簡介 Introduction
烏來四面環山,風景秀麗,河川、溫泉、瀑布、櫻花楓紅、賞鳥觀蝶、空中纜車、雲仙樂園觀光台車、山地歌舞、原住民文化等是本區的特色。山產、溪魚、溪蝦、小米麻薯、竹桶飯、山胡椒雞湯、月桃飯、小米酒、主題餐飲,樣樣具備。此外,烏來四季有不同風情,在春天,烏來的山櫻花開滿山野,每年3、4月份是櫻花盛開時期;在夏天,烏來沿途有許多戲水地點,是露營、野餐、烤肉、消暑的最佳去處;在秋天,可以觀賞區內多種植物轉紅的濃濃秋意;在冬天,不論是露天浴池或各種養生療泉均能為您驅走一身寒意。 到烏來,一定要泡一泡溫泉,泉質有碳酸泉與碳酸氫鈉泉兩種,具有腸胃病、美膚的療效,可選擇民營的渡假村或浴池,如果不想花錢,可以到南勢溪畔的公共露天溫泉,享受山野泡湯樂趣。
Wulai is the home of Atayal tribespeople, and here you can observe their traditional dances and rituals; if you're interested, you can join in the dancing yourself. You can also enjoy the sight of a gushing waterfall amidst the lush green landscape, or take an exciting cable-car ride across the gorge. Wulai is surrounded on all sides by mountains, a place of beauty and powerful tourist attractions including streams, hot springs, waterfalls, cherry blossoms and red maple leaves, birds and butterflies, a cable car, Yunxian Park, motorized rail pushcarts, and aborigine singing and dancing. Its culinary delights include game animals, river fish and shrimp, millet cakes, bamboo rice, pepper chicken soup, millet wine, and entire theme banquets. In addition, Wulai exhibits a different atmosphere in each season of the year. In the springtime mountain cherry blossoms fill the hillsides, especially in the months of March and April. Summer is the time for playing in the water, camping, picnicking, barbecuing, and generally escaping the torrid heat. Autumn is the time for seeing the leaves of plants in the area turn red and yellow, and winter is the perfect season for relaxing and soaking away your ailments in healthful hot-spring mineral water.
各項票價 Ticket Fares
項目ITEM | 開放時間Open hour /表演場次Show schedule | 票價Fare 全票ADULT | 票價Fare 半票KID | 電話TEL |
台車Motorized rail pushcarts | 08:00am~17:00pm | NT$ 50 | NT$30 | (02)26616495 |
酋長文化村表演Aborigine traditional dances and rituals show ( | 10:40 11:30 14:00 15:00 | NT$200 | NT$150 | (02)26617725 |
雲仙樂園空中纜車 Yun Hsien Holiday Resort Cable Car | 入園Entrance time 08:00~17:00 纜車Cable Car 08:00~20:00 | NT$220 | NT$150 | (02)26616510 |
交通 Transportation
Get off at MRT Xindian Station; turn right from the exit for about 20 meters. Take Xindian Bus at the 1st traffic light(Wen Shan Junior High School).
【新店客運Xindian Bus】(新店客運烏來總站 Xindian Bus (02)26660678 、29188830
青島東路健保大樓Bureau of National Health Insurance Building Station on Qindao E. Rd.→新店客運總站烏來站Xindian Bus Terminus ”Wulai Station”.
去程onward trip 06:20~22:30;返程return trip 05:30~21:30。約15-20分一班running every 15-20 mins,全程60分鐘duration
1. 碧山閣大飯店 Pi Shan Ko Hotel
- 台北縣烏來鄉烏來街79號 79 Wulai St., Wulai village, Wulai,
2. 雲仙渡假樂園 Yun Hsien Hotel
- 台北縣烏來鄉烏來村瀑布路1-1號 1-1 Pubu Rd., Wulai village, Wulai,
3. 秀山飯店 Shou Shan Hotel
- 台北縣烏來鄉烏來村烏來街82號 82 Wulai St., Wulai village, Wulai,
4. 雙鹿溫泉旅社 Shuang lu Hotel
- 台北縣烏來鄉烏來村烏來街129號 129 Wulai St., Wulai village, Wulai,
5. 烏來大飯店 Wulai Hotel
- 台北縣烏來鄉烏來村烏來街8號 8 Wulai St., Wulai village, Wulai,
6. 沙力達渡假溫泉民宿
- 台北縣烏來鄉烏來村西羅岸路37號 37 Xiluoan Rd., Wulai village, Wulai,
7. 巨龍山莊
- 台北縣烏來鄉忠治村堰堤85號 85 Yen-Ti, Chongchi village, Wulai, Taipei
8. 日月光溫泉山莊 The Sun Moon Light Hot Spring
- 台北縣烏來鄉忠治村37號 37 Chongchi village, Wulai, Taipei
( (02)26616677
9. 春秋烏來渡假酒店 Spring Park
- 台北縣烏來鄉忠志村堰堤3號 3 Yanti Rd, Chongchi village, Wulai, Taipei
( (02)26616965
10.璞石麗緻溫泉會館 Pause Landis
旅遊資訊Travel Information
烏來風景特定區管理所Wulai Scenic Administration Office
-台北縣烏來鄉瀑布路34號 34, Pubu Rd., Wulai,
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