
Southern Cross-Island Highway 南橫公路

Southern Cross-Island Highway 南橫公路

Introduction 簡介
If you want to enjoy the primitive and natural beauty of this island, to experience the colorful wonders of its mountain scenery, the Southern Cross-Island Highway is your best choice. Since it is far from any population centers, and the public transportation system has not been fully developed, it becomes the least frequented of the island's three major east-west highways. But, to speak from the other side, this also helps to preserve its unspoiled loveliness of nature. It took over four years to construct the highway, which included 61 bridges and 10 tunnels, and the whole project was completed at 1972. During that time, more than 100 brave workers sacrificed their lives so this mountain road could be accomplished. The Southern Cross-Island Highway starts from Peiliao (北寮村) village in Tainan county, then passes over the Central Mountain Range and ends at Tehkao (德高村) village in Taitung county. It is divided into two sections: the western section, from Yuching ( 玉井 ) to Tianchi ( 天池 ), and the eastern section, from Tianchi ( 天池 ) to Haiduan ( 海端 ), which are labeled altogether as No. 20 Provincial Highway on the map. The scenery of the two sections is quite different. The western section is famous for hot springs, stiff valleys and original forests, while the eastern section, cliffs waterfalls and sea of clouds.

Scenic Spots風景據點
From Meishan 110k to Yakou 146K of Tai. 20 Highway of Southern Cross-Island Highway is in the range of Yushan National Park. The altitude rises from 1,014 meters to 2,700 meters at Yakou Daguanshan Tunnel. There is a variety of forest vegetations and landscapes of mid, high altitude.
Jhongjhihguan Old Trail is 3.5kilometers in length and lies from Meishan to Yakou in the southwestern Yushan National Park. It is the upper section from 130.5K to 136K of Southern Cross-Island Highway (Tai. 20 Highway). The construction of the road has minor impact of the trail, so the tails is a better-maintained section of the Guangshan System.
Jhongjhiguan Trail
Jhongjhiguan to Tianchih Trail is located in the warm temperate forest between 1800 and 2400 meters of altitude. The changes of seasons are distinct. When you walk through the trail, all you can see is dense, green old trees. The needle-leaved trees are mainly cedar, Chinese hemlock, and spruce. The broadleaf trees are mainly Theaceae, Lauraceae, and Fagaceae. Near Tianchih, dwarf bamboo dominates the area after the fire. Along the trail are Charcoal Kiln, retaining walls, Wushe cherry trees, police stations that left behind from the Japanese Occupation Era. All of these remains have great value in humanities research. It is quite relaxing to walk through the trail and is most suitable for recreation activity.
Jhongjhiguan Rest Area
It’s located at 130.5K of Southern Cross-Island Highway. It has a parking lot, public toilet facility, chairs, and dining tables. It is an important rest point of the highway. It is also the entrance to Jhongjhiguan-Tianchih Trail.
Jhongjhiguan Police Station
It was the police station during the Japanese Occupation Era. It was established to monitor the Yushueishe of Bunun tribe. There is a explanation booth and several explanation signs. There are also benches for visitors to use.
Charcoal Kiln
It is on a roadside about 3 kilometers away from Tianchih. The kiln was used for heating or hotting water during the Japanese Occupation Era. There is an explanation board behind the kiln.
White Wood
It is at the top of the trail, above Tianchih. It is the division mark of forest and grass slope of the trail. The White Wood was caused by the fire. There is an explanation board beside it and the view is spectacular. View into the north is Yushan Peaks and Yun Peak. Visitors can enjoy the Guangshan Ridge in the east.
It is an important recreation area on the Southern Cross-Island Highway. It is located at 2290 meters above the sea level. Tianchih is a highland lake, and the main lake’s shape is like a heart. Besides a forest in the northeastern side, the rest is occupied by dwarf bamboo. There are also two comparatively small lakes, which only become obvious during the rain season. The edge of the lake has plants like Thwaites, mat-rush, and Hayata.
Changching Shrine
It is located at 135.5K of Southern Cross-Island Highway, above Tianchih. It is a building resembling a temple, and it’s the enshrinement to the spirits of martyr workers during the excavation of the highway. The entrance to the trail is behind the shrine.
Suggested Routes
1. Jhongjhiguan Rest Area (0.2K) → Jhongjhiguan Police Station (0.3K) → Charcoal Kiln (2.5k) → Lonely Wood(0.5k)→ Tianchih(0.1k)→ Changching Shrine
2. Estimated time
Jhongjhiguan Rest Area(30min)→ Jhongjhiguan Police Station (20 min)→ Charcoal Kiln(60 min)→ Lonely Wood (15 min)→ Tianchih(10)→ Changching Shrine





檜谷位於高雄縣,約在台20號省道141公里處,距離天池、長青祠 6公里(約在20號省道公里附近),成群的巨大檜木林立眼前,此即〞檜谷〞,是南橫公路上原始森林景觀最浩大的地方,海拔標高約2454公尺,林間常是雲霧繚繞,更添一份悠然詩意。由天池到檜谷這一段 3公里的路程,為南橫健行精華路段之一。如欲住宿,可聯絡林務局天池員工宿舍,TEL:07-6780006。



利稻--稻是南橫公路東段的一個布農族聚落(約在20號省道 176公里附近),村莊座落在群山環繞的河階台地上,居民多以種植茶及高冷蔬菜維生,由公路上望去,但見紅瓦屋舍排列有序、田野青翠,晨間雲霧裊繞,向晚彩霞斑斕,高山聚落田園景緻之美,如世外桃源。

霧鹿、天龍吊橋--南橫公路利稻到霧鹿間(霧鹿約在20號省道 185公里處),新武呂溪切割造成約9公里的霧鹿峽谷,可說是南橫全線最精采之處。霧鹿峽谷係指海端鄉霧鹿到利稻之間9公里長的「新武呂溪峽谷」,整個峽谷呈「S」型,起點是利稻,中間點是利稻橋,終端則是天龍橋。而峽谷形成的原因,乃是源於關山的高山溪流不斷侵蝕關山連峰於此形成的大斷崖所至。峽谷兩岸斷岩如削、千仞岩壁挺立,且兩壁間的縫隙,流水潺潺。至於公路就沿壁盤旋而上,一路行來,定令您嘆為觀止。

Accommodation 膳宿

住宿點Accommodation 地址 ADD. 電話 TEL.
梅山青年活動中心Meishan Youth Hostel Activity Center 高雄縣桃源鄉梅山村55號
No. 55, Meishan Village,Taoyuan Township, Kaohsiung County (07) 6866166
Yakou Youth Hostel 台東縣海端鄉利稻村3鄰埡口5號
Yakou No.5, Lin 3, Lidao Village, Haiduan Township, Taitung County, (089)6866057
森濤餐飲 高雄縣桃源鄉寶山村111號
No.111,Baoshan Village, Taoyuan Township, Kaohsiung County (07)6894013
摩天農場 台東縣海端鄉利稻村摩天1號
Motian No. 1, Lidao Village
Haiduan Township, Taitung County (089)938056
霧鹿渡假中心 台東縣海端鄉霧鹿村30號
No.30, , Wulu Village,Haiduan Township, Taitung County (089)935056
天龍飯店Chief Spa Hotel 台東縣海端鄉霧鹿村天龍橋1-1號
No. 1-1, Tianlongciao, Wulu Village
Haiduan Township, Taitung County (089)935075~7
野農民宿 台東縣海瑞鄉利稻村文化路3號
No. 3, Wunhua Road, Lidao Village,
Haiduan Township, Taitung County (089)938055
碧山溫泉休閒農莊 台東縣海端鄉霧鹿村4號
No. 4, , Wulu Village,Haiduan Township, Taitung County (089)935021~2
金銘民宿 台東縣海端鄉利稻村40號
No. 40,, Lidao Village,Haiduan Township, Taitung County (089)938027

Transportation 交通
※BUS 搭車
西段West Section
高雄客運318號公車往梅山口Kaohsiung Bus NO.318 to Meishankou
高雄客運Kaohsiung Bus Co. TEL:07-2371230 
06:05 12:15
旅程時間Duration:約4小時15分 about 4 hours and 15 mins
東段East Section
※國光客運台東站Kuoguang Motor Co TEL: (089)322-027
去程:台東Taitung07:10→關山Guanshan 08:10→天池Tianchi12:40
回程:天池Tianchi12:50→關山Guanshan 15:20→台東Taitung16:10
票價Fare : NT$376
旅程時間Duration:約 5時00分 about 5 hours
※鼎東客運Dindong Bus(山線)利稻線各站時刻表 電話TEL:(089)333-023
站名 往利稻To Lidao 站名 往台東To Taitung
台東Taitung 06:20 13:05 利稻Lidao 09:15 15:20
關山Guanshan 07:20 14:05 天龍橋 09:23 15:28
檢查哨 07:35 14:20 霧鹿Wulu 09:31 15:36
新武Sinwu 07:43 14:28 下馬 09:39 15:44
下馬 07:51 14:36 新武Sinwu 09:47 15:52
霧鹿Wulu 07:59 14:44 檢查哨 09:55 16:00
天龍橋 08:07 14:52 關山Guanshan 10:10 16:15
利稻Lidao 08:15 15:00 台東Taitung 11:10 17:15

※ DRIVING 自行開車:
(1)Western section of Southern Cross-Island Provincial Highway: Tainan─Yakou (Provincial Highway 20)
59k 21.7k 14.5k 16k 25k 12k
台南 甲仙 寶來 桃源 梅山口 天池 埡口
(2)Eastern section of Southern Cross-Island Provincial Highway: Taitung --- Yakou (Provincial Highway 20)
47.9k 38.3k 28.3k
台東 關山 利稻 埡口
西段/甲仙-埡口:三區工程處甲仙工務段 (07)6751014
東段/海端-埡口:三區工程處關山工務段 (089)811024

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