


【關子嶺遊憩系統Guanzihling Recreational System】
The major tourist spots in the Guanzihling Recreational System area include Guanzihling, Baihe Reservoir, Luliao Reservoir, the Water and Fire Cave, Dasian Temple, Liouchongsi Hot Springs, Yongan Golf Country Club, and Sianhu Leisure Farm. At Guanzihling, one can see the Water and Fire Cave and experience the unique mud springs. At the Baihe lotus farms, one can see small boats full of lotus flowers, and listen to softly sung lotus picking ballades. Dongshan provides mountain climbing, hiking and ecotourism. This is a great place to experience the healthy hot springs, reservoir recreational activities, and lotus industry.
1. 關子嶺腹地廣大,夾處於丘陵和群山之間,四周盡是綠意盎然的景緻,發源自內灣的白水溪匯入溫泉谷,在地熱的作用下溫度攀升。成就出關子嶺特有的溫泉資源。關子嶺溫泉與北投、陽明山、四重溪溫泉,並列台灣4大溫泉區,溫泉泉質相當特殊,為全台灣唯一的「泥質溫泉」,屬鹼性碳酸溫泉,泉水濃濁含有硫磺成分,具滑膩感,溫度約略在75度之間,泉水可浴不可飲,浸泡後全身舒暢,對於皮膚過敏、消除疲勞、腸胃病及風濕關節炎等疾病具有療效,堪稱為渾然天成的養生泉。水火同源又名「水火洞」,名列台灣七景之一和台南縣八景之一,被視為台南縣的觀光櫥窗,聞名遐邇。水火同源位於碧雲寺東南方公里處,依自然定律而言,水火本不相容,然而,此地地質構造特殊,崖壁間有天然氣冒出,經點然後火焰永不熄滅,而崖壁縫隙中同時又有泉水湧出,形成「水中有火,火中有水」的水火同源特殊天然景觀。據聞此景有一神話傳說,於遠古時代,火龍與水虎因意見不合起爭執,搏鬥一爭勝負,卻導致兩敗俱傷,最後「火龍化為火,水虎化為泉」,而成為今日水火同源異象。
2. Baihe Reservoir is located on the east side of Baihe Township, and faces both the northern and southern parts of the Guanzihling Scenic Area. It is on the same tourist route as Guanzihling, and most tourists will visit both these places on the same journey. The reservoir was built in 1965, and provides irrigation, flood prevention, water related industries, natural water supply and tourism. It also provides a spectacular flood discharging scene. It is truly a multi-purpose reservoir. The reservoir lake spans 170 hectares, and there are two small islands in the middle, of a height of below 160 meters. Depending on the raising and lowering of the water levels, the small islands are not always visible. When the water level is low, a boat can be rowed to the islands. Looking into the distance, one can see many blue waves. On the left side of the lake is a small hill with a flat terrain, densely shaded, and suitable for picnics, camping and other recreational activities. Nearby are a flower nursery, car park and shady woods, suitable for hiking and taking in the cool air.
◎嘉義的嘉義客運、新營的新營客運,均有直達關子嶺的般車,平均 30~60分一班。
The Chiayi Transport Company, and the Sinying Transport Company both provide direct buses to Guanzihling from Chiayi and Sinying respectively. The journey takes from 30 to 60 minutes.
At Baihe or Sinying, take the Sinying Transport Company's Nanliao Bus. This bus will take you to Dasian Temple, Biyun Temple and the Water and Fire Cave.
From Sinying and Baihe, take the Sinying or Chiayi Transport Company bus going to Guanzihling, and alight at the Baihe Reservoir Bus Stop.
◎洗心館大旅社Sisinguan Hotel
:白河鎮関嶺里関仔嶺9号 9, Guanzihling, Guanling Village, Baihe Township
◎仁惠山莊溫泉渡假中心 Renhueisingjia Hotel
:白河鎮關嶺里關子嶺10之1號 10-1, Guanzihling, Guanling Village, Baihe Township
◎峰賓大旅社 Fongbin Hotel
:白河鎮關嶺里關子嶺11號 11, Guanzihling, Guanling Village, Baihe Township
◎關仔嶺旅社 Guanzihling Hotel
:白河鎮關嶺里關子嶺20號 20, Guanzihling, Guanling Village, Baihe Township
◎芳谷旅社 Fangu Hotel
:白河鎮關嶺里關子嶺24之11號 24-11, Guanzihling, Guanling Village, Baihe Township
◎景大山莊 Jingda Hotel
:白河鎮關嶺里關子嶺56號56, Guanzihling, Guanling Village, Baihe Township
◎青雅溫泉旅館 Cingya Hot Springs Hotel
:白河鎮關嶺里關子嶺11之12號11-12, Guanzihling, Guanling Village, Baihe Township
◎儷景溫泉會館 Lijing Hot Springs Hotel
:白河鎮關嶺里關子嶺61之5號 61-5, Guanzihling, Guanling Village, Baihe Township
◎麗湯渡假山莊 Litang Resort Hotel
:白河鎮關子嶺22號22, Guanzihling, Baihe Township
◎鴻海大旅社 Honghai Hotel
:白河鎮中正路40號 40, Jhongjheng Road, Baihe Township
◎富國旅社 Fuguo Hotel
:白河鎮新生路15號15, Sinsheng Road, Baihe Township
◎嶺一旅社 Lingyi Hotel
:白河鎮關嶺里關子嶺9-2號 9-2, Guanzihling, Guanling Village, Baihe Township
◎靜樂旅社 Jingle Hotel
:白河鎮關嶺里關子嶺17號17, Guanzihling, Guanling Village, Baihe Township
◎長紅山莊 Changhong Hotel
:白河鎮關嶺里關子嶺15號 15, Guanzihling, Guanling Village, Baihe Township
◎仙湖休閒農場 Sianhu Leisure Farm
:台南縣東山鄉南勢村賀老寮6-2號 6-2, Helaoliao, Nanshih Village, Dongshan Township, Tainan County
◎關仔嶺統茂溫泉會館 Guanzihling Tongmao Hot Springs Hotel
:白河鎮關嶺里關子嶺28號28, Guanzihling, Guanling Village, Baihe Township
◎關仔嶺警光山莊 Guanzihling Jingguang Hotel
:白河鎮關嶺里關子嶺16號16, Guanzihling, Guanling Village, Baihe Township
◎關山嶺泥礦溫泉會館 Guanshanling Mud Springs Hotel
:白河鎮關嶺里關子嶺65-10號65-10, Guanzihling, Guanling Village, Baihe Township
◎鴻都溫泉山莊 Hongdu Hot Springs Hotel
:白河鎮關嶺里12-24號12-24, Guanling Village, Baihe Township
◎桂園山莊 Gueiyuan Hotel
:白河鎮關嶺里94-7號No. 94-7, Guanling Village, Baihe Township
旅遊資詢Travel Information
◎關子嶺風景區Guanziling Scenic Area
:台南縣白河鎮關嶺里Guanling Village, Baihe Township, Tainan County
◎白河水庫Baihe Reservoir
:台南縣白河鎮仙草里1-18號 1-18 Siancao Village, Baihe Township, Tainan County

【烏山頭遊憩系統Wushantou Recreational System】
Major tourist spots in the Lioujia and Guantian areas, which are adjacent to Wushantou Reservoir, include Jianshanpi Reservoir, Wushantou Reservoir, Tainan National University of the Arts, and Tiantan. This system offers picturesque natural scenery, plentiful cultural and historical attractions, the water chestnut industry, and black pottery art. It is also an excellent destination for golfing.
1. 尖山埤水庫風景區佔地21公頃的尖山埤水庫,原是台糖公司新營糖廠的工業水源蓄水庫,水庫量可達300萬立方公尺,目前尖山埤水庫淤積情況日漸嚴重,但由於水庫並不供應灌溉用水,因此台糖公司並未有任何疏浚計畫,經過轉型經營,已成為風景遊樂區,逢週休二日總會吸引不少遊客前往。
The Jianshanpi Reservoir, though small, is exquisite in design. The dining facilities and accommodation are built right next to the reservoir and command a panoramic view of the lake. It is very relaxing and enjoyable place to fish, take a stroll, or go on a sightseeing boat tour. This area also has dairy farms. This is an ideal location for developing dairy farming and lakeside vacation activities.
2. 烏山頭水庫位於六甲鄉與官田鄉交界處,由空中鳥瞰,可見水域蜿蜒曲折,形似珊瑚外觀,故有「珊瑚潭」之美譽。珊瑚潭由30多條的支流匯和而成,蓄水面積近1300公頃,潭中浮著近百座小島與半島,周遭山林面積更廣達4700多公頃,景緻秀麗迷人。烏山頭水庫為嘉南平原灌溉了15萬餘公頃的土地,也帶動的台南縣的觀光旅遊,今日的烏山頭水庫與曾文溪上游的曾文水庫相為串連,透過「水力落差」發電,共同支應大台南地區的民生與工業用水。
Wushantou Reservoir is also named Coral Lake. It’s at the border of Guantian and Liu Chia. The lake is formed with the convergence of over 30 rivers. A reservoir was built here in 1920, which was the largest reservoir construction at that time. There are over 100 isles on the lake. The designer of the reservoir was a Japanese, who was sent to Southeast Asia by the army. After World War II, his wife drowned herself in the reservoir. There is a statue of the Japanese engineer by the reservoir. The reservoir has a special structure and the water flowing out of the reservoir forms a beautiful waterfall. On the left of the waterfall is Kuo Min Hotel, in back of which is a camping site. Beside the lake is Chung Cheng Park, which is on top of a hill. The park overlooks the lake and the mountains beyond. Nearby the lake is temple worshipping Goddess of Mercy and Sakyamuni Buddha.
3. 國立台南藝術大學成立於1996年,學風獨樹一格,力求精緻與專業,校園環境兼具視覺美感與人文氣息,教師均為藝術名家與專業學者,學生參與國內外競賽均獲得大獎,已成為國內藝術專業教育中的優質首選之高等學府。
Sinying Transport Company: Baihe →← Jianan Village (Wushantou Reservoir) →← Tainan
Singnan Transport Company: Tainan→←Sinshih →← Wushantou Reservoir
Take the train to Sinying Railway Station. Then take the Sinying Transport Company bus to Erjhongsi. Alight at Jianshanpi.
Take the train to Tainan Railway Station. Then take the Sinying Transport Company bus going to Lioujia and Baihe. Alight at Jianshanpi.
◎萊加好汽車旅館 Laijiahao Motel
:六甲鄉龜港村龜子港303巷70號 70, Lane 303, Gueizihgang, Gueigang Village, Lioujia Township
◎隆田大旅社 Longtian Hotel
:官田鄉中山路一段118號 118, Jhongshan Road Section 1, Guantian Township
◎珊瑚潭劍橋大飯店 Coral Lake Cambridge Hotel
:官田鄉嘉南村92號 92, Jianan Village, Guantian Township, Tainan County
◎湘源大旅社 Siangyuan Hotel
:台南縣官田鄉新生街126號 126, Sinsheng Street, Guantian Township Tainan County
◎龍門大旅社 Longmen Hotel
:台南縣官田鄉裕民路9號 9, Yuming Road, Guantian Township, Tainan County
◎珊瑚潭劍橋大飯店 Coral Lake Cambridge Hotel
:台南縣官田鄉嘉南村92號(烏山頭水庫風景區內) 92, Jianan Village, Guantian Township, Tainan County (Inside the Wushantou Reservoir Scenic Area)
◎台糖尖山埤江南渡假村 Taiwan Sugar Corporation(TSC) Jianshanpi Jiangnan Resort Village
:台南縣柳營鄉旭山村60號 60, Syushan Village, Liouying Township, Tainan County
◎南元休閒農場 Nan Yuan Leisure Farm
地址:台南縣柳營鄉果毅村南湖25號 25, Nanhu, Guoyi Village, Liouying Township, Tainan County
旅遊資詢Travel Information
◎烏山頭水庫風景區Wushantou Reservoir Scenic Area www.chianan.gov.tw/wusanto
:06-6982103 / 6986388
:台南縣官田鄉嘉南村68~2號 68-2, Jianan Village, Guantian Township, Tainan County
◎尖山埤水庫風景區Jianshanbi Reservoir Scenic Area www.chiensan.com.tw
:台南縣柳營鄉旭山村60號 60, Syushan Village, Liouying Township, Tainan County
◎台南藝術大學Tainan National University of the Arts www.tnnua.edu.tw
:台南縣官田鄉大崎村66號66, Daci Village, Guantian Township, Tainan County

【虎頭埤遊憩系統 Hutoupi Recreational System】
This system is based in and around the town of Sinhua and its major tourist spots include Hutoupi, Jioucengling Garden Recreation Area, Dakeng Leisure Farm, Zoumalai Farm, and Pingpu aboriginal ceremonial sites. This area boasts great resources, such as a rich Pingpu aboriginal culture, rural ecology and historic houses.
The Hutoupi Reservoir lake is peaceful and shimmering with waves. The lakeside is lush with flowers and trees, offering a pleasant place for exercising and bringing a feeling of inner peace.
1. 虎頭埤水庫有台灣第1水庫之稱,建造於西元1846年,水域面積約為27公頃,背山面水,沿岸最高處約有70m,埤面水最深處約有40m,最初用途為灌溉用水庫,供應給500多公頃的農地灌溉用之水源,於西元1906年遭地震後經半年搶修並立碑紀念,同年即列為台灣12勝景之一。西元1939年改列為虎頭埤風景區;於西元1954年由台南縣文獻委員會評選為「虎埤泛月」,是南瀛八大景之一,並有小日月潭的美稱。虎頭埤風景區因為於北回歸線以南,係屬副熱帶季風型氣候,園區內動植物生態相當豐富,鄰近尚有高爾夫球場、觀光草莓園、忠烈祠、騎馬場等遊樂區,亦可順道一遊,秀麗的風光不僅值得您仔細玩賞,更是週休二日度假的最佳選擇。風景區內有8大美景:虎溪釣月、虎嶼歸雲、虎頭倒影、閘口飛泉、江亭坐月、濠上觀魚、水橋虹影、孤嶼螺痕等,各具不同美感與情趣。先總統 蔣公也曾對此地頗為喜愛,使虎頭埤贏得了「小日月潭」的美譽。湖畔四周規劃多項休閒設施,分佈在四公里長的環湖道路旁。主要遊樂設施有:划船碼頭、雙水亭、高爾夫球場、游泳池、跑馬場、露營區、烤肉區、青年活動中心、忠烈祠等。新興的設施有親水遊憩區(親水公園及青少年體能場等)。區內循長達四公里的環湖路程中,有涼亭、餐廳座落於林蔭間可供遊客休憩及提供餐飲服務,另吊橋聯繫湖中小島虎月亭,風光明媚,水色瀲灩,長橋虹影,是台南都會休閒渡假的好選擇。
Hutoupi Reservoir, Taiwan's oldest reservoir, was built in 1846. The water surface area covers around 27 hectares. There are mountains in the background. The water banks reach a height of around 70 meters, and the waters go to a depth of around 40 meters. The reservoir was originally used for irrigation, irrigating over 500 hectares of farm land. In 1906, following an earthquake, it needed urgent repairs, which took six months. A memorial stone was erected at that time. In that same year, it became one of Taiwan's "12 Scenic Panoramas". In 1939, it became known as the Hutoupi Scenic Area. In 1954, Tainan County’s Documents Committee selected “Moonlight on Hutoupi” to be one of the “Eight Nanying Sights”. It was also known as “Little Sun Moon Lake”. Because the Hutoupi Scenic Area is south of the Tropic of Cancer, it has a tropical monsoon climate, giving it a rich animal and plant ecology. There is a golf course, strawberry garden, martyrs shrine, and a horseback riding area nearby. Your journey to the reservoir can easily include a visit to any one of these places. The beautiful scenery will make your visit worthwhile, and this is a popular place to visit on weekends.
2. 走馬瀨農場位於台南縣大內鄉,為台南縣農會所經營產業系統之一環,正當曾文水庫、烏山頭水庫、南橫公路及虎頭埤四大風景區之中心點。民國77年2月開放供國民旅遊,以其自然景觀及農業觀光之獨特內涵一躍為廣受歡迎之度假勝地。〞走馬瀨〞一詞為平埔族語,其姓名考來源有三種傳說:a.地理說:走馬瀨是一塊四面環山的台地,因曾文溪流經此,造成地形上著名的”掘鑿曲流〞,加以溪流切割丘陵,青灰岩惡地形處處,溪水流經其上,自然造成滾滾水瀨,走勢有如奔馬。b.歷史說:荷蘭人據台期間,引進馬匹供民飼養,因管理不善,流落荒野,變成野馬,肆虐農作,荷蘭人因此命令圍捕,集中放飼於”頭社東方不遠一個天然隔絕之山谷”,據推測,此即為”走馬瀨”。c.民俗說:昔日為平埔族部落中心的走馬瀨,住有一位李姓富豪,女兒非常孝順,為了營救被平埔族擄去的父親,許諾下嫁馬頭人,其後子孫改為馬姓,而馬頭人也被後代奉祀為”馬公爺”,畫馬公像頂禮膜拜。不論走馬瀨農場一詞源自於何,其在經縣農會開發後,不僅將單純之農業生產提升為農業與旅遊的產業,更帶動了休閒農業之蓬勃發展,成功的轉型經營已為不爭之事實。
Zoumalai Farm was established for the production of grain, but has now become a tourist recreational area. It was among the first farms to officially have scenic recreation status. For the past 11 years, it has been recognized as a first class park area. It has the honor of being awarded the prize by the Farmers' Association of Taiwan for being a superior recreational farm. Zoumalai Farm, which has an area of 120 hectares, is operated by the Tainan County Farmers' Association. It was the first recreational farm theme park to be established in Taiwan. The farm is an amusement park that integrates grasslands, mountain forests, and rivers, and according to the findings of the National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, it also has abundant natural ecological resources. There are over 150 wild animal species, including six kinds of protected bird species, three kinds of protected amphibious species, one protected mammal species and one protected insect species. This means that they have 11 species of animals that are covered under the Wildlife Conservation Act. The scenery changes seasonally, and the different ecology allows the forest to take on different appearances! The farm is divided into three main sections, namely the main recreational area, the orchard recreational area, and the pasture recreational area. This resort is well designed, and includes many facilities such as a management center, restaurants, farm-style living quarters, pastures, a child amusement area, a fitness center, a mini golf course, a race course, and a camping and barbeque area.
Take the Singnan Transport Company bus from Tainan to Hutoupi. Alight at Hutoupi entrance. Follow the signs to the Hutoupi Scenic area.
Take the Singnan Transport Company bus from Sinhua to Hutoupi, and alight at the Hutoupi bus stop.
◎台南火車站前搭興南客運往玉井(或楠西、甲仙線皆可)→ 玉井站下車轉搭計程車至走馬瀨農場。
Tainan Railway Station → Singnan Transport Company bus to Yujing (or Nansi or Jiasian) → Alight at Yujing bus stop, and take a taxi to Zoumalai Farm
住宿 Accommodation
◎梅園大旅社 Plum Garden Hotel
:台南縣新化鎮中山路180號 180, Jhongshan Road, Sinhua Township
◎金龍溫泉大旅社 Jinlong Hot Springs Hotel
:台南縣新化鎮中興路626號626, Jhongsing Road, Sinhua Township, Tainan County
◎長榮汽車旅館 Changrong Motel
:台南縣新化鎮中山路70號70, Jhongshan Road, Sinhua Township, Tainan County
◎安樂旅社 Anle Hotel
:台南縣新化鎮信義街189號189, Sinyi Street, Sinhua Township, Tainan County
◎東北旅社 Dongbei Hotel
:台南縣新化鎮中山路258巷1號1, Lane 258, Jhongshan Road, Sinhua Township, Tainan County
◎大坑休閒農場 Dakeng Leisure Farm
:台南縣新化鎮大坑里82號 82, Dakeng Village, Sinhua Township, Tainan County
◎走馬瀨農場 Zoumalai Farm
:台南縣大內鄉二溪村唭哩瓦61號 61, Ciliwa, Ersi Village, Danei Township, Tainan County
◎虎頭埤青年活動中心 Hutoubi Youth Activity Center
:06 5902011
:台南縣新化鎮中興路42巷36號36, Lane 42, Zhingsing Rd., Sinhua Township, Tainan County
旅遊資詢Travel Information
◎虎頭埤水庫風景區Hutoubi Reservoir Scenic Area www.tainan.gov.tw
:台南縣新化鎮中興路42巷36號 36, Lane 42, Jhongsing Road, Sinhua Township, Tainan County
開放時間open hours: 8AM~10PM
◎走馬瀨農場Zoumalai Farm www.farm.com.tw
:台南縣大內鄉二溪村唭哩瓦61號61, Ciliwa, Ersi Village, Danei Township, Tainan County
開放時間open hours:平日weekdays 9AM~17PM假日weekends& holidays 8AM~17PM

【曾文遊憩系統Zengwen Recreational System】
The Zengwen Recreational System is based on tourist services in Chiayi County's Dapu, Nansi, and Yujing Townships. It features many major tourist spots including: Zengwen Reservoir, Chiayi Farm, the Jiang Family Historic House, Cingren Park, and Meiling Scenic Area. Zengwen Reservoir is the largest reservoir in Taiwan. It has a vast reservoir lake, enchanting scenery, an abundance of fish products, and plentiful year-round flowers and fruits. It is ideal for holding various thrilling aquatic activities, and suited for developing a varied recreation and tourist industry.
1. 曾文水庫是台灣最大之水庫,台灣最大之人工湖、南台灣開發面積最大的風景區,興建於曾文溪上游,台南、嘉義縣之交界處,主要功能為調節及利用曾文溪水資源以改善嘉南地區之供水效能。曾文水庫集水區面積達481平方公里,比日月潭面積大三分之一左右;蓄水面積為17.1平方公里,由於集水區域廣闊,極目遠眺,碧綠萬頃,壯麗無比,因以「曾水煙波」被列為新南瀛十勝景觀之一。水庫有效蓄水量多達6億立方公尺,當滿庫洩洪之時,三門溢洪道全開,急流飛瀑,有如萬馬奔騰,令人觀止。湖面煙波浩瀚,山光水色,兼具雄壯與秀麗的景觀特色,置身其中,心境豁然開朗,是放鬆心情遊憩的好去處。擁有獨步南台灣的壯麗資源,風景區腹地廣闊,觀光發展條件優越,共規劃了10個活動遊憩區,包括有:管理行政區、溪畔遊樂區、木瓜園旅館區、大壩景觀區、湖濱別墅區等。
Zengwen Reservoir is the largest reservoir and the largest manmade lake in Taiwan. It is also the largest scenic area in southern Taiwan. It is situated in the upper reaches of the Zengwen River, on the borders of Tainan County and Chiayi County. Its main purpose is to regulate and utilize the water resources from the Zengwen River to improve the water productivity of the Jianan area. The mists and ripples of the lake, and the reflection of the mountain scenery on the lake, create a majestic and beautiful landscape. Standing by the lake, one can feel both relaxed and refreshed. With its magnificent resources, unmatched in southern Taiwan, this broad, extensive scenic area has great potential for tourism development. Ten recreational activity centers have been built, including an administrative center, a waterside amusement area, a papaya garden hotel area, a large dam landscape area, and lakeside villas.
2. 嘉義農場濱臨曾文水庫,紅瓦白牆的西班牙式建築,是曾文水庫鄰近最特殊的景點,農場內花木扶疏、綠草如茵,編織出歐式風情。農場內所種植的農產品及高經濟價值作物,才是這裡的主角,如澳洲胡桃、小核荔枝、泰國龍眼、芒果、柳丁等物產十分豐富,呈現多樣的田園風貌。中藥植物園則是這裡的一大特色,分為野生草藥區和中藥標本區,種有枸杞、川七、蘆薈等60多種藥用植物,供遊客賞玩、認識,以達到遇教於樂的目的。駐足湖畔, 瀏覽青山綠水、如畫美景,或與三五好友垂釣,看著天光雲影徘徊,水上煙波縹緲,為國人週休二日的好選擇。
Chiayi Farm, adjoining the shores of Zengwen Reservoir, is made up of Spanish style buildings, with red tiles and white-washed walls. The ornamental flowers and trees on the farm are luxuriant and well-spaced; the green grass is like a blanket, weaving a European style atmosphere. Major features of the farm are the produce and highly economical crops grown there. These abundant crops include Australian walnuts, small litchis, Thai longans, mangos, and oranges. The cultivation of these crops results in a varied scenery. It specializes in growing Chinese medicinal herbs. They are divided into two sections, the wild herbal medicine area and the Chinese medicine specimen area. Over 60 kinds of medicinal herbs are grown here, including Lycium chinensis, chuan ci, and aloes. The guests can enjoy these herbs, and also learn more about them. At the lakeside accommodations, one can view the green mountains and fresh water that have the appearance of a landscape art work, enjoy fishing with friends, watch the clouds moving slowly in the sky, or watch the mist covered waters. These features are the reason why the people of Taiwan love to come here on the weekend.
3. 梅嶺位於楠西鄉灣丘村,舊稱「香蕉山」,後來香蕉沒落為梅樹所取代。經來訪之, 前副總統謝東閔先生見到滿山綻放的梅花,遂改名為「梅嶺」。為台灣最大的梅樹栽培區之一,每年元旦至1月中旬,是梅嶺梅樹開花期,屆時滿山花海,花香四溢,是梅嶺的旅遊旺季。賞梅之餘,拜訪梅嶺也別忘記品嚐遠近馳名的「梅子雞」,以醃製梅子熬煮土雞的料理,為當地的特色餐餚。
Meiling Scenic Area is located in Nansi Township's Wanciou Village. In previous times, it was called Siangjiao Mountain (Banana Mountain), but over time, the banana trees were replaced by plum trees. When the former vice president Sie Dongmin visited this place, he saw that the whole mountain was bursting with plum blossoms, and changed the name to Meiling (plum peak). This is one of Taiwan's largest plum-growing areas. The plum trees blossom every year from New Year's Day until mid January. At this time, the mountain is covered with fragrant plum blossoms. This is Meiling's peak time for tourism. As you admire the abundant blossoms, don’t miss out on the local dish – boiled chicken with salted plums.
4. 跳跳休閒農場栽培各式蔬果,成片麻竹與罕見巨竹林為其特色景觀,農場內豐富多樣的農產與生態資源,促使跳跳休閒農場充滿許多鄉土的驚喜,園區內規劃與四季蔬果盛產結合,推出不同的鄉土活動,例如「麻竹筍」盛產時節(7月~11月),農莊會安排挖竹筍活動,供應最新鮮的麻竹筍大餐。
Tiaotiao Recreation Farm produces a variety of fruits and vegetables. The ma-bamboo (Dendrocalamus latiflorus) and rare giant-bamboo (Gigantochloa) contribute to this landscape. Due to the farm’s abundant and varied crops, as well as its ecological resources, Tiaotiao Recreation Farm is full of local delights. The farm is planned according to the integration of seasonal fruit and vegetable products. It promotes many different local activities, such as “ma-bamboo sprouts” season, (July to November), which includes a bamboo sprouts digging activity, resulting in the freshest of ma-bamboo sprouts dishes.
Singnan Transport Company bus:Tainan → Yongkang → Sinshih → Zoujhen → Yujing → Nansi → Zengwen Reservoir.
◎由嘉義火車站搭嘉義縣公車可達嘉義農場。Chiayi County Public Bus
去程from Chiayi City平日weekdays 13:30、17:00(週五Fridays 17:20);假日weekends & holidays 08:00、13:30、17:00
回程from Chiayi Farm平日weekdays 06:20、16:00;假日weekends & holidays 06:20、10:20、16:00
嘉義縣公車總站Chiayi County Public Bus Main Station :05-2243140
◎由台南市搭興南客運可達嘉義農場。Singnan Transport Company bus
台南←→玉井約30~60分一班車Tainan ←→ Yujing every 30-60 minutes
玉井→農場Yujing → Chiayi Farm 06:00、12:00、15:20
農場→玉井Chiayi Farm → Yujing 08:40、13:55、17:25
興南客運台南站Singnan Transport Company Tainan Station 06-2653121
興南客運玉井站Singnan Transport Company Yujing Station 06-5742005
From Tainan Railway Station, take the Singnan Transport Company bus going to Yujing and Nansi. Then take the Siangjiao Mountain (Banana Mountain) bus, and alight at Meiling Station.
From Tainan Railway Station take the Singnan Transport Company bus. The journey to Yujing Township takes about 30 minutes. Alight at Yujing Main Station, and transfer to the Singnan Transport Company bus going to Dapu Township. Alight at Tiaotiao Recreation Farm. The bus travel time takes about two hours.
興南客運玉井總站往大埔Singnan Transport Company busses from Yujing Main Station to Dapu: 06:00、11:15、13:15
興南客運大埔站往玉井Singnan Transport Company busses from Dapu to Yujing Main Station:08:40、13:25、17:25
From Chiayi Railway Station, take the Chiayi County public bus going to Dapu Township on the Chiayi Farm line. Alight at Tiaotiao Recreation Farm.
嘉義縣公車往大埔Chiayi County Bus from Chiayi to Dapu:08:00、13:30、17:00
大埔往嘉義市公車Chiayi County Bus from Dapu to Chiayi:06:20、10:20、16:00
◎曾文山芙蓉渡假大酒店 Zengwen Hibiscus Resort
:楠西鄉密枝村102-5號102-5, Mijhih Village, Nansi Township
旅遊資詢Travel Information
◎曾文水庫風景區Cengwun Reservoir Scenic Area www.wrasb.gov.tw/TSENGWEN/index.aspx
開放時間open hours:平日weekdays 8AM~1645PM假日延長至weekends to 18PM
◎嘉義農場Chiayi Farm www.chiayifarm.com.tw
:05-2521710 / 2522285
:嘉義縣大埔鄉西興村四鄰3號3, Lin 4, Sising Village, Dapu Township, Chiayi County
◎梅嶺風景區Meiling Scenic Area|
:06ー575-1616楠西郷公所Nansi Township Office
:台南縣楠西鄉灣丘村Wanciou Village, Nansi Township, Tainan
◎跳跳休閒農場Tiaotiao Leisure Farm|
:05-2521529 / 2522005
:嘉義縣大埔鄉西興村1號1, Sising Village, Dapu Township, Chiayi County

【左鎮遊憩系統Zuojhen Recreational System】
Tourism in this system is based in Zuojhen. Zoujhen Township's chalky soil creates a mudstone terrain, resulting in many unique landscapes. The tourists will find the Cailiao Creek fossils and local Pingpu Aboriginal culture enthralling. A fossil of the skull of "Zuojhen Man" has been found in this area. 80% of the people living here can claim Pingpu ancestry. This has resulted in people visiting the local towns and villages in order to seek vestiges of the Pingpu culture. There are also many temples and shrines in this area, as well as rich ecological resources such as the slate-grey mudstone terrain and magma from mud volcanoes. Historic ruins and local wildlife make this tourist area suitable for learning about the local ecology, geology and religion. Visitors can also enjoy the local hot springs.
From Tainan Railway Station, take the Singnan Transport Company bus going to Yujing, Nansi and Zengwen Reservoir. Alight at the Cailiao Fossil Museum.
旅遊資詢Travel Information
菜寮化石館Cailiao Fossil Museum www.gr1es.tnc.edu.tw/~gr81/new_page_10.htm
:台南縣左鎮鄉榮和村61-1號 61-1, Ronghe Village, Zuojhen Township, Tainan County
開放時間open hours:週二下午至週日上午(AM08:30~PM12:00,PM13:30~PM17:00)
The museum is open from Tuesday afternoon to Sunday, mornings 8:30-12:00, afternoons 13:30-17:00. It is closed all day Monday, and on Tuesday mornings.

【聯絡資訊Useful Telephone Numbers】
臺北火車站Taipei Train Station :0800-233919(06:00~24:00)
台南火車站Tainan Train Station :0800-611125(05:00~12:30)
嘉義火車站 Chiayi Train Station :0800-522301(07:00~22:00)
新營火車站 Sinying Train Station :06-6322104
新營客運 Sinying Bus:06-6362812
興南客運 Singnan Bus:06-2653121
台南客運 Tainan Bus:06-2998484(語音查詢)
國光客運 Kuo Kuang Bus臺北西站Taipei W. Station :02-23119893
嘉義車站Chiayi Train Station :05-2222491 台南車站Tainan Train Station :06-2225641
統聯客運 Ubus臺北總站Taipei Terminal:02-2558108 台南車站 Tainan Train Station :06-2268108
台南縣麻豆站MAdou, Tainan:06-5714331 台南縣新營站Sinying, Tainan :06-6590449

◎西拉雅國家風景區轄區境內之新營火車站火車班次甚多,其他觀光據點則不一定,建議由新營火車站下車為中心,有新營客運可搭乘,班次需自行衡量安排。Sinying Train Station is the suggested transit center of transportation.
◎南部地區計程車幾乎以喊價方式載客,上車前務必先瞭解車資多少,雙方同意後再行上車,以免發生不愉快。Bargain the taxi fare and make sure before you get on a taxi.

※※※※※更多資訊請上交通部觀光局西拉雅國家風景區網站查詢For further information about touring in this area, please check on the website of Siraya National Scenic Area Administration:http://www.siraya-nsa.gov.tw/welcome.aspx ※※※※※

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