


Introduction 簡介

Green Island lies in the Pacific Ocean 33 km east of Taitung City. The island, administered by the Taitung county government, is a mere 16.2 sq. km in size and has a top elevation of 281 meters. Formed by ancient volcanic activity, Green Island is surrounded by coral reefs and sedimentary rock. Wind, tides and time have sculpted many interesting and imposing geological formations around the island.

From the prehistoric relics excavated here, it is known that humans have inhabited Green Island for 3,000 to 4,000 years. The first Han Chinese immigrants arrived about 200 years ago. Since 1931, factories were set up to process dried chipped fish for export to Japan. In 1970, the island developed a booming industry of raising Sika deer, and at one point there were more deer than people on the island. The deer-raising industry has been in decline since 1986, though today the deer are one of Green Island's tourism attractions.

Green Island first came under the management of the East Coast National Scenic Area Administration in 1990. Since then, services and facilities on the island have been steadily improved and the island has become a popular tourist destination.



Scenic Spots 風景據點
Nanliao Village, the administrative and commercial center of Green Island, has quite a few hotels and restaurants to choose from. The village is situated along a coral coast with a long tidal belt. It is also home to the island's biggest fishing harbor, where visitors can buy a wide variety of fresh seafood.
◎Green Island Lighthouse綠島燈塔
The lighthouse, standing an imposing 33 meters high on a promontory at the northern end of the airport runway, is a prominent local landmark. In 1937, a U.S. vessel, the cruise ship President Hoover ran aground on the reef during a violent storm. Valiant rescue attempts by the locals prompted the Americans to finance the construction of the lighthouse as a reward for their efforts the following year.
◎Human Rights Memorial Park人權紀念園區
During the period of martial rule in Taiwan, many political dissidents were imprisoned on Green Island. The prison has since come to symbolize the "White Terror" of political suppression from those darker years. The 25-hectare park includes a Human Rights Monument, which is now a landmark of Green Island, as well as an old prison building—Oasis Village, which has been converted into an exhibition hall showing historical films and displays.
◎Guanyin Cave and Nioutou Hill觀音洞‧牛頭山
Legend has it that about 100 years ago, a fisherman lost at sea saw a strange light emanating from the hillside near Guanyin Cave. This light enabled him to safely reach shore. When the fisherman recounted his tale, the locals searched the area and discovered the cave and a statue-like stone inside. Today, the cave serves as a natural temple. Nioutou (Ox-Head) Hill lies to the north of the cave, and the prairie above the cave is a good place to enjoy the sunset.
Youzihhu lies in a hilltop depression and is the site of the oldest village on Green Island, though no one lives here today. The deserted land and empty houses give one a sense of the ephemeral quality of life. There is a huge sea-sculpted cave where people often come to enjoy the sound of waves.
Haisenping is a bay surrounded by volcanic rocks. A steep 400-meter path, known as the Little Great Wall, leads from the roadside up to a small pagoda that provides the best vantage of the interesting geological formations around the island. Many of these formations are named after objects they resemble, such as the Sleeping Beauty and the Pekingese Dog.
◎Jhaorih Hot Springs朝日溫泉
The Jhaorih Hot Springs has been well known since the late 18th century for their clean, transparent water and ideal temperature, which fluctuates between 60 and 70 degrees centigrade. The springs are fed by seawater and underground water heated by the volcanic lava of Green Island. This is one of only three saltwater hot springs in the world along with the springs on Kyushu Island of Japan and Sicily in Italy. Jhaorih has three open-air pools and a spa pool where visitors can listen to the sound of the surf, enjoy the sunrise, or watch the stars as they soak away the stress.
* Open 24hrs
* Ticket for Hot spring:NT$200, 10% discount for group with more than 20 people.
* Ticket for Entrance only:NT$30.
* :(089)671133
※票 價:溫泉券全票每人新台幣200元,團體(20人以上)九折優惠。
※參 觀 票:每人新台幣30元,不得進入任何溫泉池及SPA池,無團體優惠。
◎Zihping Campground紫坪露營區
Zihping provides elevated camping areas and convenient water and power supply. This is a great place to enjoy the coral reefs, tidal ecology, and water flowers. The reef pemphis, also called the "sea plum", is a protected species., water sports or sightseeing.
◎Diving Areas石朗潛水區
With its clear water and fine weather, Green Island is a popular place for exploring the fascinating undersea world of coral reefs. The most famous of the coral formations in this area is the millenium old "Mushroom Head". The reefs teem with all kinds of fish, making this a diver's paradise. Dabaisha, Shihlang and Caikou are the three best diving areas on the island. Dabaisha has a path for snorkelers, but due to the unpredictable currents this area is more suitable for experienced scuba divers. In the Shihlang and Caikou areas divers and snorkelers can discover a charming underwater world of hard and soft coral as well as a rich variety of fish.

Transportation 交 通

◎By Marine 海運
目前台東富岡港往綠島之客輪均採聯營方式,所有客輪票價皆同一價格,航班時刻依月份不同而有所調整,約為每一小時有一航次往綠島,所有客輪都依輪班方式往來台東與綠島,所以每次搭乘客輪之型別並不一定。若想要搭乘特定客輪時,則需等到它的航次時才能搭乘到。Call for detailed schedule. Get on board from Fugang Port, about 20 minutes away from Taitung City by taxi. :(089)280282、280022ext.9
Fare 票價: NT800 ( round trip )

◎ By Air 空運
Airline Taipei台北 Taitung台東
Far Eastern Air
Airport機場:(02)27151921 Airport機場:
Airport機場:(02)27156969 Reservation訂位:(089)362626
※Taitung台東←→Green Island綠島
Daily Air德安航空
Green Island綠島Reservation訂位:(089)362487、Airport機場:(089)671261
Taitung台東→Green Island綠島 Green Island綠島→Taitung台東
班次 Departure
離場時間 Arrival
到場時間 FLT.#.
班次 Departure
離場時間 Arrival
7301 8:20 8:35 7302 9:00 9:15
7303 12:05 12:20 7304 12:50 13:05
7311 15:55 16:10 7312 16:40 16:55

◎Local Transportation 環島交通
※Liugong Bus:Operated by the Green Island Hsiang Office, starting from Nanliao, traveling the island around for about 2 hours.
Bus Schedule班次:0800 0900 1000 1100 1400 1500 1600 1700
One-day pass票價:NT$100 ,限同一人當天內不限次數使用。
Ticket purchase購票地點:Glass bottom yacht ticketing place at Nanliao harbor
※Motorcycle rental:There is no taxi on the island. Motorcycle is the most convenient transportation to travel the island around. The price for a motorcycle rental is about NT$300 per day.

Accommodation 住宿
Name 飯 店  Add 地 址
綠島之星鹿野山莊 (089)671355 綠島鄉公館村柴口55號
55, Chaikou, Gongguan village, Ludao Shiang
綠山飯店 (089)672243 綠島鄉南寮村南寮102-6號1-2樓
1-2F, 102-6, Nanliao, Nanliao village, Ludao Shiang
公館飯店 (089)672799 綠島鄉公館村2-10號
2-10, Gongguan village, Ludao Shiang
春天民宿 (089)672527 綠島鄉公館村31號
31, Gongguan village, Ludao Shiang
玲華園小木屋 (089)672715 綠島鄉柴口95號
95, Chaikou, Ludao Shiang

More information其他資訊
◎Green Island Visitors‘ Center 綠島遊客中心 :(089)672026-7
opening hours 開放時間:Mon-Sun 全年無休 0830—1700
◎Green Island Office 綠島鄉公所 :(089)672510

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