Northeast Coast National Scenic Area
The Northeast Coast National Scenic Area hugs the narrow corridor between Taiwan's eastern mountain range and the sea. It comprises a narrow belt of coastline, running 66 kilometers in length. The northern section of the coastline looks out onto the East China Sea and the eastern section faces the Pacific. The Northeast Coast Scenic Area begins in the north near the town of Rueifang in Taipei County and ends in the south near the town of Toucheng in Ilan County. The Northeast Coast terrain features both mountainous and coastal landscapes. The upper terrain is divided into two characteristic sections - the Ahnienslate Heights and Sandiao Summit. Within this area are located major ridges including Hemei, Fulong, Laolan, and Toucheng. It covers almost 10,000 hectares of interior land and, from Bitou Cape to Sandiao Cape, almost 4,500 hectares of coastline – with a grand total of nearly 14,000 hectares of natural beauty for you to enjoy.
The northernmost scenic spot of the Northeast Coast, Nanya is renowned for the wind and sea sculpted rock formations scattered along its shores. Facilities in this area include a parking lot, footpaths, and pavilion viewpoints. Nanya is the northern gateway to the Northeast Coast National Scenic Area. Here you can take in miles and miles of sea and wind eroded rocks formations and outcroppings dotting the vibrant and pristine coastline, set against an idyllic mountain background and quaint fishing villages. Nanya is famous for its unique rock formations, so drivers should take their time traveling through here in order to enjoy the spectacular vistas. Since there are not many signs along the way, look for a carved rock resembling a slice of a large birthday cake, then park your vehicle and take a stroll through this special town. The northern entrance to Nanya is located at around the 84.5-kilometer mark on the Coastal Highway. The parking lot and trails are clearly indicated by signs to help you get the most out of your visit.
Announcing your arrival to the Northeast Coast, Bitou Cape occupies an area of about four to five square kilometers and is known for the sea-carved caves, platforms and other eroded landforms that can be seen along the cliffs of the cape. The cape is home to Bitou Lighthouse, which rises about 120 meters. The lighthouse is located at the end of a trail that offers spectacular views of the ocean and the eroded landforms. From the lighthouse you can see the waves of the East China Sea lapping against those of the Pacific Ocean.
There are two stories about the origins of the name of Longdongwan (literally translated as "Dragon Cave Bay") Coast Park. Some say the bay itself is like a curved dragon, and other say the Mandarin name of the spot is a transliteration of an aboriginal word for "monkey", since a nearby hill resembles a monkey. Longdongwan has a maximum ocean depth of 32 meters. Its clear waters provide an ideal environment for various marine species, making it one of Taiwan's top-two diving sites. The wide variety of recreational facilities inside the park makes this a perfect location for other water activities as well. (open hour of the park area: 08:00~21:00; for the seawater swimming pool: 08:00~17:30)
The 16-hectare Longdong South Coast Park borders Longdong Cape to the north and the Longdong Marina to the south. It is the first outdoor nature education center in Taiwan joining a marina, seawater pool, and marine ecology exhibitions. The park has a diverse coastal geology, with cliffs, sea-eroded rock formations, and sea terraces. In addition to sightseeing and swimming, visitors can go diving and enjoy the marine ecology of the park. The Longdong Marina at the south end of the Longdong South Coast Park can accommodate 96 medium to large yachts (56 long-term berths and 40 short-term berths) and 20 small yachts. Up to 37 yachts can moor at the dock area. The marina is designed to handle yachts up to 60 feet long. Also there is a marina which encompasses a sea area, embarking point, onshore boat parking, vehicle parking, crane repair, environmental protection facilities, landscaping, and management facilities.(open hour of the park area: 08:00~18:00; for the seawater swimming pool: 08:00~17:30)
Located near Hemei off the Coastal Highway, Jinshawan Beach Park is smaller than Fulong Beach, but what it lacks in size it more than makes up for in serenity and quietude. With its elegant bay view and sandy beaches, it is one of the most-visited spots on the Northeast Coast. The park facilities include public toilets and a parking lot. No camping, barbecue or water activities are allowed in the area for environmental reasons.
Aodi is the paradise for seafood-lovers. You can take an easy walk in the small village, and enjoy a seafood festival.
澳底海鮮餐廳Seafood Restaurants:
海王子活海鮮 02-24902879 新港海鮮 02-24901061 黑白毛 02-24901152 燕巢活海鮮 02-24902729
龍蝦大王 02-24901001 海洋城活海鮮 02-24901476 海仙角活海鮮 02-24902113
阿一活海產 02-24901058
Yanliao Coastal Park is the most spacious spot on the Northeast Coast and home to some of the most beautiful golden beaches in Taiwan. A South Seas themed café and well-designed waterfront pond are the main attractions of at the park. (open hour of the park area: 09:00~18:00 on weekdays, 08:00~21:00 on weekends and holidays)
【龍門露營區、福隆濱海渡假區Longmen Campsite、Fulong Bathing Beach】
Longmen Campsite is the best-equipped campground in Taiwan and thousands of campers come here each year to enjoy the beautiful scenery. The park covers an area of about 37 hectares on a once barren and windy site of a former quarry. The area has since been greened the sand dunes have been leveled to turn this site into a seaside oasis. The park is located near the lower reaches of the Shuangsi River, the biggest river running through the Northeast Coast, and there are many fluvial features in the area, including sandbars, deep pools, river shallows, rapid currents and countless species of animals. The lush natural vegetation growing along the river adds to the beauty of the campground. Campers and visitors can access Yanliao Beach by foot or bike via a 200-meter-long suspension bridge connecting with the campground. (open hour of the park area: 08:00~17:00)
The 3km long beach between Yanliao and Fulong is a popular place to get away from it all and pass the summer in a world of golden sand and endless horizons. The sand dune vegetation and Shuanghsi estuary ecology are ideal for outdoor learning activities, and on winter nights fishermen can be seen catching eel fry. Fulong is located at the mouth of the Shuanghsi River, across which spans a bridge connecting the inland river and beachfront areas. The river is calm and suitable for activities such as sailing, canoeing and banana boating, while cross-country driving along the river, parasailing and sand buggy riding are popular as well. At the ocean front, visitors can enjoy all various kinds of water activities. The public facilities available at Fulong include shaded pavilions, wooden walkways, shower rooms, restaurants, and overnight accommodations. (open hour : 08:00~18:00)
☆ 每年農曆九月15日,龍門村及附近各村聯合舉辦平安祭活動,場面熱鬧,遊客可以在此時前往觀賞遊玩。
☆ 龍門露營區有提供自行車租借,每半小時50元、一小時80元。騎乘至鹽寮或貢寮各需2~3小時。 You can rent a bike at Longmen Campsite.l
☆ 順遊靈鷲山無生道場:週二至週日對外開放(08:00-18:00),午齋11:30-13:00;藥石17:30-19:00。欲上山者請於抵達福隆站前一小時以電話(02-24991100轉310知客堂)聯絡車輛,並於福隆火車站外路口候車。上山車次0830、0940、1050、1220、1340、1440、1600、1700、1840。下山車次0810、0930、1040、1210、1330、1430、1530(假日1550)、1640(假日1650)、1830。
【卯澳、三貂角、萊萊Maoao、Sandiao Cape、Lailai】
Though Maoao is only 115 kilometers from Taipei, it is centuries apart from the modern civilization of the big city. Before rail and road links connected it to the outside world, Maoao preserved its centuries old fishing traditions, making it one of the most important cultural areas on the Northeast Coast. Maoao looks out to the sea with its back to a rabbit ear shaped peak. Three streams run down from the mountain and pass through the village before continuing onto the sea. In the Qing Dynasty, Maoao was a farming village. Visitors are attracted to Maoao by the simple lifestyle of the locals and their traditional fishing port.
※※據傳明朝天啟六年(西元1626年)西班牙船艦由菲律賓開抵臺灣東北角海域,因不詳地名為便於記載航海日誌,便以拉丁文命此地為San Diego(聖地牙哥)這是西班牙人的習慣以「聖」為開頭,為外國人最早對臺灣東北角的記錄,早期本地先民便以此譯為閩南語音「三貂」,「三貂」地型是臺灣最向東北部的岬角,因而自然得名為「三貂角」,本燈塔建成後就地名稱為「三貂角燈塔」。由馬崗附近的岔路循指標而上,即可到達這座位於臺灣極東的三貂角燈塔,塔高16.5公尺,每28秒連閃白、紅光兩次,射程約25海浬,燈塔內設有展覽室展示與燈塔有關之裝備與資訊,可於開放時間入內參觀。(三貂角燈塔(02-24991300;開放時間:09:00-16:00 週一休息)
(open hour of the Lighthouse : 09:00~16:00 Mondays off)
Lailai boasts a stunning coastal terrain with unique geological formations and a captivating view of the sea. The ocean waters here nourish an abundance of aquatic life, making it one of the best spots on the Northeast Coast for rock fishing. Since 1984, the Tourism Bureau has held an annual fishing competition here, drawing anglers from around the nation.
沿著濱海公路到了石城,就到了臺北縣與宜蘭縣兩縣的交界,石城是濱海公路進入宜蘭的第一站,名稱的由來,據說是因為300年前,有紅毛番在海邊以巨石建築海岸防禦工事而來。管理處在此設置有服務區,區內附設的石城咖啡,由民間業者經營,在此可遠眺龜山島風光與定置漁網漁作方式,每到假日經常吸引相當多的遊客到此觀賞海景。過了石城遠就可望見大里天公廟掩映在翠綠的山邊,大里遊客服務中心就在廟側,是初到此地之遊客認識大里、收集資訊的必訪之地。俗稱天公廟的慶雲宮,始建於清道光年間,光緒時正式建廟,廟中主祀由福州供奉來臺的玉皇大帝,是鄉民的信仰中心,每年農曆的正月初9是當地慶典之日,遠來的香客絡繹不絕。廟旁的小徑是通往「草嶺古道」的一個起點,草嶺古道可說是臺灣的第一條橫貫道路,沿線植被種類豐富,蜿蜓間梯田阡陌溪流潺潺,夏季時野薑花漫山飄香、秋遊時滿山芒花盛開草浪翻飛,是東北角最受歡迎的健行路線。 至於桃源谷步道,是早期農家牧牛之地,長長的階梯通天似的,引領著遊客走向綠絨地毯般的大草坪去欣賞東北角海岸的好風景。
※※石城服務區位於濱海公路117.2公里處,設有停車場、主體建築、浮雕展示廣場,浮雕展示廣場設置有多幅與宜蘭開墾事蹟有關的浮雕壁畫,磚紅色的主體建築,與石城的自然景觀融為一體,在管理處重新塑造,並與力代咖啡合作之後,成為東北角第一家特色景觀咖啡屋,咖啡屋採取多窗、少牆、通風的空間設計,更能感受各方之美景。(開放時間:平日10:00~18:30 假日09:00~20:30全年無休;(03-9783463)
Since its renovation by the Northeast Coast National Scenic Area Administration, the cafe at Shihcheng has become a favorite spot to sip coffee while enjoying a panoramic view of the sea. By day, you can see Kueishan Island in the offshore waters and the beautiful wave-worn rock platforms of the coast. The view is just as captivating at night, when the sea twinkles with the lights of fishing boats. (open hour : 10:00~18:30 on weekdays, 09:00!20:30 on weekends & holidays)
At the Dali Visitor Center you can learn more about the culture, history and attractions of the Northeast Coast, including its historic trails. Two replica Hutzu (Tiger) statues stand guard on the north side of the first floor lobby. There is also a multimedia conference room with a seating capacity of up to 80 people. Presentations are shown hourly from 10:00 to 16:00 every day, including "Caoling Historic Trail" and "Touring the Northeast Coast".(open hour: 09:00~17:00)
Built in 1807, Caoling Historic Trail is part of the Danlan Historic Trail, which was the earliest route connecting the town of Danshuei and Ilan County. It was constructed using the same methods for laying mountain roads in southern Taiwan at that time. The trail is made of sandstone, which is one of the most readily found building materials in this part of the island. Along the trail one can find a number of historical relics from the Qing Dynasty.
Taoyuan Valley is situated to the west of Mt. Wankengtou and was originally called "Cowboy Mountain" since cattle were once pastured here. The valley has become one of the most popular hiking spots in Taiwan due to its beautiful 3km long meadow and 555m high central peak. The summit offers a 360-degree view of the valley, which is covered in low vegetation. Kueishan (Turtle) Island can be seen in the Pacific Ocean and the mountain range between Gongliao and Touchen is also visible from here. Views of the valley vary in different seasons. Monsoons in autumn, and winter brings endless sheets of clouds to the valley, giving it a kind of mystic beauty.
1. 貢寮→遠望坑親水公園→大榕樹→雄鎮蠻煙摩碣→虎字碑→啞口觀景亭→護管所→大里天公廟→大里遊客服務中心→石城觀景區喝咖啡
2. 福隆鐵道涵洞→遠望坑親水公園→草嶺古道
Honeymoon Bay(The story behind the name):The owner of this beautiful location wanted to make it a paradise for honeymooners. The name he chose was originally inspired by the heart shape of the bay and by the romantic atmosphere created by the smooth beach and blue waters. The beach extends 100m from the coast and the submarine topography is marked by large rippling forms. Huge waves of two to three meters, and sometimes taller, are common at the bay due to the strong wind, making this an ideal site for surfing.
Beiguan Park is one of the eight famous scenic spots in the Lanyang Plain. It is famous for its tofu shaped rocks; which stand in perfect geometric conformity like well-cut marble slabs, also its rugged cuestas, and exciting coastline. There are plenty of sightseeing platforms, parking facilities, signs, food stalls and other public amenities. You can trek along the park's stone paths and admire the umbrella-shaped Banyan trees and the fascinating rocks surrounding. The top of the mountain offers breathtaking views of the open sea.
※※河東堂獅子博物館(Hedongtang Lion Museum)座落於宜蘭縣頭城鎮,主人高建文先生將其平生所收藏的中國歷代石獅六千餘件,提供出來,在此籌建一座世界獨一無二的「獅子博物館」,使自然風景,增益為人文環境,既嘉惠於偏遠地方,又協助政府厚植文化潛力。亦將於博物館兩側,以其創設經營國際五星級旅館如晶華、L.A. Hilton 的豐富經驗,籌建「里歐海洋渡假中心」及「里歐會館」,屆時國人在東北角休閒旅遊的配套設施將更趨於完
※※北關休閒農場(Beiguan Farm)位於宜蘭縣頭城鎮更新里(舊名梗枋),緊臨濱海公路約1公里,是一處倚山面海的自然生態農場,面積廣大、果樹林立,擁有日夜四時各具特色的海灣景色,數條來自雪山山脈的清澈山泉及溪流終年不停地流經此地,使得北關形成一個自然的蝶谷,蘊藏著豐富多樣、不勝枚舉的動植物,讓您在大自然的懷抱下更充滿生活情趣,擁有一個快樂難忘的田園假期。
※※頭城農場(Toucheng Farm)佔地約100公頃,大部份是山坡地,約50餘公頃是桂竹林,另外種有馬拉巴栗、茶花、龍柏、楓香、山櫻等林木,以及蓮霧、柑桔、熱帶水蜜桃、柚子、金棗等果樹。農場內有平溪、桃子林溪以及當地人俗稱的「大溪」等三條溪流,貫穿其中,構成了得天獨厚的自然景觀及豐富的生態資源。農場內養了一大群土雞、番鴨、鵝、山豬、羊等家禽家畜,山上到處可見的野菜如龍鬚菜、青木瓜、昭和草等等,可以說是鄉土十足。
【龜山島Kueishan Island】
早在清代時期,龜山島即以『龜山朝日』、『龜島磺煙』、『龜巖纔壁』、『龜卵觀奇』、『神龜擺尾』、『神龜戴帽』、『眼鏡洞鐘乳石奇觀』及『海底溫泉湧上流』等八大奇景名聞遐邇,尤其以『龜山朝日』名列蘭陽八景之首。龜山島的地形屬於火山熔巖地形,一兩萬年前,由兩個火山體組合而成,靠近龜首的地層以集塊巖為主,層理發達,含有浮石質熔巖與捕獲巖熔巖,用之不竭的地熱常常使得火山巖終年冒煙發熱。龜尾部位是一片細長的砂洲,由許多受海水日積月累沖擊而成的大小礫石堆積而成,隨著潮水漲落,就像是烏龜擺尾。龜尾部有一座長方形的湖泊,這湖原是直通海域的內港,如今已成為鹹淡各半的鹹淡水湖,湖邊建有涼亭及全長650公尺的環湖步道,沿途鳥語花香,湖光倒影,構成一幅恬靜的景致。 龜山島的原居民多以捕魚維生,因此島上也建有一間廟宇,原名為拱蘭宮的普陀巖,建立於清朝咸豐四年,最早供奉的神像是哪吒三太子,後來改奉媽祖為主神,在島民遷村後當地駐軍改奉觀世音菩薩,拱蘭宮的後側東邊有一湧泉,冬季時有泉水湧出,夏季則無,島民稱其為「冷泉」。在拱蘭宮與龜山島遊客服務中心之間的空地上,有一處由臺灣藝術大學師生創作的漂流木步道,主題為「穿越靈龜-長壽漫步」。位於島南側的眼鏡洞,是一個狀似眼鏡的鐘乳石洞,十分幽深隱密。龜甲南側沿岸是一片裸露的山崖,高聳的山壁直削入海,構成"龜巖峭壁"奇景。龜山島附近2至3海浬海域較淺,而且平坦,許多魚群在此聚集,不僅讓龜山島成為臺灣3大漁場之一,也是主要的賞鯨豚地點,出沒在龜山島海域的鯨豚種類多達17種,數量亦十分可觀,以飛旋海豚、瓶鼻海豚、小虎鯨及偽虎鯨為主,他們不但會躍出海面,還會不時地和過往漁船玩捉迷藏,賞鯨豚的最佳季節由4月至9月底為止,有興趣的遊客,千萬別錯過。前往龜山島的搭船碼頭主要以頭城烏石港為主,在澳底漁港也有船家提供龜山島載客服務。一般民眾登島開放時間為每年3月1日至11月30日,上午9點到下午4點,6、7、8月3個月份為上午9點到下午5點。
Kueishan Island, also known as Turtle Island, is named for its resemblance to a sea turtle when viewed from a certain angle. It is a volcanic islet about 10 kilometers east of the coast at Toucheng. Traces of volcanic activity are still evident today on the island, such as sulfur fumaroles and underwater hot springs. Most of the island has been preserved in its pristine original state, untouched by man. The island has been designated as an Oceanic Ecology Park. Kueishan (Turtle) Island has long been known for its "Eight Wonders" which are various sights you can see that have made the island famous. These “Eight Wonders” are: The sunrise over Kueishan Mountain; Sulfur jets in the ocean; The steep precipices of Turtle Rock; Turtle egg rock formations; Swishing turtle tail rock; Turtle rock hat; Stalactites; and Ocean hot springs. The open seasons aboard the Island is from March 1 to Nov. 30 every year. Permit application is needed. The best season for whale and dolphin watching is from April to September if you take a cruise from Wushih Fishing Harbor.
【火車Train】(以下為福隆發車時間Schedule as below is from Fulong)
上行開往基隆、臺北、樹林方面 Northbound of Eastern Line | 02:07(Sat. & Mon.) 03:49 05:12 05:57 06:34 06:45 07:07 07:41(to Badu, not on Sat. & Sun.) 07:59(Sat.) 07:59(Mon.) 08:08 09:26 10:01 11:14 11:49 12:37 12:51(to Keelung) 13:56 14:05 14:51 15:08(to Keelung)15:29 15:44 16:09 16:43(Sun.) 16:54 17:01 17:12 17:18 17:41(to Keelung) 18:32(to Keelung) 18:54 19:25 19:28 21:27 21:49 22:11(Fri.) | 下行開往宜蘭、蘇澳、花蓮、臺東方面 Southbound of Eastern Line | 00:21 01:18(Sat. & Mon.) 05:29 06:44 07:14 07:49 08:43 09:10 10:07 10:32 10:54 11:16 11:56 12:12 13:05 13:10 13:25 13:53(Sun.) 14:53 15:09 16:21 16:36(not on Sat., Sun. & holidays) 16:49 17:12 17:56 18:17 18:32 19:07 19:12 19:26(Fri.) 20:05(Fri.) 21:03(Sun.) 21:34 21:58 22:16 22:59 23:29 | |
【國光客運Kuo-Kuang Bus】(以下為福隆發車時間Schedule as below is from Fulong) 羅東-臺北 Luodong -Taipei | 05:55 06:55 08:05 11:55 13:55 14:55 17:55 | 臺北-羅東 Taipei-Luodong | 09:55 10:55 11:55 15:55 17:55 19:15 21:55 | 宜蘭-雙溪 Yilan-Shuangsi | 16:30 16:55 17:50 13:10 16:20 17:20 | 雙溪-宜蘭 Shuangsi-Yilan | 16:30 17:45 08:55 12:55 17:05 18:10 | |
【基隆客運 Keelung Bus】 (以下為福隆發車時間Schedule as below is from Fulong) 福隆-國家新城(基隆) Fulong-Keelung | 平常日weekdays 06:00 06:40 07:05 08:00 08:40 09:20 10:10 10:50 11:40 12:40 13:40 14:40 15:30 16:20 17:10 18:00 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:30 22:50 | 例假日weekends & holidays 06:40 07:20 08:20 09:20 10:00 11:00 11:40 12:20 13:00 13:40 14:20 15:00 15:40 16:20 17:10 18:00 19:00 19:40 20:40 21:40 22:50 | 福隆-(草嶺古道)-貢寮-和美 Fulong-(Caoling Historic Trail)-Gongliao-Hemei | 平常日weekdays 07:20 08:40 09:50 11:10 12:10 16:00 17:00 | 例假日weekends & holidays 07:30 08:40 09:50 11:10 12:10 13:20 14:20 | 【烏石港至龜山島船公司Cruise from Wushih Fishing Harbor to Kueishan Island】 船名 | 電話 | 龜山朝日 | 03-9782511*404,405 0936-096155 | 龜山朝日2 | 03-9782511*404,405 0936-096155 | 華棋168 | 0937-163916 | 宏棋 | 0935-982455 | 超級星3號 | 0935-982455 | 北極星1 | 0939-310369 0910-137765 | 蘭鯨 | 03-9781865 0912-593213 | 凱鯨 | 0935-760766 | 新福豐26 | 0932-263019 | 葛瑪蘭 | 03-9966015 0910-393801 | 大發2 | 0937-453919 | 新福豐36 | 0932-263019 | 柏薰號 | 0935-618258 | 海安號 | 03-9986342 0910-397750 | 天隆號 | 0932-165418 | 宜蘭縣政府 Ilan County Government www:// 頭城區漁會 Toucheng |
福隆貝悅酒店Fullong Bellevue Resort 臺北縣貢寮鄉福隆村興隆街40號 (02)2499-2381
九岸海景會館 Joan Resort 臺北縣貢寮鄉仁愛路106巷36號 (02)2490-3955
大東旅社 臺北縣貢寮鄉福隆村興隆街41號 (02)2499-1362
海都旅社 臺北縣貢寮鄉福隆村福隆街25號 (02)2499-1839
驛舍(民宿Homestay) 臺北縣貢寮鄉福隆村惠隆街19號 (02)2499-1552
聽濤居 頭城鎮濱海路6段51巷18號 0972122305
新天新地觀海民宿 頭城鎮合興里濱海路4段96號 (03)9781194
北關農場Beiguan Farm 宜蘭縣頭城鎮更新路205號 (03)9776860
頭城農場 Toucheng Farm宜蘭縣頭城鎮更新路125號 (03) 9772222
河東堂獅子博物館Hedongtang Lion Museum 宜蘭縣頭城鎮濱海路4段36號 (03)9780782
怒濤 宜蘭縣礁溪鄉中正路272號 0933996454 (03)9789089
海天濱海休閒民宿 頭城鎮外澳里濱海路2段387號 (03)9789466
蔚藍海岸 頭城鎮外澳里濱海路2段80號 (03)9775747
真情 頭城鎮外澳里濱海路2段70號 (03)9789916
海灘風情 頭城鎮外澳里濱海路2段68號 (03)9773674
海韻民宿 頭城鎮外澳里濱海路2段61號 (03)9773720
聯絡電話Call for Information
【東北角海岸國家風景區管理處Northeast Coast National Scenic Area Administration, Tourism Bureau】
處本部(福隆)Headquarter(Fulong):02-24991115 ext.# 221, 229 0800-091115 for emergency call
【火車站Train Station】
台北Taipei:02-23110121 0800-233919
基隆Keelung:02-24263743 0800-306101
宜蘭Ilan:03-9323801 0800-397115
【國光客運Guoguang Bus Station】
台北國道客運總站Taipei Intercity Bus Terminal:02-25583060
【基隆客運Keelung Bus Station】
名稱area | 電話telephone | 服務項目services | 活動項目activities | 收費標準fares |
鼻頭港服務區Bitou | (02)24911290 | 停車、海鮮小吃seaffod | 觀潮、聽濤 watch sea | 停車費parking:大客車100,小客車50,機車 20 |
龍洞灣公園Longdongwan Coast Park | (02)24903639 (02)24909258 | 停車、餐飲、紀念品、泳具販售food, souvenir, swimming facilities | 休憩眺景、地質之旅、咖啡品嘗 geology tour, coffee | 停車費parking:小客車50、機車20(不收大客車) 餐飲:咖啡coffee 50~100、便利商店 泳區swimming:全票100、兒童票80(120公分以上)、 團體票50(20人以上)、當地居民免費。 |
名稱area | 電話telephone | 服務項目services | 活動項目activities | 收費標準fares |
龍洞南口海洋公園Longdong South Coast Park | (02)24903711 | 多媒體簡介、解說諮詢導覽、咖啡、簡餐 media guiding, café | 浮潛、觀景、海濱生物觀察、游泳 scuba diving, swimming | 停車費parking:大客車100、小客車50、機車20 入園費entrance:全票100、優待票80(團體30人以上) |
鹽寮海濱公園Yanliao Coastal Park | (02)24903991 | 停車、咖啡、餐飲cafe | 自行車、水景遊憩設施、沙雕、古蹟巡禮 biking, sand dune, historic site | 停車費parking:大客車100、小客車50、機車20 入園費entrance:全票150、優待票100(30人以上團體)、 半票130元(軍警、學生、65歲以上老人) 非旺季off-season entrance:全票90、半票40、優待票50 餐飲:咖啡coffee 60~150 泳區:開放沙灘、不開放水域 |
龍門露營區Longmen Campsite | (02)24991791 | 露營、烤內、住宿、餐飲、咖啡camping, BBQ, café, accommodation | 露營、自行車、直排輪、跳塔、BB槍 camping, biking, in-line skating | 停車費parking:大客車100, 小客車50,機車20 入園費entrance:全票70,優待票50 |
福隆海水浴場Fulong Bathing Beach | (02)24992381 | 住宿、餐飲、戲水accommodation, f&b, swimming | 沙灘排球、賞景、沙雕 volleyball, sand dune | 入園費entrance:全票80、半票50、優待票60 自行車bike 100/次per use |
福隆遊客服務中心Fulong Visitor Center | (02)24991115 ext. 221 | 多媒體簡介、解說諮詢導覽等guiding | 解說展示、互動體驗、木雕館 guiding tour | 自由參觀 free |
石城服務區Shihcheng Recreation Area | (03)9783463 | 咖啡、簡式餐飲café | 眺望龜山島 overlook Kueishan Island | 咖啡coffee:60~150 簡餐(點心類、漢堡、厚片)fast food:40~75 |
大里遊客服務中心Dali Visitor Center | (03)9780727 | 多媒體簡介、解說諮詢導覽等guding | 龜山島、草嶺古道人文解說展示 Caoling Historic Trail | 自由參觀 free |
北關海潮公園Beiguan Park | 0921-649807 | 海鮮小吃、停車seafood | 眺望龜山島、休閒步道 overlook Kueishan Island, leisure trail | 停車費parking:大客車100,小客車50,機車20 |
河東堂獅子博物館Hedongtang Lion Museum | (03)9780782 | 獅子文物導覽解說、海景咖啡廳等 stone lion exhibition, café | 觀海、聽濤、海洋生物探尋、龜山朝日出、後花園兒童遊戲區 watch sea, sunrise of Kueishan Island | Entrance:全票180,半票120,團體全票150,團體半票100 |
北關生態農場 螃蟹博物館 | (03)9772168 | 生態農場、螃蟹博物館、蘭陽小吃 eco farm, Crab Museum, Ilan snacks | 烤肉、當季水果酌量摘取、品茗、放天燈 BBQ, fruit picking, tea, sky lantern | 一日遊one-day tour每人1000 二日逰two-day tour每人1600-2500 |
頭城農場 | (03)9772222 | 住宿、鄉野料理、南洋小吃accommodation, country-style food | 葉拓T-恤、竹藝製作、釣魚fishing | 一日遊one-day tour每人1000 二日逰two-day tour每人1600-2500 |
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