Yanshuei Beehive Rockets Festival鹽水蜂炮
北天燈、南蜂炮,已經成為元宵節的重頭戲,因為習俗上,被蜂炮炸過可以去掉霉運,所以每年鹽水蜂炮總是吸引數萬名民眾熱情參與,連國外媒體及友人都趨之若鶩! 每年農曆元月14、15日是最值得鹽水人驕傲,引為自豪的元宵放烽炮。神轎所到之處,鎮民燃放鞭炮,各種烽炮煙火,爆竹沖透雲霄,聲咎如雷,滿天烽火,煙雲罩霧,既美麗、又壯觀。整個鹽水鎮的街道都被炮紙覆蓋著,幾乎看不到柏油路面。遊客來自外國與全省各地,每個人都想親睹元宵夜的熱鬧、緊張、刺激。鹽水武廟又稱「關帝廟創」建於永曆年間,至嘉慶4年(1799)鹿港林文濬因案至台灣府城,召還時因感關帝聖君保佑他平安無事,遂出資改建,始見規模。光緒十一年七、八月間,鹽水街流行難亂瘟疫,當時因醫藥不發達,死者日眾,居民恐慌,祈求關聖帝君解災救難。關聖帝君乃於元宵夜命周倉將軍為前導,帝君神轎後,眾信隨神轎一路燃放鞭炮,遶境大街小巷至天明,將邪魔一掃而除。自此,後代子孫每年均沿習往例,迎請關聖帝君元宵夜出巡。這種當初單純的燃放鞭炮蛻變為「蜂炮」、「炮城」等活動,奠定今日鹽水遠近馳名的民俗特色。居民咸信在元宵當天,身上被炸得炮愈多,來年運勢就會愈旺,所以流傳百年的古老傳說,記得備妥安全帽、口罩和透明眼罩,外加雨衣、膠鞋等標準裝備,在每年元宵前出發到鹽水武廟,享受這一趟蜂炮嘉年華。
The lantern festival in Taiwan is characterized by sky lanterns in the north and beehive firecrackers in the south. Customarily, it is believed that bad luck would go away after one is bombed with beehive firecrackers. Hence, the Yanshuei Beehive Firecracker attracts tens of thousands enthusiastic participants, and even foreign media and visitors are attracted to the event. People in Yenshuei feel most proud on the 14th and 15th day of the first month on the Lunar Calendar because these are days to play beehive firecrackers. Wherever the god's sedan chairs go, town residents light firecrackers, and beehives, fireworks, and sparklers of all kinds shot up through the sky with loud thundering sounds, coming with beautiful misty smokes and lighting up the night sky in a magnificent festive fashion. The streets of entire town of Yenshuei are so densely covered with scarps of firecracker paper that the surface of the asphalt road is hardly seen. Visitors from every corner of the nation and abroad are eager to see for themselves the thrilling and exciting scenery on the evening of Lantern Festival. Yenshuei Military Temple,The temple is also named "Guandi Miao," and was first established in the Yongli Reign Period. In the fourth year of the Jiacing Reign Period (1799), Lin Wun Jyun of Lugang came to Tainan (which was then the capital town of Taiwan) for a legal case. When he was released, he felt greatly thankful for Lord Guan Di's (Guan Gong) blessings and provided capital to refurbish the temple, laying the foundation for the temple's scale today. The custom of lighting beehive firecrackers is said to be deeply linked with the military temple. Legend has it that a plague once occurred in the Yenshuei area during the Guangshu Reign Period and the staggering number of people dying every day caused great panic among the residents. Not knowing what to do with the disease, they had no alternative but to ask gods and Buddha for a solution. Lord Guan Di had always been very efficacious in the local area, so they prayed to him for safety. Lord Guan Di answered to their plea just as expected. He ordered the residents to carry sedan chairs on the evening of the Lantern Festival with Jhou Cang He at the front of the parade team and his statue at the very back and firecrackers lit along the way through every street and lane along the border the Yenshuei area until dawn. After the night of Lantern Festival, the Yenshuei area became safe and the local people decided to make the firecracker parade an annual custom to remember with gratitude the blessings from Lord Guan Di. The custom continued to develop and became the current beehive event on the 14th and 15th day of the first month in the Lunar Calendar every year. Today, the event is hosted by the military temple and considered an annual grand occasion of folk art in the Yenshuei area, leaving glorious records on the history of Yenshuei. For the past one hundred years, the local residents have had the belief that the more firecrackers one is bombed with, the luckier he or she is in the coming new year. So remember to wear a helmet, mask, and transparent eye pads. Raincoats and plastic boots also come as part of the standard garments for the event. Arrive at the Yenshuei military temple well ahead of time, and be ready to enjoy this one-of-a-kind beehive carnival. TEL:(06)6521264
地址LOCATION台南縣鹽水鎮武廟路87號 No.87, Wumiao Rd., Yanshuei Town, Tainan County
By Bus─Take Ubus/Syuejia Line from Taipei Intercity Bus Terminal, get off on Jhongjheng Road in Yanshuei Town.
By Car─Exit Highway #1 at Sinying Interchange. Drive on for about 3 more kilometers toward Yanshuei.
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