HOTEL0224692169 202北寧路2506 (Beining Rd.)

*萊茵商旅RHINE INN0224257766信二路17718 (Xin 2nd Rd.)

*阿樂哈大飯店ALOHA HOTEL0224227322-8信二路292-14 (Xin 2nd Rd.)

*秀山莊大旅社SHOW SHANG CHONG0224287777信三路1293 (Xin 3rd Rd.)

*柯達大飯店KODAK HOTEL0224230111-2義一路7 (Yi 1st Rd.)

*蔚藍海岸休閒SPA汽車旅館(0224332366武隆街67 (Wulong St.)

*北都大飯店BEIDOO HOTEL0224227899 202信二路319 (Xin 2nd Rd.)

*金金商務旅館(0224211212忠二路584 (Zhong 2nd Rd.)

*國都旅館(0224221010 仁一路30313 (Ren 1st Rd.)

華都飯店HWA DOO HOTEL0224202668-9 仁一路307 (Ren 1st Rd.)

歐香商務旅店OCEAN HOTEL 0224201166 仁二路215 (Ren 2nd Rd.)

綠文旅社LEAU WEN HOTEL0224224224 仁三路282 (Ren 3rd Rd.)

金中泰賓館CHHNG CAE HOTEL0224289186-9 仁五路132 (Ren 5th Rd.)

金華大旅社JIN HWA HOTEL0224238181 成功一路95 (Chenggong 1st Rd.)

華星旅社HWA SHING HOTEL0224223166 孝一路54 (Xiao 1st Rd.)

蝶戀花旅社DEH NAM FLOUER HOTEL0224201145孝三路813 (Xiao 3rd Rd.)

富國旅社FU KUO HOTEL0224284171-2孝三路9918 (Xiao 3rd Rd.)

*同安大旅社TUNG AN HOTEL0224227719孝三路9912 (Xiao 3rd Rd.)

*協和旅社SHIE HO HOTEL0224282136-7孝四路222 (Xiao 4th Rd.)

*隆發旅社LUNG FA HOTEL0224232131孝四路232 (Xiao 4th Rd.)

*永吉旅社YUNG CHI HOTEL0224223570忠一路312 (Zhong 1st Rd.)

*康樂大旅社KANG LO HOTEL0224224667忠四路115 (Zhong 4th Rd.)

*永豐旅社(0224232137-8愛三路49142 Ai 3rd Rd.

*華國商務飯店IMPERIAL HOTEL0224267101-6愛三路49183 ( Ai 3rd Rd.)

*大華大旅社TA HWA HOTEL0224246391-2精一路156 (Jing 1st Rd.)

*欣海大飯店SHIN HAI HOTEL0224254688-91義三路6 (Yi 3rd Rd.)

*藍美大旅社LIAN MEI HOTEL0224226238信三路20,22 (Xin 3rd Rd.)

*老爺大旅社HOTEL ROYAL0224224141-9義一路71 (Yi 1st Rd.)

*美樂地汽車旅館MELODY MOTEL0224348388武崙街150 (Wulun St.)

*新好景商務汽車旅館(0224346866基金一路33731 (Jijin 1st Rd.)

*北極星汽車旅館POLARIS MOTEL0224320099樂利三街21 (Leli 3rd St.)

*八堵旅社PAI TU HOTEL0224567690八堵路1252 (Badu Rd.)

*新生旅店SHING SHEN HOTEL0224560951八堵路1313 (Badu Rd.)

TRANSPORTATION 交通Schedules and fares are subject to change without notice時刻及票價僅供參考)

Taipei MRT Taipei Railway Station台北èDanshuei淡水

0600~2400 Every5~10mins 每隔5~10分鐘一班

It takes about 35 mins. 需時約35分鐘


MRT Danshuei Line台北捷運淡水線 (02-2181234525363001

Taipei E. Bus Station台北東站 èKeelung基隆

0600~2400 every 10~15 mins 每隔10~15分鐘一班

It takes about 50 mins.需時約50分鐘


國光客運Kuo-Kuang Motor Transport Co. Taipei E. Bus Station台北東站:

( (02)2311989323119466(西站詢問電話,東站無電話)

Taipei Bus Terminal台北國道客運總站èJinshan 金山 (Via Green Bay翡翠灣、Yeliou 野柳)

(台北國道客運總站:市民大道與重慶南路交叉口Taipei Bus Transfer Post :at intersection of Civic Boulevard and Chongqing S. Rd.)

Weekdays 平日0540~2300 Holidays假日0630~2300

Every 15~20 mins每隔15~20分鐘一班 It takes about 1.5hour. 需時約130

Jinshan 金山è Taipei Bus Terminal台北國道客運總站 (Via Green Bay翡翠灣、Yeliou 野柳)

國光客運Guokuang Motor Transport Co.( (02)23810731

Weekdays 平日0545~2220 Holidays假日0605~2220

Every 15~20 mins每隔15~20分鐘一班 It takes about 1.5hour. 需時約130


國光客運Guokuang Motor Transport Co.( (02)23810731

Taipei Bureau of National Health Insurance on Gongyuan Rd.台北市公園路中央健保局èJinshan


1500160017201820 extra on holidays例假日加開

Jinshan è Taipei Bureau of National Health Insurance on Gongyuan Rd.台北市公園路中央健保局

0600070008000900100011001230、*13001330、*14001430、*150015301620164017001800 extra on holidays例假日加開

(via Yangmingshan經陽明山)

It takes about 1.5hour. 需時約130


(皇家客運 Royal Bus :02-229696660800-551687




Jinshan金山è Danshuei淡水


It takes about 70mins. 需時約70


(淡水客運 Danshuei Bus :02-262133400800-002277



Keelung èDanshuei


( Via Sanjr三芝、Baisha Bay白沙灣、Shrmen 石門、Jinshan 金山、Yeliou 野柳、Green Bay 翡翠灣、Wanli 萬里)

It takes about 1.5hour行車時間130


基隆/淡水聯營客運Danshuei Bus Co. and Keelung Bus Co. co-share the bus schedules.

(淡水客運淡水站Danshuei Bus :02-262133400800-002277

(基隆客運Keelung Bus : 02-243231850800-588010


0540~2320 every 10-12 mins 10-12分鐘


Keelung City Bus基隆市公車#101


0550~2310 every 15-2 0mins 15-20分鐘


Keelung City Bus基隆市公車 #103

(基隆市公車處Keelung City Bus 02-246221712425176824226276

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