Introduction 簡介
Green Island lies in the Pacific Ocean 33 km east of Taitung City. The island, administered by the Taitung county government, is a mere 16.2 sq. km in size and has a top elevation of 281 meters. Formed by ancient volcanic activity, Green Island is surrounded by coral reefs and sedimentary rock. Wind, tides and time have sculpted many interesting and imposing geological formations around the island.
From the prehistoric relics excavated here, it is known that humans have inhabited Green Island for 3,000 to 4,000 years. The first Han Chinese immigrants arrived about 200 years ago. Since 1931, factories were set up to process dried chipped fish for export to Japan. In 1970, the island developed a booming industry of raising Sika deer, and at one point there were more deer than people on the island. The deer-raising industry has been in decline since 1986, though today the deer are one of Green Island's tourism attractions.
Green Island first came under the management of the East Coast National Scenic Area Administration in 1990. Since then, services and facilities on the island have been steadily improved and the island has become a popular tourist destination.
Scenic Spots 風景據點
Nanliao Village, the administrative and commercial center of Green Island, has quite a few hotels and restaurants to choose from. The village is situated along a coral coast with a long tidal belt. It is also home to the island's biggest fishing harbor, where visitors can buy a wide variety of fresh seafood.
◎Green Island Lighthouse綠島燈塔
The lighthouse, standing an imposing 33 meters high on a promontory at the northern end of the airport runway, is a prominent local landmark. In 1937, a U.S. vessel, the cruise ship President Hoover ran aground on the reef during a violent storm. Valiant rescue attempts by the locals prompted the Americans to finance the construction of the lighthouse as a reward for their efforts the following year.
◎Human Rights Memorial Park人權紀念園區
During the period of martial rule in Taiwan, many political dissidents were imprisoned on Green Island. The prison has since come to symbolize the "White Terror" of political suppression from those darker years. The 25-hectare park includes a Human Rights Monument, which is now a landmark of Green Island, as well as an old prison building—Oasis Village, which has been converted into an exhibition hall showing historical films and displays.
◎Guanyin Cave and Nioutou Hill觀音洞‧牛頭山
Legend has it that about 100 years ago, a fisherman lost at sea saw a strange light emanating from the hillside near Guanyin Cave. This light enabled him to safely reach shore. When the fisherman recounted his tale, the locals searched the area and discovered the cave and a statue-like stone inside. Today, the cave serves as a natural temple. Nioutou (Ox-Head) Hill lies to the north of the cave, and the prairie above the cave is a good place to enjoy the sunset.
Youzihhu lies in a hilltop depression and is the site of the oldest village on Green Island, though no one lives here today. The deserted land and empty houses give one a sense of the ephemeral quality of life. There is a huge sea-sculpted cave where people often come to enjoy the sound of waves.
Haisenping is a bay surrounded by volcanic rocks. A steep 400-meter path, known as the Little Great Wall, leads from the roadside up to a small pagoda that provides the best vantage of the interesting geological formations around the island. Many of these formations are named after objects they resemble, such as the Sleeping Beauty and the Pekingese Dog.
◎Jhaorih Hot Springs朝日溫泉
The Jhaorih Hot Springs has been well known since the late 18th century for their clean, transparent water and ideal temperature, which fluctuates between 60 and 70 degrees centigrade. The springs are fed by seawater and underground water heated by the volcanic lava of Green Island. This is one of only three saltwater hot springs in the world along with the springs on Kyushu Island of Japan and Sicily in Italy. Jhaorih has three open-air pools and a spa pool where visitors can listen to the sound of the surf, enjoy the sunrise, or watch the stars as they soak away the stress.
* Open 24hrs
* Ticket for Hot spring:NT$200, 10% discount for group with more than 20 people.
* Ticket for Entrance only:NT$30.
* :(089)671133
※票 價:溫泉券全票每人新台幣200元,團體(20人以上)九折優惠。
※參 觀 票:每人新台幣30元,不得進入任何溫泉池及SPA池,無團體優惠。
◎Zihping Campground紫坪露營區
Zihping provides elevated camping areas and convenient water and power supply. This is a great place to enjoy the coral reefs, tidal ecology, and water flowers. The reef pemphis, also called the "sea plum", is a protected species., water sports or sightseeing.
◎Diving Areas石朗潛水區
With its clear water and fine weather, Green Island is a popular place for exploring the fascinating undersea world of coral reefs. The most famous of the coral formations in this area is the millenium old "Mushroom Head". The reefs teem with all kinds of fish, making this a diver's paradise. Dabaisha, Shihlang and Caikou are the three best diving areas on the island. Dabaisha has a path for snorkelers, but due to the unpredictable currents this area is more suitable for experienced scuba divers. In the Shihlang and Caikou areas divers and snorkelers can discover a charming underwater world of hard and soft coral as well as a rich variety of fish.
Transportation 交 通
◎By Marine 海運
目前台東富岡港往綠島之客輪均採聯營方式,所有客輪票價皆同一價格,航班時刻依月份不同而有所調整,約為每一小時有一航次往綠島,所有客輪都依輪班方式往來台東與綠島,所以每次搭乘客輪之型別並不一定。若想要搭乘特定客輪時,則需等到它的航次時才能搭乘到。Call for detailed schedule. Get on board from Fugang Port, about 20 minutes away from Taitung City by taxi. :(089)280282、280022ext.9
Fare 票價: NT800 ( round trip )
◎ By Air 空運
Airline Taipei台北 Taitung台東
Far Eastern Air
Airport機場:(02)27151921 Airport機場:
Airport機場:(02)27156969 Reservation訂位:(089)362626
※Taitung台東←→Green Island綠島
Daily Air德安航空
Green Island綠島Reservation訂位:(089)362487、Airport機場:(089)671261
Taitung台東→Green Island綠島 Green Island綠島→Taitung台東
班次 Departure
離場時間 Arrival
到場時間 FLT.#.
班次 Departure
離場時間 Arrival
7301 8:20 8:35 7302 9:00 9:15
7303 12:05 12:20 7304 12:50 13:05
7311 15:55 16:10 7312 16:40 16:55
◎Local Transportation 環島交通
※Liugong Bus:Operated by the Green Island Hsiang Office, starting from Nanliao, traveling the island around for about 2 hours.
Bus Schedule班次:0800 0900 1000 1100 1400 1500 1600 1700
One-day pass票價:NT$100 ,限同一人當天內不限次數使用。
Ticket purchase購票地點:Glass bottom yacht ticketing place at Nanliao harbor
※Motorcycle rental:There is no taxi on the island. Motorcycle is the most convenient transportation to travel the island around. The price for a motorcycle rental is about NT$300 per day.
Accommodation 住宿
Name 飯 店 Add 地 址
綠島之星鹿野山莊 (089)671355 綠島鄉公館村柴口55號
55, Chaikou, Gongguan village, Ludao Shiang
綠山飯店 (089)672243 綠島鄉南寮村南寮102-6號1-2樓
1-2F, 102-6, Nanliao, Nanliao village, Ludao Shiang
公館飯店 (089)672799 綠島鄉公館村2-10號
2-10, Gongguan village, Ludao Shiang
春天民宿 (089)672527 綠島鄉公館村31號
31, Gongguan village, Ludao Shiang
玲華園小木屋 (089)672715 綠島鄉柴口95號
95, Chaikou, Ludao Shiang
More information其他資訊
◎Green Island Visitors‘ Center 綠島遊客中心 :(089)672026-7
opening hours 開放時間:Mon-Sun 全年無休 0830—1700
◎Green Island Office 綠島鄉公所 :(089)672510
Orchid Island 蘭 嶼
Orchid Island 蘭 嶼
簡 介Introduction
【五孔洞】五孔洞為一系列的海蝕(門)洞,岩壁上可以清楚的看見海岸升起的痕跡,岩壁上珊瑚化石清晰可見。五個洞口緊鄰形成,每個洞口當地人均賦予不同的名稱,過去是雅美族人所忌諱的地方,洞與洞之間部分可以互通,第一個洞vaRai no volai(蛇窩之意)是蛇的家,第二個洞是休息的地方,第三洞為「相撲洞」,源於朗島與椰油部落角力相撲的地方,傳說兩村人若有事衝突通常在此開始角力相撲於此分出勝負。第五個洞稱之為pangsangsadan意為杵小米之地,傳說附近村莊的老人常在此洞打小米,另外此處也被稱為「惡靈之窩」,早期被歸為婦女孩童不宜久留之禁地。
Like Green Island, Orchid Island (Lanyu) is a volcanic island that was formed of magma erupting from the ocean floor. Because the peaks of the mountains at the northwestern corner of the island resemble red human heads in the crimson rays of the setting sun, it was formerly known as "Redhead Island." The present name refers to the wild orchids that once grew there in abundance. The humid, rainy climate has cloaked the mountainous interior of the island with a thick rain-forest cover, and has provided it with a countless variety of plant and animal life. Coral reefs are distributed around the island and the warm Japan Current also flows by, attracting vast schools of fish that make this a paradise for deep-sea fishing and skin diving.
Yami Culture: The Yami people have always depended primarily on the sea for their livelihood, a fact which is reflected in their unique culture. The men, for example, wear narrow loincloths for convenience when fishing or hunting; they use richly decorated canoes; they traditionally live in semi-subterranean houses for protection against typhoons and the torrid heat of summer; and they perform elaborate ceremonies when they launch a new boat or begin the annual flying fish season. These cultural features, among others, make the Yami intensely interesting to visitors.
Yeyou Village: This is the site of the island's administrative center, township office, middle school, and main bus station. Kaiyuan Harbor, situated on the outskirts of the village, is the island's major gateway for sea transportation--in particular, it is where the boats from Fugang Harbor in Taitung dock. A lighthouse just to the north of the village provides fine views of Orchid Island and the surrounding seas.
.:台東縣蘭嶼鄉椰油村忠孝街295號 (蘭嶼鄉公所) No.295, Jhongsiao Street, Yeyou Village, Lanyu Township, Taitung County :089-732001
【航空By Air】可搭乘飛機往返台東─蘭嶼間Flights between Taitung and Orchid Island
德安航空公司Daily Air:089-362489
【海運By Ferry】目前往返於蘭嶼與台東富崗港口的客輪,並無固定的船班時刻,且大都是乘客以包船的方式進行往返,台東--蘭嶼單程約需兩個半小時至三小時,建議各位遊客欲搭乘客輪前往蘭嶼前,請先與船公司確認時刻及相關注意事項,以免延誤您的行程。
From Fugang Harbor in Taitung, take a ferry to Orchid Island. There’s no regular schedule. Please check before you are heading. It takes about 2.5 to 3 hours for single trip between Taitung and Orchid Island.
【島內交通Transportation on the island】:蘭嶼島內交通大都是以機車及環島公車代步,島上並提供租車及機車出租服務。.椰油村附近的鄉公所為起點,一天有四班,每個村落均設站。 Driving a car or a motorcycle is the most important way to see the island. Or taking a bus or a taxi is another way. Local buses start from Lan Yu Village Office, running 4 times a day.
部落Village 店號Rental 性質Type
紅頭Hong-tou 雯雯機車行 089-732586 機車、轎車motorcycle、car
椰油Ye-yo 海洋國際飯店 089-732166 九人座車van
椰油Ye-yo 顏督軍租車 089-732339 機車motorcycle
野銀Te-yin 拉近 0921207814 計程車taxi
漁人Yu-ren 劉文明 0933694225 汽、機、計程車motorcycle、car、taxi
朗島Lang-dao 李宇真 0928699813 計程車taxi
1.蘭嶼別館The Lan-Yu Hotel :紅頭村45號 45 Hungtou Village :089-731611
2.魚 魚魚 鱻渡假村 :紅頭村136號136 Hungtou Village, :089-731616
3.海洋國際渡假飯店The Orchid Island :椰油村22號 22 Yeyo Village :089-732166
姓名 服務項目 備註
謝慶廣 東清村16號 089-732869 住宿、餐飲、手工藝品、登山 二間二人房、通鋪一間
周彩霞 漁人村41號 089-732554 住宿、餐飲、機、汽車出租、
浮潛裝備出租 三人房三間、四人房二間
黃碧妹 朗島村276號 089-732241 住宿、餐飲、解說 八人房一間、二人房三間
郭月桂 朗島村220號 089-732247 住宿、餐飲 八人房二間
李秋子 朗島村214號 089-732370 住宿、餐飲、環島解說 八人房二間、二人房一間
呂西美 東清村野銀54號 089-732824 住宿、餐飲、登山、環島解說 二人房一間、五人房二間
周錦花 東清村野銀118號 089-732763 住宿、餐飲、浮潛 四人房一間、二人房二間
謝淑婉 東清村野銀116號 089-732933 餐飲
周秀蘭 東清村野銀16號 089-732981 傳統地下屋 六人房一間
李良炎 東清村野銀94號 089-732979
0937748954 住宿、餐飲、登山、環島環說 二人房二間、五人房一間
鍾海鈴 紅頭村3號 089-731601 住宿、餐飲 二人房二間、十人房一間
胡根火 椰油村136號 089-732236 住宿、餐飲、浮潛、機車出租
登山、環島解說 二人房三間、四人房二間
周定頌 東清村野銀980號 089-732980 住宿、餐飲、解說 五人房二間、十二人房一間
施伯光 東清村野銀87號 089-7732893
0933693573 住宿、餐飲、導覽解說 四人房四間、二人房二間
董森永 紅頭村漁人96號 089-732610 住宿、餐飲、導覽解說 二人房二間
呂南花 東清村野銀89號 089-732899 住宿、餐飲、解說 八人房一間、二人房二間
謝福在 東清村野銀41號 089-732976 住宿、餐飲、解說 六人房二間
【Orchid Island Ecologic Culture Service Center 蘭嶼生態文化導覽服務台】
:in Orchid Island Airport 設立於蘭嶼機場
:089-732247 服務時間Service hours 0800~1700 星期一~日daily
【蘭嶼鄉公所Orchid Island Office】
簡 介Introduction
【五孔洞】五孔洞為一系列的海蝕(門)洞,岩壁上可以清楚的看見海岸升起的痕跡,岩壁上珊瑚化石清晰可見。五個洞口緊鄰形成,每個洞口當地人均賦予不同的名稱,過去是雅美族人所忌諱的地方,洞與洞之間部分可以互通,第一個洞vaRai no volai(蛇窩之意)是蛇的家,第二個洞是休息的地方,第三洞為「相撲洞」,源於朗島與椰油部落角力相撲的地方,傳說兩村人若有事衝突通常在此開始角力相撲於此分出勝負。第五個洞稱之為pangsangsadan意為杵小米之地,傳說附近村莊的老人常在此洞打小米,另外此處也被稱為「惡靈之窩」,早期被歸為婦女孩童不宜久留之禁地。
Like Green Island, Orchid Island (Lanyu) is a volcanic island that was formed of magma erupting from the ocean floor. Because the peaks of the mountains at the northwestern corner of the island resemble red human heads in the crimson rays of the setting sun, it was formerly known as "Redhead Island." The present name refers to the wild orchids that once grew there in abundance. The humid, rainy climate has cloaked the mountainous interior of the island with a thick rain-forest cover, and has provided it with a countless variety of plant and animal life. Coral reefs are distributed around the island and the warm Japan Current also flows by, attracting vast schools of fish that make this a paradise for deep-sea fishing and skin diving.
Yami Culture: The Yami people have always depended primarily on the sea for their livelihood, a fact which is reflected in their unique culture. The men, for example, wear narrow loincloths for convenience when fishing or hunting; they use richly decorated canoes; they traditionally live in semi-subterranean houses for protection against typhoons and the torrid heat of summer; and they perform elaborate ceremonies when they launch a new boat or begin the annual flying fish season. These cultural features, among others, make the Yami intensely interesting to visitors.
Yeyou Village: This is the site of the island's administrative center, township office, middle school, and main bus station. Kaiyuan Harbor, situated on the outskirts of the village, is the island's major gateway for sea transportation--in particular, it is where the boats from Fugang Harbor in Taitung dock. A lighthouse just to the north of the village provides fine views of Orchid Island and the surrounding seas.
.:台東縣蘭嶼鄉椰油村忠孝街295號 (蘭嶼鄉公所) No.295, Jhongsiao Street, Yeyou Village, Lanyu Township, Taitung County :089-732001
【航空By Air】可搭乘飛機往返台東─蘭嶼間Flights between Taitung and Orchid Island
德安航空公司Daily Air:089-362489
【海運By Ferry】目前往返於蘭嶼與台東富崗港口的客輪,並無固定的船班時刻,且大都是乘客以包船的方式進行往返,台東--蘭嶼單程約需兩個半小時至三小時,建議各位遊客欲搭乘客輪前往蘭嶼前,請先與船公司確認時刻及相關注意事項,以免延誤您的行程。
From Fugang Harbor in Taitung, take a ferry to Orchid Island. There’s no regular schedule. Please check before you are heading. It takes about 2.5 to 3 hours for single trip between Taitung and Orchid Island.
【島內交通Transportation on the island】:蘭嶼島內交通大都是以機車及環島公車代步,島上並提供租車及機車出租服務。.椰油村附近的鄉公所為起點,一天有四班,每個村落均設站。 Driving a car or a motorcycle is the most important way to see the island. Or taking a bus or a taxi is another way. Local buses start from Lan Yu Village Office, running 4 times a day.
部落Village 店號Rental 性質Type
紅頭Hong-tou 雯雯機車行 089-732586 機車、轎車motorcycle、car
椰油Ye-yo 海洋國際飯店 089-732166 九人座車van
椰油Ye-yo 顏督軍租車 089-732339 機車motorcycle
野銀Te-yin 拉近 0921207814 計程車taxi
漁人Yu-ren 劉文明 0933694225 汽、機、計程車motorcycle、car、taxi
朗島Lang-dao 李宇真 0928699813 計程車taxi
1.蘭嶼別館The Lan-Yu Hotel :紅頭村45號 45 Hungtou Village :089-731611
2.魚 魚魚 鱻渡假村 :紅頭村136號136 Hungtou Village, :089-731616
3.海洋國際渡假飯店The Orchid Island :椰油村22號 22 Yeyo Village :089-732166
姓名 服務項目 備註
謝慶廣 東清村16號 089-732869 住宿、餐飲、手工藝品、登山 二間二人房、通鋪一間
周彩霞 漁人村41號 089-732554 住宿、餐飲、機、汽車出租、
浮潛裝備出租 三人房三間、四人房二間
黃碧妹 朗島村276號 089-732241 住宿、餐飲、解說 八人房一間、二人房三間
郭月桂 朗島村220號 089-732247 住宿、餐飲 八人房二間
李秋子 朗島村214號 089-732370 住宿、餐飲、環島解說 八人房二間、二人房一間
呂西美 東清村野銀54號 089-732824 住宿、餐飲、登山、環島解說 二人房一間、五人房二間
周錦花 東清村野銀118號 089-732763 住宿、餐飲、浮潛 四人房一間、二人房二間
謝淑婉 東清村野銀116號 089-732933 餐飲
周秀蘭 東清村野銀16號 089-732981 傳統地下屋 六人房一間
李良炎 東清村野銀94號 089-732979
0937748954 住宿、餐飲、登山、環島環說 二人房二間、五人房一間
鍾海鈴 紅頭村3號 089-731601 住宿、餐飲 二人房二間、十人房一間
胡根火 椰油村136號 089-732236 住宿、餐飲、浮潛、機車出租
登山、環島解說 二人房三間、四人房二間
周定頌 東清村野銀980號 089-732980 住宿、餐飲、解說 五人房二間、十二人房一間
施伯光 東清村野銀87號 089-7732893
0933693573 住宿、餐飲、導覽解說 四人房四間、二人房二間
董森永 紅頭村漁人96號 089-732610 住宿、餐飲、導覽解說 二人房二間
呂南花 東清村野銀89號 089-732899 住宿、餐飲、解說 八人房一間、二人房二間
謝福在 東清村野銀41號 089-732976 住宿、餐飲、解說 六人房二間
【Orchid Island Ecologic Culture Service Center 蘭嶼生態文化導覽服務台】
:in Orchid Island Airport 設立於蘭嶼機場
:089-732247 服務時間Service hours 0800~1700 星期一~日daily
【蘭嶼鄉公所Orchid Island Office】
Penghu 澎湖風景區
Penghu 澎湖風景區
Introduction 簡介
Penghu is Taiwan's largest offshore island and is situated in between mainland China and Taiwan. It actually comprises 64 small islands and has a combined coastline that stretches more than 300 kilometers. Each season has its own particular scenery, and rich natural and cultural resources are found here. The landscape here is characterized by basaltic rocks, coral reefs, marine erosions, and beaches, while the fishing culture and migratory birds add an extra dimension to the picture.
Scenic Spots景點
*The North Sea Island北海
(1)Jibei sand beach beak (tail):the largest island in Penghu North sea. A golden gulf of several thousands meters stretches out to the sea. The plain blue sky and water with the golden coast, reflect and create a joyful wonder. Along the gulf, there are vacation cottages for accommodation, it is a valued spot for sight-seeing and vacation.
(2)Shianjiau (Danger Reef) Island:located to the south of Jibei and is surrounded by dangerous reefs. The seas around Shianjiau Island teem with life, making this a favorite place for snorkerlers to enjoy the sight of colorful tropical fish and coral.
(3)Gupoyu:situated at the southeast of Jibei, having the most famous Silver Anchory ground of North sea sits at its east. It's coral reef mass and richful undersea resources makes it a pleasant place for you to engage in underwater adventures. Good quality and tasty seaweed is prolific in winter, making Gupo Island the most well-known natural seaweed production area in Taiwan.
*The East Sea Island東海
(1)Baisha ( White Sand ) Islet:named for its pure white-sand beaches. The broad beaches and beautiful underwater scenery on the southwestern side of the islet are especially alluring.
(2)Niaoyu(Bird island):Bird island is a typical basalt-formed island. Residents make their living from the sea, thus real fishing village lives can be seen everywhere.
(3)Yuanbei ( Round Shell ) Island:The northern coast of the island is rimmed with columnar basalt formations, and the northern tip is known as the "Brush pen and Inkstone" because of its special shape.
*Husi Township湖西鄉
(1)Dinggouyu/ basalt reservation aera:Dinggou has an appearance of anchor, and is noted for its basalt formations. The uninhabited island is a haven for sea birds and great colonies of terns. It is also praised as the "Great wall on the sea" and "Guilin on the sea".
(2)Kueibishan Recreation Area:Watching the sunrise and sunset at its peak is a pleasant feeling, during low tide, the exposed dykes creates the best place to walk on waves and collect spiral shellfish. Different from other wave-walking routes, the Quay-bi underwater passage exists no coral reefs and sea lives around so that you need not worry about ruining the ecology while enjoying.
(3)Aimen Beach:The Aimen Beach is formed of coral reef and shell fragments and micro organism. Of such the star shape Foraminifera is the biggest surprise for visitors.
(4)Lintou Park:The expanse of casuarinas and lintou trees here forms a forested landscape. At the right end of the entrance pavement is the Soldier Jhong-lin Shrine. It is the earliest Soldiers' Cemetery in Taiwan area.
(1)Tianhougong( Temple of Goddess):The Temple of Goddess(Tianhougong) at Magong was built in 1592. It is Taiwan's oldest and finest temple, and is classified as the first grade relic.天后宮:為馬公市著名的國家一級古蹟,是廟齡冠居全國的媽祖廟,廟體為唐山名匠精心雕砌而成。
(2)Fongguei Cave:Fongguei Cave "wind-cabinet"-- a kind of Chinese organ. Fongguei Cave is known for the sound of its waves, the blowholes on the shore, and the whistling sound that is produced when the waves recede from the blowholes and suck air down through them. The coast at Fongguei is formed of well-developed columnar basalt and cave-like holes, and with the thunder-like waves sound, creating a majestic view.
(3)Shihli Beach:situated at the southern tip of Fongguei pennisula, it is a stretch of wind-blown sand and dunes more than a kilometer long. With its shallow and clear water and soft sand, it is perfect for water sports.
(4)Guanyinting:The Guanyinting right by the Penghu Bay is a temple that worships the goddess of Guanyin. And because of the strong seasonal wind in winter, the Penghu Bay in front of the temple is chosen as the tournment spot for the International Sailboard Asia Cup. A yacht training center has been constructed as well.
(5)Shuncheng Gate:The Gate is classified as second grade relic, climbing up the Wall enables you to take in the view of the coastal scenery of Magong inner bay.
順承門:為第二級古蹟,臨近馬公港,登城可一覽馬公內港海岸美景 。
(6)Tongpan column basalt:bounded by cliffs made up of well-developed neatly stacked basalt columns. These spectacular formations have given the island its nickname--The Yellow Stone Park of the Penghu. And the nearby seabed is a fine spot for snorkeling.
*Shiyu Township西嶼鄉
(1)Siyu western fort:built in 1887 during the Ching dynasty to protect the Taiwan strait from pirates and marauders. It is classified as first grade relic, surrounded by high walls, has four cannons as well as a tunnel beneath, giving you a breath-taking impression.
(2)Whale Cave:It is regarded as "the Pearl of the Roaring Gate" because of the many natural and cultural features that characterize the Penghu archipelago, it is a "Penghu in miniature". The Hole itself is an eroded columnar basalt formation and is said to resemble a whale when viewed from a distance.
(3)The Trans-ocean Bridge:spans Houmen channel, linking the island of Baisha and Shiyu. At 2,494 meters, it is one of the longest trans-ocean bridges in the Far East.
*The South Sea Island南海
(1)Green turtle habitat reservation area: the establishment of Green turtle habitat reservation area not only provides a perfect stand for the ecological research of Penghu Uang-an Green Turtle, but also becomes a terrain ecological education center.
(2)Mauyu:With a height of 79m above sea level, the Mauyu is the hightest point of the Penghu Archipelagos. It consists of the Big Mauyu and the Little Mauyu. This island is the habitat of over ten thousand swallow gulls. It's a rare bird heaven in the world and has been designated as a sea bird reservation area by the Peng-hu County Government.
(3)Tiantai hill:Tientai Mountain is the highest point on the island. There is a giant rock on the mountain top. Legend has it that the rock is actually the right footstep left by one of the eight deities, Tongbin, lyu. Standing at the peak of the mountain, you are able to master the spectacular scenery--cattle scattered on meadows and matched with a natural bay, it is a paradise on earth thus earning a nickname of "honeymoon" island.
(4)Twin hearts stone weir:sea rocks formed the double heart shape. It was used to be a traditional fishery facility. Its beauty is famous and fascinating, and really deserves a visit.
(5)Great stone-lion recreational area:there's a lion-like huge rock crouching at the cliff. This well is also made of columnar basalts, the kaleidoscopic landscape contributes a marvelous view.
(6)Yueili port recreation area:It faces the Bin Sea in its east, a snow white coral reef fragments beach in the shape of moon. The bay envelops a natural harbor called the "Iuan-lei Harbor" which is supposed to be the original harbor for sea industry of the fishermen in Chimei Island. Columnar basalt around the bay's cliff perform in sprays, flipover and crisscoss fashion, the sight is spectacular.
(7)LittleTaiwan:Nioumuping is a piece of spacious pasture and an excellent spot for camping. And the position of Little Taiwan is instead down below the cliff, it has an appearance similar to Taiwan which is very fasincating.
(8)Seven beauties tomb:it is a relic with a beautiful story about chastity. The legend goes like this: At the beginning of the Ming dynasty, the Japanese invaded the island. At that time, seven girls were washing clothes by the well, not willing to be harassed, they plunged into the well and killed themselves. Villagers then filled the well as a grave. Later, the mound sprouted seven evergreen possessing an unusual fragrance.
(9)Waiting-husband reef:situated at the coast under the Nanhu light house. An expanded pregnant woman-like reef and rock lying on the water. There is a story: once there was a loving couple living on the island. The husband went out to fish and never came back, his wife, with their baby born, jumped into the sea to stay together with her beloved. Countless generations have passed, the stones along the coast miraculously formed into a pregnant-woman like rock, people then named as the Amah Rock.
*航空Air Service
Flight Route
航線 Airline
航空公司 Flight Time & Fare
Magong馬公 Taipei台北
FAT 遠東:02-33935388
TNA復興:02-29724599 50 mins
One way單程:
Magong馬公 Taichung台中
Mandarin Airlines華信:04-26155088 35 mins
One way單程:
Magong馬公 Chiayi嘉義
UNIAIR立榮:05-2862363 30 mins
One way單程:
Magong馬公 Tainan台南
UNIAIR立榮:06-2602811 30 mins
One way單程:
Magong馬公 Kaohsiung高雄
UNIAIR 立榮:07-7911000
TNA復興:07-3359355 30 mins
One way單程:
Magong馬公 Chimei七美
Daily Air德安:06-922-1838
15 mins
One way單程:
Chimei七美 Kaohsiung高雄
Daily Air德安:07-801-4711
06-922-1838 35 mins
One way單程:
*海運Ferry Service
航線 Ferries
客輪 Voyage & Fare
Magong馬公 Kaohsiung高雄
(76 sea miles海浬)
Taiwanline ferry台華輪
Kaohsiung booking高雄售票處:
No.5, Jiexing 1st St., Gushan District, Kaohsiung高雄市鼓山區捷興一街5號
TEL: (07) 5613866
Magong booking馬公售票處:
No.36-1, Linhai Rd., Magong City, Penghu County馬公市臨海路36號之1
TeL: (06)9264087、9263031 Day: 4.5 hrs Night:6 hrs
One way
Chimei七美 Kaohsiung高雄
(58 sea miles海浬) South sea star (Nanhai star)ferry
*Chimei booking七美售票站:
Chimei checkpoint 七美安檢所前
TEL: 0937392241
*Kaohsiung booking高雄售票處:
Kaohsiung harbor bureau 1F booking office 高雄港務局旅運大樓1樓售票處
TEL: (06) 9272376-20,21 2hrs 40 mins
One way
Chiayi Budai嘉義布袋 Magong馬公
(32 sea miles海浬) First today ferry今一之星
*Chiayi booking嘉義售票處:
No.334-1, Zhongzheng Rd., Budai Town, Chiayi County嘉義縣布袋鎮中山路334-1號 TEL: (05)3476210
*Magong booking馬公售票處:
No.36-1, Linhai Rd., Magong City, Penghu County (Magong harbor bureau)
TEL: (06)9260666 about 90 mins
One way
Chiayi Budai嘉義布袋 Magong馬公
(32 sea miles海浬) All-star ferry滿天星
*Chiayi booking嘉義售票處:
No.334-1, Zhongzheng Rd., Budai Town, Chiayi County 嘉義縣布袋鎮中山路334-1號 TEL:(05)3470948
*Magong booking馬公售票處:
No.36-1, Linhai Rd., Magong City,
Penghu County, Magong harbor bureau
樓)TEL:(06)9269721 about 80 mins
One way
Tainan Anping台南安平 Magong 馬公
(52 sea miles海浬)
Today –star ferry今日之星
*Tainan booking台南售票處:
No.16, Lane 23, Xingang Rd., South District, Tainan (Anping tourist service center)台南市南區新港路23巷16號(安平港旅客服務中心) TEL:(06)2618333
*Magong booking馬公售票處:
No.36-1, Linhai Rd., Magong City, Penghu County (Magong harbor bureau)馬公市臨海路36號之1(馬公港務大樓) TEL: (06)9260666 about 120 mins
One way
*Main Island Transportation Guideline澎湖本島交通
(1)City Bus:The bus between Magong Airport and Magong departs approximately every 30 minutes to an hour from 07:20 to 18:50. You can take the bus at the waiting room on the opposite side of the exit of the airport. The bus routes are Hsiyu--Baisha route, Huhsi route, Pengnan route, and Chienshan route. The runs are adjusted according to the schedule of flights. Please contact the Public Bus and Boat Administration at: 9272376 for further information.
公 車:往返機場─馬公,每天早上7點20分到下午6點50分,約每隔半小時到一小時就有一班次。可到機場大廳出口處對面的機場站候車停等候。每天有班次行駛西嶼白沙線、湖西線、澎南線、尖山線。其班次會配合班機時間而有所調整,其餘多為一小時一班車。詳細班車時間請洽 澎湖縣公共車船管理處:06-9272376
(2)Taxi:The charge from the airport to Magong is NT$200 to NT$300, and between NT$120 to NT$150 if booked in advance. Half day tour around the island for six hours costs NT$1,500 and up. Tel:((06)927-6742
(3)Tour Bus:Some local proprietor provides tour buses for 45 seats. The charge is decided by routes: Magong to Chuwan is NTD1,600, Magong through Chuwan to Waian is NTD2,200, Fengkuei included is NTD2,800. Individual tourists are welcome. Hotels you stay can make reservation for you and the charge is NTD100 to NTD150. Air-conditioned or plain buses for 30 or above passengers or lease Please contact the Public Bus and Boat Administration at: 06-9272376
(4)Car rental:Car and motorcycle rentals are available in downtown Magong. The rental charge with a driver is
NT$3,500 for a whole island tour in a 9-person car and NT$ 2500 for an half island tour.
Motorcycle: NT$350~NT$400/ per day
Car: NT$1300 /per day
Van: NT$1800~ / per day
Boarding Places---
Boarding in Chikan or Houliao to the North Sea
Boarding in Chitou, Shakang, Chikan or Longmen to the East Sea
Boarding on Magong 3rd Harbor to the South Sea
遊 艇:
到北海 可在赤崁、後寮乘船
到東海 可在歧頭、沙港、赤崁、龍門乘船
到南海 可在馬公第三漁港乘船
*Transportation between main island and other islands各島嶼交通
(1)Magong--- North Sea Islands:Take buses in Magong and stop at Chikan, Houliau and Chitou wharfs in Paisha, take regular boats or irregular yachts to Jibei, Niaoyu, Yuanpei and uninhabited islands. Uninhabited islands lack of anchoring facilities and are designated as natural preservation regions, so only sea sightseeing is available.
(2)Magong - Internal Sea islands:Tourists can take regular yachts to Tatsang from Magong Yacht Harbor. The voyage takes 30 minutes. Regular boats and irregular yachts sail to Tungpan and Huching from Magong Yacht Harbor and takes about 30 minutes. Because of no accommodation in Tungpan and Huching, tourists need to pay attention to the returning time of boats.
(3)Magong --- South Sea islands:Going Wangan from Magong, you can either take airplanes of Formosa Airlines and Taiwan Airlines, or take regular boats (to and fro once a day), or take irregular yachts. In Wangan, you can take regular boats to Chiangchun Island, Tungyuping Island, Hsiyuping Island and Hua Island (Flower Island). For bird sightseeing in Cat Island, you need to rent a boat. The voyage from Magong to Wangan takes 30 to 70 minutes. Tourist can put up in Wangan.
(4)Magong---Chimei:You can go to and fro Chimei and Magong by flights of Formosa Airlines. You can also take Chimei Boat or Herng An Boat from Magong via Wangan to Chimei, and return to Magong at the same day. The voyage takes about 2 hours. Also, some local yachts sail to Chimei from Magong irregularly.
海上交通有七美輪、恆安輪等由馬公港至望安再 延航至七美,並當日返航馬公,海上航行時間約二小時。另有民營快輪不定期由馬公前往七美。
*The Public Bus and Boat Administration 澎湖縣公共車船管理處 (06)9270334
*The Ferry and Yacht Association澎湖縣渡船遊艇同業公會 (06)9277036
*馬公市Magong City
Hotel飯店 Tel電話 Add地址
I-tung Hotel乙統飯店 (06)921-2166 No.70-6, Da-an shan, Magong City
Ji-mei Vacation Center (06)926-8588 No.36-1, Ling-hai Road, Magong City
Ershin..Hotel二信大飯店 (06)927-8170~9 No.10, Min-shen Road, Magong City
豐家大飯店 FOUNG JIA HOTEL (06)927-8181 No.2, Tong-he Road, Magong City
馬公市同和路 2 號
Chang-chun Hotel長春大飯店 (06)927-3336~8 No.6, Jhong-cheng Road, Magong City馬公市中正路6號
Ha-tian Hotel和田大飯店 (06)926-3936-8 No.2, Min-chxxx Road, Magong City
Bao Hwa Hotel寶華大飯店 (06)927-4881-8 No.2, Jhong-cheng Road, Magong City馬公市中正路2號
China Youths Corps of Penghu救國團澎湖青年活動中心 (06)927-1124-7 No.11, Jhen-shou Road, Magong City
Homestay 民宿 Tel電話 Add地址
Ming-yang Villa名揚山莊 (06)9911113 、0928370079 No.182-8, Jibei village, Baisha Township
*Please visit for more information.
Tourist Information旅遊諮詢
Tourist Service
旅遊服務 Service hours
服務時間 Tel
電話 Add
Penghu Tourist Center澎湖遊客中心 8:00~ 17:00 (06)9216445 171, Guanghua Li, Magong City馬公市光華里171號
Nan Ocean Tourist Service Center
南海遊客服務中心 Mar~Oct
07:00~ 16:00 (06)9264738 25, Xinying Rd., Magong City馬公市新營路25號
North Ocean Tourist Service Center
北海遊客服務中心 8:00~ 17:30 (06)9933082 37-4, Chikan Village, Baisha Shiang白沙鄉赤崁村37之4號
Hou-liao Tourist Service Center
後寮遊客服務中心 8:00~17:30 (06)9933437 104-18, Houliao Village, Baisha Shiang白沙鄉後寮村104之18號
Jibei Tourist Service Center
吉貝遊客服務中心 8:00~ 17:30 (06)9911487 182-2, Jibei Village, Baisha Shiang白沙鄉吉貝村182之2號
Fisherman Island Tourist Service Center漁翁島遊客服務中心 8:00~ 17:30 (06)9982916 1-2, Hengjiao Village, Xiyu Shiang西嶼鄉橫礁村1之2號
Hsiao-men Geology Hall小門地質館 8:00~ 17:30 (06)9982988 西嶼鄉小門村11之12號
Wangan Turtle Tourism Perseverance Center望安綠蠵龜觀光保育中心 8:00~ 17:30 (06)9991368 望安鄉東安村1號之4
Magong Airport Journey Consulting Counter
馬公機場旅遊諮詢櫃檯 8:00~ 18:00 (06)9229127 Magong Airport馬公機場
Introduction 簡介
Penghu is Taiwan's largest offshore island and is situated in between mainland China and Taiwan. It actually comprises 64 small islands and has a combined coastline that stretches more than 300 kilometers. Each season has its own particular scenery, and rich natural and cultural resources are found here. The landscape here is characterized by basaltic rocks, coral reefs, marine erosions, and beaches, while the fishing culture and migratory birds add an extra dimension to the picture.
Scenic Spots景點
*The North Sea Island北海
(1)Jibei sand beach beak (tail):the largest island in Penghu North sea. A golden gulf of several thousands meters stretches out to the sea. The plain blue sky and water with the golden coast, reflect and create a joyful wonder. Along the gulf, there are vacation cottages for accommodation, it is a valued spot for sight-seeing and vacation.
(2)Shianjiau (Danger Reef) Island:located to the south of Jibei and is surrounded by dangerous reefs. The seas around Shianjiau Island teem with life, making this a favorite place for snorkerlers to enjoy the sight of colorful tropical fish and coral.
(3)Gupoyu:situated at the southeast of Jibei, having the most famous Silver Anchory ground of North sea sits at its east. It's coral reef mass and richful undersea resources makes it a pleasant place for you to engage in underwater adventures. Good quality and tasty seaweed is prolific in winter, making Gupo Island the most well-known natural seaweed production area in Taiwan.
*The East Sea Island東海
(1)Baisha ( White Sand ) Islet:named for its pure white-sand beaches. The broad beaches and beautiful underwater scenery on the southwestern side of the islet are especially alluring.
(2)Niaoyu(Bird island):Bird island is a typical basalt-formed island. Residents make their living from the sea, thus real fishing village lives can be seen everywhere.
(3)Yuanbei ( Round Shell ) Island:The northern coast of the island is rimmed with columnar basalt formations, and the northern tip is known as the "Brush pen and Inkstone" because of its special shape.
*Husi Township湖西鄉
(1)Dinggouyu/ basalt reservation aera:Dinggou has an appearance of anchor, and is noted for its basalt formations. The uninhabited island is a haven for sea birds and great colonies of terns. It is also praised as the "Great wall on the sea" and "Guilin on the sea".
(2)Kueibishan Recreation Area:Watching the sunrise and sunset at its peak is a pleasant feeling, during low tide, the exposed dykes creates the best place to walk on waves and collect spiral shellfish. Different from other wave-walking routes, the Quay-bi underwater passage exists no coral reefs and sea lives around so that you need not worry about ruining the ecology while enjoying.
(3)Aimen Beach:The Aimen Beach is formed of coral reef and shell fragments and micro organism. Of such the star shape Foraminifera is the biggest surprise for visitors.
(4)Lintou Park:The expanse of casuarinas and lintou trees here forms a forested landscape. At the right end of the entrance pavement is the Soldier Jhong-lin Shrine. It is the earliest Soldiers' Cemetery in Taiwan area.
(1)Tianhougong( Temple of Goddess):The Temple of Goddess(Tianhougong) at Magong was built in 1592. It is Taiwan's oldest and finest temple, and is classified as the first grade relic.天后宮:為馬公市著名的國家一級古蹟,是廟齡冠居全國的媽祖廟,廟體為唐山名匠精心雕砌而成。
(2)Fongguei Cave:Fongguei Cave "wind-cabinet"-- a kind of Chinese organ. Fongguei Cave is known for the sound of its waves, the blowholes on the shore, and the whistling sound that is produced when the waves recede from the blowholes and suck air down through them. The coast at Fongguei is formed of well-developed columnar basalt and cave-like holes, and with the thunder-like waves sound, creating a majestic view.
(3)Shihli Beach:situated at the southern tip of Fongguei pennisula, it is a stretch of wind-blown sand and dunes more than a kilometer long. With its shallow and clear water and soft sand, it is perfect for water sports.
(4)Guanyinting:The Guanyinting right by the Penghu Bay is a temple that worships the goddess of Guanyin. And because of the strong seasonal wind in winter, the Penghu Bay in front of the temple is chosen as the tournment spot for the International Sailboard Asia Cup. A yacht training center has been constructed as well.
(5)Shuncheng Gate:The Gate is classified as second grade relic, climbing up the Wall enables you to take in the view of the coastal scenery of Magong inner bay.
順承門:為第二級古蹟,臨近馬公港,登城可一覽馬公內港海岸美景 。
(6)Tongpan column basalt:bounded by cliffs made up of well-developed neatly stacked basalt columns. These spectacular formations have given the island its nickname--The Yellow Stone Park of the Penghu. And the nearby seabed is a fine spot for snorkeling.
*Shiyu Township西嶼鄉
(1)Siyu western fort:built in 1887 during the Ching dynasty to protect the Taiwan strait from pirates and marauders. It is classified as first grade relic, surrounded by high walls, has four cannons as well as a tunnel beneath, giving you a breath-taking impression.
(2)Whale Cave:It is regarded as "the Pearl of the Roaring Gate" because of the many natural and cultural features that characterize the Penghu archipelago, it is a "Penghu in miniature". The Hole itself is an eroded columnar basalt formation and is said to resemble a whale when viewed from a distance.
(3)The Trans-ocean Bridge:spans Houmen channel, linking the island of Baisha and Shiyu. At 2,494 meters, it is one of the longest trans-ocean bridges in the Far East.
*The South Sea Island南海
(1)Green turtle habitat reservation area: the establishment of Green turtle habitat reservation area not only provides a perfect stand for the ecological research of Penghu Uang-an Green Turtle, but also becomes a terrain ecological education center.
(2)Mauyu:With a height of 79m above sea level, the Mauyu is the hightest point of the Penghu Archipelagos. It consists of the Big Mauyu and the Little Mauyu. This island is the habitat of over ten thousand swallow gulls. It's a rare bird heaven in the world and has been designated as a sea bird reservation area by the Peng-hu County Government.
(3)Tiantai hill:Tientai Mountain is the highest point on the island. There is a giant rock on the mountain top. Legend has it that the rock is actually the right footstep left by one of the eight deities, Tongbin, lyu. Standing at the peak of the mountain, you are able to master the spectacular scenery--cattle scattered on meadows and matched with a natural bay, it is a paradise on earth thus earning a nickname of "honeymoon" island.
(4)Twin hearts stone weir:sea rocks formed the double heart shape. It was used to be a traditional fishery facility. Its beauty is famous and fascinating, and really deserves a visit.
(5)Great stone-lion recreational area:there's a lion-like huge rock crouching at the cliff. This well is also made of columnar basalts, the kaleidoscopic landscape contributes a marvelous view.
(6)Yueili port recreation area:It faces the Bin Sea in its east, a snow white coral reef fragments beach in the shape of moon. The bay envelops a natural harbor called the "Iuan-lei Harbor" which is supposed to be the original harbor for sea industry of the fishermen in Chimei Island. Columnar basalt around the bay's cliff perform in sprays, flipover and crisscoss fashion, the sight is spectacular.
(7)LittleTaiwan:Nioumuping is a piece of spacious pasture and an excellent spot for camping. And the position of Little Taiwan is instead down below the cliff, it has an appearance similar to Taiwan which is very fasincating.
(8)Seven beauties tomb:it is a relic with a beautiful story about chastity. The legend goes like this: At the beginning of the Ming dynasty, the Japanese invaded the island. At that time, seven girls were washing clothes by the well, not willing to be harassed, they plunged into the well and killed themselves. Villagers then filled the well as a grave. Later, the mound sprouted seven evergreen possessing an unusual fragrance.
(9)Waiting-husband reef:situated at the coast under the Nanhu light house. An expanded pregnant woman-like reef and rock lying on the water. There is a story: once there was a loving couple living on the island. The husband went out to fish and never came back, his wife, with their baby born, jumped into the sea to stay together with her beloved. Countless generations have passed, the stones along the coast miraculously formed into a pregnant-woman like rock, people then named as the Amah Rock.
*航空Air Service
Flight Route
航線 Airline
航空公司 Flight Time & Fare
Magong馬公 Taipei台北
FAT 遠東:02-33935388
TNA復興:02-29724599 50 mins
One way單程:
Magong馬公 Taichung台中
Mandarin Airlines華信:04-26155088 35 mins
One way單程:
Magong馬公 Chiayi嘉義
UNIAIR立榮:05-2862363 30 mins
One way單程:
Magong馬公 Tainan台南
UNIAIR立榮:06-2602811 30 mins
One way單程:
Magong馬公 Kaohsiung高雄
UNIAIR 立榮:07-7911000
TNA復興:07-3359355 30 mins
One way單程:
Magong馬公 Chimei七美
Daily Air德安:06-922-1838
15 mins
One way單程:
Chimei七美 Kaohsiung高雄
Daily Air德安:07-801-4711
06-922-1838 35 mins
One way單程:
*海運Ferry Service
航線 Ferries
客輪 Voyage & Fare
Magong馬公 Kaohsiung高雄
(76 sea miles海浬)
Taiwanline ferry台華輪
Kaohsiung booking高雄售票處:
No.5, Jiexing 1st St., Gushan District, Kaohsiung高雄市鼓山區捷興一街5號
TEL: (07) 5613866
Magong booking馬公售票處:
No.36-1, Linhai Rd., Magong City, Penghu County馬公市臨海路36號之1
TeL: (06)9264087、9263031 Day: 4.5 hrs Night:6 hrs
One way
Chimei七美 Kaohsiung高雄
(58 sea miles海浬) South sea star (Nanhai star)ferry
*Chimei booking七美售票站:
Chimei checkpoint 七美安檢所前
TEL: 0937392241
*Kaohsiung booking高雄售票處:
Kaohsiung harbor bureau 1F booking office 高雄港務局旅運大樓1樓售票處
TEL: (06) 9272376-20,21 2hrs 40 mins
One way
Chiayi Budai嘉義布袋 Magong馬公
(32 sea miles海浬) First today ferry今一之星
*Chiayi booking嘉義售票處:
No.334-1, Zhongzheng Rd., Budai Town, Chiayi County嘉義縣布袋鎮中山路334-1號 TEL: (05)3476210
*Magong booking馬公售票處:
No.36-1, Linhai Rd., Magong City, Penghu County (Magong harbor bureau)
TEL: (06)9260666 about 90 mins
One way
Chiayi Budai嘉義布袋 Magong馬公
(32 sea miles海浬) All-star ferry滿天星
*Chiayi booking嘉義售票處:
No.334-1, Zhongzheng Rd., Budai Town, Chiayi County 嘉義縣布袋鎮中山路334-1號 TEL:(05)3470948
*Magong booking馬公售票處:
No.36-1, Linhai Rd., Magong City,
Penghu County, Magong harbor bureau
樓)TEL:(06)9269721 about 80 mins
One way
Tainan Anping台南安平 Magong 馬公
(52 sea miles海浬)
Today –star ferry今日之星
*Tainan booking台南售票處:
No.16, Lane 23, Xingang Rd., South District, Tainan (Anping tourist service center)台南市南區新港路23巷16號(安平港旅客服務中心) TEL:(06)2618333
*Magong booking馬公售票處:
No.36-1, Linhai Rd., Magong City, Penghu County (Magong harbor bureau)馬公市臨海路36號之1(馬公港務大樓) TEL: (06)9260666 about 120 mins
One way
*Main Island Transportation Guideline澎湖本島交通
(1)City Bus:The bus between Magong Airport and Magong departs approximately every 30 minutes to an hour from 07:20 to 18:50. You can take the bus at the waiting room on the opposite side of the exit of the airport. The bus routes are Hsiyu--Baisha route, Huhsi route, Pengnan route, and Chienshan route. The runs are adjusted according to the schedule of flights. Please contact the Public Bus and Boat Administration at: 9272376 for further information.
公 車:往返機場─馬公,每天早上7點20分到下午6點50分,約每隔半小時到一小時就有一班次。可到機場大廳出口處對面的機場站候車停等候。每天有班次行駛西嶼白沙線、湖西線、澎南線、尖山線。其班次會配合班機時間而有所調整,其餘多為一小時一班車。詳細班車時間請洽 澎湖縣公共車船管理處:06-9272376
(2)Taxi:The charge from the airport to Magong is NT$200 to NT$300, and between NT$120 to NT$150 if booked in advance. Half day tour around the island for six hours costs NT$1,500 and up. Tel:((06)927-6742
(3)Tour Bus:Some local proprietor provides tour buses for 45 seats. The charge is decided by routes: Magong to Chuwan is NTD1,600, Magong through Chuwan to Waian is NTD2,200, Fengkuei included is NTD2,800. Individual tourists are welcome. Hotels you stay can make reservation for you and the charge is NTD100 to NTD150. Air-conditioned or plain buses for 30 or above passengers or lease Please contact the Public Bus and Boat Administration at: 06-9272376
(4)Car rental:Car and motorcycle rentals are available in downtown Magong. The rental charge with a driver is
NT$3,500 for a whole island tour in a 9-person car and NT$ 2500 for an half island tour.
Motorcycle: NT$350~NT$400/ per day
Car: NT$1300 /per day
Van: NT$1800~ / per day
Boarding Places---
Boarding in Chikan or Houliao to the North Sea
Boarding in Chitou, Shakang, Chikan or Longmen to the East Sea
Boarding on Magong 3rd Harbor to the South Sea
遊 艇:
到北海 可在赤崁、後寮乘船
到東海 可在歧頭、沙港、赤崁、龍門乘船
到南海 可在馬公第三漁港乘船
*Transportation between main island and other islands各島嶼交通
(1)Magong--- North Sea Islands:Take buses in Magong and stop at Chikan, Houliau and Chitou wharfs in Paisha, take regular boats or irregular yachts to Jibei, Niaoyu, Yuanpei and uninhabited islands. Uninhabited islands lack of anchoring facilities and are designated as natural preservation regions, so only sea sightseeing is available.
(2)Magong - Internal Sea islands:Tourists can take regular yachts to Tatsang from Magong Yacht Harbor. The voyage takes 30 minutes. Regular boats and irregular yachts sail to Tungpan and Huching from Magong Yacht Harbor and takes about 30 minutes. Because of no accommodation in Tungpan and Huching, tourists need to pay attention to the returning time of boats.
(3)Magong --- South Sea islands:Going Wangan from Magong, you can either take airplanes of Formosa Airlines and Taiwan Airlines, or take regular boats (to and fro once a day), or take irregular yachts. In Wangan, you can take regular boats to Chiangchun Island, Tungyuping Island, Hsiyuping Island and Hua Island (Flower Island). For bird sightseeing in Cat Island, you need to rent a boat. The voyage from Magong to Wangan takes 30 to 70 minutes. Tourist can put up in Wangan.
(4)Magong---Chimei:You can go to and fro Chimei and Magong by flights of Formosa Airlines. You can also take Chimei Boat or Herng An Boat from Magong via Wangan to Chimei, and return to Magong at the same day. The voyage takes about 2 hours. Also, some local yachts sail to Chimei from Magong irregularly.
海上交通有七美輪、恆安輪等由馬公港至望安再 延航至七美,並當日返航馬公,海上航行時間約二小時。另有民營快輪不定期由馬公前往七美。
*The Public Bus and Boat Administration 澎湖縣公共車船管理處 (06)9270334
*The Ferry and Yacht Association澎湖縣渡船遊艇同業公會 (06)9277036
*馬公市Magong City
Hotel飯店 Tel電話 Add地址
I-tung Hotel乙統飯店 (06)921-2166 No.70-6, Da-an shan, Magong City
Ji-mei Vacation Center (06)926-8588 No.36-1, Ling-hai Road, Magong City
Ershin..Hotel二信大飯店 (06)927-8170~9 No.10, Min-shen Road, Magong City
豐家大飯店 FOUNG JIA HOTEL (06)927-8181 No.2, Tong-he Road, Magong City
馬公市同和路 2 號
Chang-chun Hotel長春大飯店 (06)927-3336~8 No.6, Jhong-cheng Road, Magong City馬公市中正路6號
Ha-tian Hotel和田大飯店 (06)926-3936-8 No.2, Min-chxxx Road, Magong City
Bao Hwa Hotel寶華大飯店 (06)927-4881-8 No.2, Jhong-cheng Road, Magong City馬公市中正路2號
China Youths Corps of Penghu救國團澎湖青年活動中心 (06)927-1124-7 No.11, Jhen-shou Road, Magong City
Homestay 民宿 Tel電話 Add地址
Ming-yang Villa名揚山莊 (06)9911113 、0928370079 No.182-8, Jibei village, Baisha Township
*Please visit for more information.
Tourist Information旅遊諮詢
Tourist Service
旅遊服務 Service hours
服務時間 Tel
電話 Add
Penghu Tourist Center澎湖遊客中心 8:00~ 17:00 (06)9216445 171, Guanghua Li, Magong City馬公市光華里171號
Nan Ocean Tourist Service Center
南海遊客服務中心 Mar~Oct
07:00~ 16:00 (06)9264738 25, Xinying Rd., Magong City馬公市新營路25號
North Ocean Tourist Service Center
北海遊客服務中心 8:00~ 17:30 (06)9933082 37-4, Chikan Village, Baisha Shiang白沙鄉赤崁村37之4號
Hou-liao Tourist Service Center
後寮遊客服務中心 8:00~17:30 (06)9933437 104-18, Houliao Village, Baisha Shiang白沙鄉後寮村104之18號
Jibei Tourist Service Center
吉貝遊客服務中心 8:00~ 17:30 (06)9911487 182-2, Jibei Village, Baisha Shiang白沙鄉吉貝村182之2號
Fisherman Island Tourist Service Center漁翁島遊客服務中心 8:00~ 17:30 (06)9982916 1-2, Hengjiao Village, Xiyu Shiang西嶼鄉橫礁村1之2號
Hsiao-men Geology Hall小門地質館 8:00~ 17:30 (06)9982988 西嶼鄉小門村11之12號
Wangan Turtle Tourism Perseverance Center望安綠蠵龜觀光保育中心 8:00~ 17:30 (06)9991368 望安鄉東安村1號之4
Magong Airport Journey Consulting Counter
馬公機場旅遊諮詢櫃檯 8:00~ 18:00 (06)9229127 Magong Airport馬公機場
Yanshuei Beehive Rockets Festival鹽水蜂炮
Yanshuei Beehive Rockets Festival鹽水蜂炮
北天燈、南蜂炮,已經成為元宵節的重頭戲,因為習俗上,被蜂炮炸過可以去掉霉運,所以每年鹽水蜂炮總是吸引數萬名民眾熱情參與,連國外媒體及友人都趨之若鶩! 每年農曆元月14、15日是最值得鹽水人驕傲,引為自豪的元宵放烽炮。神轎所到之處,鎮民燃放鞭炮,各種烽炮煙火,爆竹沖透雲霄,聲咎如雷,滿天烽火,煙雲罩霧,既美麗、又壯觀。整個鹽水鎮的街道都被炮紙覆蓋著,幾乎看不到柏油路面。遊客來自外國與全省各地,每個人都想親睹元宵夜的熱鬧、緊張、刺激。鹽水武廟又稱「關帝廟創」建於永曆年間,至嘉慶4年(1799)鹿港林文濬因案至台灣府城,召還時因感關帝聖君保佑他平安無事,遂出資改建,始見規模。光緒十一年七、八月間,鹽水街流行難亂瘟疫,當時因醫藥不發達,死者日眾,居民恐慌,祈求關聖帝君解災救難。關聖帝君乃於元宵夜命周倉將軍為前導,帝君神轎後,眾信隨神轎一路燃放鞭炮,遶境大街小巷至天明,將邪魔一掃而除。自此,後代子孫每年均沿習往例,迎請關聖帝君元宵夜出巡。這種當初單純的燃放鞭炮蛻變為「蜂炮」、「炮城」等活動,奠定今日鹽水遠近馳名的民俗特色。居民咸信在元宵當天,身上被炸得炮愈多,來年運勢就會愈旺,所以流傳百年的古老傳說,記得備妥安全帽、口罩和透明眼罩,外加雨衣、膠鞋等標準裝備,在每年元宵前出發到鹽水武廟,享受這一趟蜂炮嘉年華。
The lantern festival in Taiwan is characterized by sky lanterns in the north and beehive firecrackers in the south. Customarily, it is believed that bad luck would go away after one is bombed with beehive firecrackers. Hence, the Yanshuei Beehive Firecracker attracts tens of thousands enthusiastic participants, and even foreign media and visitors are attracted to the event. People in Yenshuei feel most proud on the 14th and 15th day of the first month on the Lunar Calendar because these are days to play beehive firecrackers. Wherever the god's sedan chairs go, town residents light firecrackers, and beehives, fireworks, and sparklers of all kinds shot up through the sky with loud thundering sounds, coming with beautiful misty smokes and lighting up the night sky in a magnificent festive fashion. The streets of entire town of Yenshuei are so densely covered with scarps of firecracker paper that the surface of the asphalt road is hardly seen. Visitors from every corner of the nation and abroad are eager to see for themselves the thrilling and exciting scenery on the evening of Lantern Festival. Yenshuei Military Temple,The temple is also named "Guandi Miao," and was first established in the Yongli Reign Period. In the fourth year of the Jiacing Reign Period (1799), Lin Wun Jyun of Lugang came to Tainan (which was then the capital town of Taiwan) for a legal case. When he was released, he felt greatly thankful for Lord Guan Di's (Guan Gong) blessings and provided capital to refurbish the temple, laying the foundation for the temple's scale today. The custom of lighting beehive firecrackers is said to be deeply linked with the military temple. Legend has it that a plague once occurred in the Yenshuei area during the Guangshu Reign Period and the staggering number of people dying every day caused great panic among the residents. Not knowing what to do with the disease, they had no alternative but to ask gods and Buddha for a solution. Lord Guan Di had always been very efficacious in the local area, so they prayed to him for safety. Lord Guan Di answered to their plea just as expected. He ordered the residents to carry sedan chairs on the evening of the Lantern Festival with Jhou Cang He at the front of the parade team and his statue at the very back and firecrackers lit along the way through every street and lane along the border the Yenshuei area until dawn. After the night of Lantern Festival, the Yenshuei area became safe and the local people decided to make the firecracker parade an annual custom to remember with gratitude the blessings from Lord Guan Di. The custom continued to develop and became the current beehive event on the 14th and 15th day of the first month in the Lunar Calendar every year. Today, the event is hosted by the military temple and considered an annual grand occasion of folk art in the Yenshuei area, leaving glorious records on the history of Yenshuei. For the past one hundred years, the local residents have had the belief that the more firecrackers one is bombed with, the luckier he or she is in the coming new year. So remember to wear a helmet, mask, and transparent eye pads. Raincoats and plastic boots also come as part of the standard garments for the event. Arrive at the Yenshuei military temple well ahead of time, and be ready to enjoy this one-of-a-kind beehive carnival. TEL:(06)6521264
地址LOCATION台南縣鹽水鎮武廟路87號 No.87, Wumiao Rd., Yanshuei Town, Tainan County
By Bus─Take Ubus/Syuejia Line from Taipei Intercity Bus Terminal, get off on Jhongjheng Road in Yanshuei Town.
By Car─Exit Highway #1 at Sinying Interchange. Drive on for about 3 more kilometers toward Yanshuei.
北天燈、南蜂炮,已經成為元宵節的重頭戲,因為習俗上,被蜂炮炸過可以去掉霉運,所以每年鹽水蜂炮總是吸引數萬名民眾熱情參與,連國外媒體及友人都趨之若鶩! 每年農曆元月14、15日是最值得鹽水人驕傲,引為自豪的元宵放烽炮。神轎所到之處,鎮民燃放鞭炮,各種烽炮煙火,爆竹沖透雲霄,聲咎如雷,滿天烽火,煙雲罩霧,既美麗、又壯觀。整個鹽水鎮的街道都被炮紙覆蓋著,幾乎看不到柏油路面。遊客來自外國與全省各地,每個人都想親睹元宵夜的熱鬧、緊張、刺激。鹽水武廟又稱「關帝廟創」建於永曆年間,至嘉慶4年(1799)鹿港林文濬因案至台灣府城,召還時因感關帝聖君保佑他平安無事,遂出資改建,始見規模。光緒十一年七、八月間,鹽水街流行難亂瘟疫,當時因醫藥不發達,死者日眾,居民恐慌,祈求關聖帝君解災救難。關聖帝君乃於元宵夜命周倉將軍為前導,帝君神轎後,眾信隨神轎一路燃放鞭炮,遶境大街小巷至天明,將邪魔一掃而除。自此,後代子孫每年均沿習往例,迎請關聖帝君元宵夜出巡。這種當初單純的燃放鞭炮蛻變為「蜂炮」、「炮城」等活動,奠定今日鹽水遠近馳名的民俗特色。居民咸信在元宵當天,身上被炸得炮愈多,來年運勢就會愈旺,所以流傳百年的古老傳說,記得備妥安全帽、口罩和透明眼罩,外加雨衣、膠鞋等標準裝備,在每年元宵前出發到鹽水武廟,享受這一趟蜂炮嘉年華。
The lantern festival in Taiwan is characterized by sky lanterns in the north and beehive firecrackers in the south. Customarily, it is believed that bad luck would go away after one is bombed with beehive firecrackers. Hence, the Yanshuei Beehive Firecracker attracts tens of thousands enthusiastic participants, and even foreign media and visitors are attracted to the event. People in Yenshuei feel most proud on the 14th and 15th day of the first month on the Lunar Calendar because these are days to play beehive firecrackers. Wherever the god's sedan chairs go, town residents light firecrackers, and beehives, fireworks, and sparklers of all kinds shot up through the sky with loud thundering sounds, coming with beautiful misty smokes and lighting up the night sky in a magnificent festive fashion. The streets of entire town of Yenshuei are so densely covered with scarps of firecracker paper that the surface of the asphalt road is hardly seen. Visitors from every corner of the nation and abroad are eager to see for themselves the thrilling and exciting scenery on the evening of Lantern Festival. Yenshuei Military Temple,The temple is also named "Guandi Miao," and was first established in the Yongli Reign Period. In the fourth year of the Jiacing Reign Period (1799), Lin Wun Jyun of Lugang came to Tainan (which was then the capital town of Taiwan) for a legal case. When he was released, he felt greatly thankful for Lord Guan Di's (Guan Gong) blessings and provided capital to refurbish the temple, laying the foundation for the temple's scale today. The custom of lighting beehive firecrackers is said to be deeply linked with the military temple. Legend has it that a plague once occurred in the Yenshuei area during the Guangshu Reign Period and the staggering number of people dying every day caused great panic among the residents. Not knowing what to do with the disease, they had no alternative but to ask gods and Buddha for a solution. Lord Guan Di had always been very efficacious in the local area, so they prayed to him for safety. Lord Guan Di answered to their plea just as expected. He ordered the residents to carry sedan chairs on the evening of the Lantern Festival with Jhou Cang He at the front of the parade team and his statue at the very back and firecrackers lit along the way through every street and lane along the border the Yenshuei area until dawn. After the night of Lantern Festival, the Yenshuei area became safe and the local people decided to make the firecracker parade an annual custom to remember with gratitude the blessings from Lord Guan Di. The custom continued to develop and became the current beehive event on the 14th and 15th day of the first month in the Lunar Calendar every year. Today, the event is hosted by the military temple and considered an annual grand occasion of folk art in the Yenshuei area, leaving glorious records on the history of Yenshuei. For the past one hundred years, the local residents have had the belief that the more firecrackers one is bombed with, the luckier he or she is in the coming new year. So remember to wear a helmet, mask, and transparent eye pads. Raincoats and plastic boots also come as part of the standard garments for the event. Arrive at the Yenshuei military temple well ahead of time, and be ready to enjoy this one-of-a-kind beehive carnival. TEL:(06)6521264
地址LOCATION台南縣鹽水鎮武廟路87號 No.87, Wumiao Rd., Yanshuei Town, Tainan County
By Bus─Take Ubus/Syuejia Line from Taipei Intercity Bus Terminal, get off on Jhongjheng Road in Yanshuei Town.
By Car─Exit Highway #1 at Sinying Interchange. Drive on for about 3 more kilometers toward Yanshuei.
Kenting National park, situated on the southernmost tip of Taiwan(the Hengchun Peninsula), consists of a total area of 32,631 hectares, 17,731 on land and 14,900 on sea. The peninsula's pleasant, oceantempered climate is the origin of the name Hengchun (恆春, Eternal Spring). Blessed with a vast array of physical features --- from bays, lakes, rifes, and coral reefs to grassy plains, hills, and primeval forests --- the park is rich in flora and fauna and in topographical and geological resources. The name 'Kenting' derives from the Ching Dynasty's recruitment, in 1879, of farmers to till the area --- it literally means 'plowman'. The park, as the peninsula, is surrounded on three sides by water --- the Pacific Ocean on the east, the Taiwan Strait to the west, and the Bashi Channel to the south.
1. Kweishan 龜山 --- Houwan 後灣
As visitors enter the park from Shinjie(新街), the first landmark to meet their eyes is Kweishan, or Mount Turtle. Kweishan, a lowlying hill just 72 meters above sea level, gets its name from its shape, similar to a turtle's shell. Houwan, behind Kweishan, is a quiet little fishing village. Park headquarters plans to build a tourist service center here, complete with exhibit rooms, audiovisual equipment, and other explanatory material.
2. Hsiashuiku下水堀 --- Wonliton萬里桐 --- Hsunkuangtsui蟳廣嘴
The offshore coast from Hsiashuiku to Wonlliton, with its clear blue waters, belongs to an oceanic environmental protection area, and the sea bottom here is beautiful and ever changing. The coast from Wonliton to Hsunkuangtsui, which has been designated a future underwater park area, has a shallow, gentle slope teeming with numerous varieties of coral, which form one of the most abundant concentrations on Hengchun peninsula.
3. Guanshan 關山
Guanshan, also called Kaoshanyen(高山巖), is about four kilometers form Hsunkuangtsui. The view from the top, 152 meters above sea level, is broad and vast.
4. Paisha 白砂
Paisha is about two kilometers to the right on the road south from Huanshan to Shanshuichuan. It gets its name from its pure white sandy beach, about 500 meters long and 40 wide. The area is suited year round for swimming, skin diving, sailing, and other kinds of water recreation.
5. Maobitou貓鼻頭 --- Leitashih 雷打石--- Houbihu後壁湖
About 3.5 kilometers from Paisha is Maobitou, or Cat's Tip, which gets its name from the shape of its coral reef coastline. Maobitou is the dividing point between the Taiwan Straits and the Bashi Channel. It and Oluanbi are the two most southerly points of Taiwan.
6. Lungluan Lake 龍鑾潭
Lungluan Lake is about six kilometers from Maobitou. Originally this low-lying area every rainy season turned into a land of lakes and pools, flooding surrounding fields and bringing devastation to farmers. Plans for building a reservoir were made as early as the Japanese Occupation but were never carried out. Then in 1948, after Retrocession, the R.O.C. government appropriated special funds and turned the lake into a reservoir. This not only bolstered water conservancy and irrigation but produced a beautiful scenic area as well.
7. Nanwan 南灣
Nanwan, or South Bay, a little fishing village, is also called Lanwan, or Blue Bay, for its deep blue waters. The soft, clean sandy beach stretches in an arc for some 600 meters and is ideal for swimming, sailing, and sunbathing. However, there is a strong undertow just offshore from the police station, so swimmers should remain within the designated swimming area.
8. Kenting Beach 墾丁海濱
Kenting Beach is about five kilometers from Nanwan. Chinese pioneers from Fukien Province began to settle here as early as the 1860s, and in 1877 the Ch'ing court brought in able-bodied recruits from Chaochow in Kuangtung Province to further open up the land. Kenting, which means 'Plowmen,' was named for those recruited laborers. In front of Kenting Beach is the Bashi Channel and in back is Tachienshan, or Mount Big Point. The beach is perhaps the most beautiful in all Taiwan. The deep blue sea gently laps the white sandy shore, and no dangerous reefs or sharks threaten swimmers offshore. Nearby trees offer cool and refreshing shade, while motels and restaurants along the coast provide food and lodging for tourists.
9. Kenting Ranch 墾丁牧場
This area was originally a settlement of the early Chinese pioneers, but because its dry, windy climate is unsuited to crop raising, it was turned into a ranch in 1904. Since 1958 it has been administered by the Taiwan Provincial Government's Hengchun Livestock Experimental Station. which experiments with sheep and cattle breeding, livestock medicine, and the propagation of forage grasses.
10. Chingwashih 青蛙石
Chingwashih, or Frog Rock, is 61 meters high. Viewed from the observation tower in the Kenting Forest Recreation Area, it looks just like a great green frog about to jump into the sea, and so gets its name. The calm little bay nearby is a fine place for water sports and recreation.
11. Tachienshan 大尖山
Tachienshen, or Mount Big Point, is 318 Meters high. Its appearance varies with the angle and distance from which it is viewed. Up close it looks like a great stone slab, but as seen from Oluanbi it rises boldly out of the surrounding country side and has acquired the epithet of the King of the Southern Peaks. It is the park's most prominent landmark. A footpath from Kinting Ranch leads up to the top, which affords a magnificent view of the ranch's free pasturelands, and the ocean near Nanwan.
12. Kenting Forest Recreation Area 墾丁森林遊樂區
This area, originally inhabited by one of the tribes belonging to the Paiwan aborigine group, was planted during the Japanese Occupation with some 513 species of tropical plants and named the Kenting Tropical Botanical Garden. In 1967 it came under the administration of the Taiwan Forestry Bureau and was renamed Kenting Forest Recreation Area.
13. Sheting Nature park 社頂自然公園
Sheting Nature Park is situated adjacent to the Kenting Forest Recreation Area and covers an area of 128.7 hectares. The trees that grow on the coral outcroppings here have been shaped by the northeast winter winds into bonsai-like creations that make the visitors marvel at the amazing artistry of Nature. The park is also blessed with an abundance of flora and fauna, limestone caves, broad grassy plains, and unusual coral formations, all of great value and interest. Because many of the 329 species of plants that grow here, such as Aristolochiaceae and Rutaceae, are favored by them, the area is home to over 50 types of butterflies, and their gaily colored wings can be seen everywhere fluttering in the breeze. The park is an ideal spot for butterfly fanciers and serious lepidopterists alike.
14. Chuanfanshih 船帆石
About four kilometers south along the newly opened road past Sheting Nature Park , one comes upon a giant boulder set upright in the sea. From a distance it resembles a sailing ship just under way and so gets its name --- Chuanfanshih, or Sail Rock. Up close it suffests to some a profile of former U.S. president Richard Nixon. Chuanfanshih is about 18 meters high. It is actually a piece of older coral that long ago rolled off the nearby tableland down to the sea.
15. Oluanbi park 鵝鑾鼻公園
Oluanbi, famous for its lighthouse and the site of a bronze statue to the late President Chiang Kai-shek, was established as a park on December 25,1982. The park covers 59 hectares of varied and unusual topograghy, with ridges, caves, and curious formations of limestone and coral shaped by wind, waves, sunshine, and rain. Hiking trails crisscross the area like a labyrinth connecting 18 viewpoints of exceptional interest. The scenery is magnificent -- brilliant sky, blue ocean, green trees, white sand, rugged coral reefs, and the distant peak of Tachienshan towering over the tableland covered with flowering sisal.
16. Fengchuisha 風吹砂
Fengchuisha, or Windblown Sand, an interesting stop on the way to Chialoshui, is about seven kilometers from Oluanbi. The neighboring areas are all coral rock. Only here has a mixture of sand red soil producing a natural 'sand river.' Summer rains wash the sand northeast, eventually forming a 70-meter 'sand cascade' from the tableland into the sea. Winter winds blow it back again southwest.
1.墾丁列車Kenting Express
High Speed Rail Kaohsiung Kaohsiung Donggang Fangliao Hengchun Kenting Oluanbi
Zuoying Station Station Airport
班次Interval: 00:00~04:00 45~50分一班 40~50 mins
04:00~24:00 6~20分一班 6~20mins
票價Fare: (行駛一般道路 VIA Provincial Road)高雄車站Kaohsiung Station---墾丁Kenting: NT$298
(行駛快速道路 VIA Expressway )高雄車站Kaohsiung Station---墾丁Kenting: NT$342
行程Duration:(行駛一般道路 VIA Provincial Road)高雄車站Kaohsiung Station---墾丁Kenting: 175mins
(行駛快速道路 VIA Expressway )高雄車站Kaohsiung Station---墾丁Kenting: 130miins
* 由國光客運、高雄客運、屏東客運、中南客運四家客運公司聯營。
Buses co-operate by Kuo Kuang Bus, Kaohsiung Bus, Pingtung Bus, and Chung Nan Bus.
聯營中心Bus Information Inquiry :(07)2357841
國光客運Kuo Kuang Bus : (07)2384880、2352616
高雄客運 Kaohsiung Bus :(07)2371230
屏東客運恆春站 Pingtung Bus(Hengchun Station) :(08)8882900、8891464
中南客運 Chung Nan Bus (07)2358955
* 高鐵左營站發車時刻配合高鐵列車到站時間。
Buses departing from Zuoying Station arrange according to High Speed Rail arrival time.
* 恆春為墾丁國家公園交通轉運中心
Hengchun is the hub of transportation in Kenting National Park
2. 屏東Pingtung-------恆春Hengchun-----墾丁Kenting
07:15 10:20
08:30 11:50
14:00 16:50
15:45 18:40
票價Fare: 屏東Pingtung-------恆春Hengchun NT$242
屏東Pingtung-------墾丁Kenting NT$269
國光客運屏東站 Kuo Kuang Bus (Pingtung Bus Station): (08)7338574
3. 屏東Pingtung--- ----潮州Chaojhou-------恆春Hengchun
05:50 06:00
07:40 08:00
10:00 10:00
12:00 13:00
13:45 14:20
14:50 16:25
20:10 17:40
票價Fare: 屏東Pingtung-------恆春Hengchun NT$242
行程Duration: 2hrs
屏東客運恆春站 Pingtung Bus(Hengchun Station) :(08)8882900、8891464
屏東站 Pingtung Bus(Pingtung Station) :(08)7324103
4. 台北Taipei-------恆春Hengchun-----墾丁Kenting 行程Duration: 7hrs
23:30 13:40 中南客運:(02)25551118、(08)8862519
5. 恆春Hengchun----------墾丁森林遊樂區Kenting National Forest Recreation Area
06:10 06:40
07:30 08:00
12:20 12:50
16:15 16:45 屏東客運恆春站 Pingtung Bus(Hengc hun Station)
17:25 17:55 ( :(08)8882900、8891464
6. 恆春Hengchun---墾丁Kenting---鵝鸞鼻Oluanbi---水蛙窟Shueiwaku
05:50 06:25
12:10 12:45 屏東客運恆春站 Pingtung Bus
17:15 17:45 ( :(08)8882900、8891464
7. 墾丁街車Kenting Shuttle
◎ 橘線Orange Line: 每日行駛,30分鐘一班。 It runs evey 30 minutes, daily.
鵝鸞鼻Oluanbi-----船帆石Chuanfanshih -----墾丁Kenting -----墾管處旅客中心National Park Service Center -----南灣Nanwan -----恆春Hengchun -----台灣牛Taiwan Niu-----海洋生物博物館Marine Biology Museum-----悠活Yoho Hotel
◎ 藍線Blue Line: 假日及寒暑假行駛,40分鐘一班。It runs every 40 minutes on holidays and summer vacation.
恆春Hengchun-----瓊麻館Sisal Exhibition-----後壁湖遊艇碼頭Houbihu Harbor-----貓鼻頭Maobitou
◎ 綠線Green Line: 假日及寒暑假行駛,60分鐘一班。It runs every 60 minutes on holidays and summer vacation.
票價Fare: 上車投幣,基本票價$25,依里程計價(以$5元為累進單位) ;或在屏東客運恆春站購買
Prepare coins for the bus ride. Bus fare starts from NT$25 and changes according to the travel distance. One-day pass (NT$150) is available at Pingtung Bus Hengchun Station.
屏東客運恆春站 Pingtung Bus(Hengchun Station) :(08)8882900、8891464
1. Caesar Park Hotel Kenting 凱撒大飯店
: 6 Kenting Road, Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮墾丁路6號
: (08)8861888
2. Kenting House 墾丁賓館
: 101 Gungyuan Road, Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮墾丁里公園路101號
: (08)8861370~5
3. Howard Beach Resort Kenting 墾丁福華渡假飯店
,: 2 Kenting Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣墾丁路2號
: (08)8862323
4. Chateau Beach Resort, Kenting 夏都大酒店
,: 451 Kenting Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County屏東縣恆春鎮墾丁里墾丁路451號
(: (08)8862345
5. Kenting Youth Activity Center 墾丁青年活動中心
: 17 Kenting Road, Hengchen Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮墾丁路17號
: (08)8861221
6. A-gong Resort House 雅客之家
: 237 Kenting Road, Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮墾丁路237號
(: (08)8861272
7. Kenting Toong Mao Gaoshangcing Hotel 墾丁統茂高山青飯店
: 271 Kenting Road, Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮墾丁路271號
: (08)8861234~8
8. 鴻賓山莊
,: 130 Kending Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County屏東縣恆春鎮墾丁里墾丁路130號
(: (08)8861003
9. Syuhai Hotel 旭海客棧
,: 312 Kending Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮墾丁里墾丁路312號
(: (08)8861063
10. President Health World統一健康世界
,: 230 Oluan Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County屏東縣恆春鎮鵝鑾里鵝鑾路230號
(: (08)8851078,8851088
11. The Swanlake Resort Hotel 墾丁天鵝湖飯店
,: 500 Nanwan Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮南灣路500號
(: (08)8891234
12. Kenting OK Hill Hotel 歐克山莊
: 1000 Chuanfan Rd, Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮船帆路1000號
(: (08)8861601
13. Yoho Beach Club & SPA 墾丁悠活渡假村
,: 27~8 Wanli Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮萬里路27-8號
(: (08)8869999
14. Chinatrust Hotel, Kenting 墾丁中信客棧
,: 1180 Henggong Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County屏東縣恆春鎮恆公路1180號
(: (08)8896589
15. Kenting Holiday Hotel 墾丁假期渡假中心
,: 966 Henggong Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮恆公路966號
(: ( 08)8899999
16. Luxury Hotel 富悅大飯店
,: 18 Lane 117, Hengnan Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮恆南路117巷18號
(: (08)8898888
17. Kenting Maldives Hotel 馬爾地夫大飯店
,: 6 Lane 40, Shengbei Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮省北路40巷69號
(: (08)8898999
18. Jyunwang Hotel 君王大飯店
,: 123 Hengnan Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮恆南路123號
(: (08)8892201,8892636
19. Hengchun PTC Intern Hotel 恆春工商實習旅館
,: 38 Kending Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County屏東縣恆春鎮恆南路38號
(: (08)8891937
20. Herng Chuen Farmer Holiday Hotel 恆農假期渡假飯店
,: 6 Alley 2, Lane 11, Hengnan Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County屏東縣恆春鎮恒南路11巷2弄6號
(: (08)8896060
21. Sinsin Hotel 新新大飯店
,: 108 Jhongjheng Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮中正路108號
(: (08)8892722
22. Longde Hotel 隆德旅客之家
,: 143 Jhongjheng Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮城北里中正路143號
(: (08)8892701
23. Wangfei Hotel 縣城旅遊之家
,: 152 Jhongjheng Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮城北里中正路152號
(: (08)8892801
24. Hengbin Hotel 恆賓旅社
,: 129 Jhongshan Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮城西里中山路129號
(: (08)8892636
25. Hengchun Hotel 恆春大旅社
,: 41 Jhongshan Rd, Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮城南里中山路41號
(: (08)8892101
Kenting National park, situated on the southernmost tip of Taiwan(the Hengchun Peninsula), consists of a total area of 32,631 hectares, 17,731 on land and 14,900 on sea. The peninsula's pleasant, oceantempered climate is the origin of the name Hengchun (恆春, Eternal Spring). Blessed with a vast array of physical features --- from bays, lakes, rifes, and coral reefs to grassy plains, hills, and primeval forests --- the park is rich in flora and fauna and in topographical and geological resources. The name 'Kenting' derives from the Ching Dynasty's recruitment, in 1879, of farmers to till the area --- it literally means 'plowman'. The park, as the peninsula, is surrounded on three sides by water --- the Pacific Ocean on the east, the Taiwan Strait to the west, and the Bashi Channel to the south.
1. Kweishan 龜山 --- Houwan 後灣
As visitors enter the park from Shinjie(新街), the first landmark to meet their eyes is Kweishan, or Mount Turtle. Kweishan, a lowlying hill just 72 meters above sea level, gets its name from its shape, similar to a turtle's shell. Houwan, behind Kweishan, is a quiet little fishing village. Park headquarters plans to build a tourist service center here, complete with exhibit rooms, audiovisual equipment, and other explanatory material.
2. Hsiashuiku下水堀 --- Wonliton萬里桐 --- Hsunkuangtsui蟳廣嘴
The offshore coast from Hsiashuiku to Wonlliton, with its clear blue waters, belongs to an oceanic environmental protection area, and the sea bottom here is beautiful and ever changing. The coast from Wonliton to Hsunkuangtsui, which has been designated a future underwater park area, has a shallow, gentle slope teeming with numerous varieties of coral, which form one of the most abundant concentrations on Hengchun peninsula.
3. Guanshan 關山
Guanshan, also called Kaoshanyen(高山巖), is about four kilometers form Hsunkuangtsui. The view from the top, 152 meters above sea level, is broad and vast.
4. Paisha 白砂
Paisha is about two kilometers to the right on the road south from Huanshan to Shanshuichuan. It gets its name from its pure white sandy beach, about 500 meters long and 40 wide. The area is suited year round for swimming, skin diving, sailing, and other kinds of water recreation.
5. Maobitou貓鼻頭 --- Leitashih 雷打石--- Houbihu後壁湖
About 3.5 kilometers from Paisha is Maobitou, or Cat's Tip, which gets its name from the shape of its coral reef coastline. Maobitou is the dividing point between the Taiwan Straits and the Bashi Channel. It and Oluanbi are the two most southerly points of Taiwan.
6. Lungluan Lake 龍鑾潭
Lungluan Lake is about six kilometers from Maobitou. Originally this low-lying area every rainy season turned into a land of lakes and pools, flooding surrounding fields and bringing devastation to farmers. Plans for building a reservoir were made as early as the Japanese Occupation but were never carried out. Then in 1948, after Retrocession, the R.O.C. government appropriated special funds and turned the lake into a reservoir. This not only bolstered water conservancy and irrigation but produced a beautiful scenic area as well.
7. Nanwan 南灣
Nanwan, or South Bay, a little fishing village, is also called Lanwan, or Blue Bay, for its deep blue waters. The soft, clean sandy beach stretches in an arc for some 600 meters and is ideal for swimming, sailing, and sunbathing. However, there is a strong undertow just offshore from the police station, so swimmers should remain within the designated swimming area.
8. Kenting Beach 墾丁海濱
Kenting Beach is about five kilometers from Nanwan. Chinese pioneers from Fukien Province began to settle here as early as the 1860s, and in 1877 the Ch'ing court brought in able-bodied recruits from Chaochow in Kuangtung Province to further open up the land. Kenting, which means 'Plowmen,' was named for those recruited laborers. In front of Kenting Beach is the Bashi Channel and in back is Tachienshan, or Mount Big Point. The beach is perhaps the most beautiful in all Taiwan. The deep blue sea gently laps the white sandy shore, and no dangerous reefs or sharks threaten swimmers offshore. Nearby trees offer cool and refreshing shade, while motels and restaurants along the coast provide food and lodging for tourists.
9. Kenting Ranch 墾丁牧場
This area was originally a settlement of the early Chinese pioneers, but because its dry, windy climate is unsuited to crop raising, it was turned into a ranch in 1904. Since 1958 it has been administered by the Taiwan Provincial Government's Hengchun Livestock Experimental Station. which experiments with sheep and cattle breeding, livestock medicine, and the propagation of forage grasses.
10. Chingwashih 青蛙石
Chingwashih, or Frog Rock, is 61 meters high. Viewed from the observation tower in the Kenting Forest Recreation Area, it looks just like a great green frog about to jump into the sea, and so gets its name. The calm little bay nearby is a fine place for water sports and recreation.
11. Tachienshan 大尖山
Tachienshen, or Mount Big Point, is 318 Meters high. Its appearance varies with the angle and distance from which it is viewed. Up close it looks like a great stone slab, but as seen from Oluanbi it rises boldly out of the surrounding country side and has acquired the epithet of the King of the Southern Peaks. It is the park's most prominent landmark. A footpath from Kinting Ranch leads up to the top, which affords a magnificent view of the ranch's free pasturelands, and the ocean near Nanwan.
12. Kenting Forest Recreation Area 墾丁森林遊樂區
This area, originally inhabited by one of the tribes belonging to the Paiwan aborigine group, was planted during the Japanese Occupation with some 513 species of tropical plants and named the Kenting Tropical Botanical Garden. In 1967 it came under the administration of the Taiwan Forestry Bureau and was renamed Kenting Forest Recreation Area.
13. Sheting Nature park 社頂自然公園
Sheting Nature Park is situated adjacent to the Kenting Forest Recreation Area and covers an area of 128.7 hectares. The trees that grow on the coral outcroppings here have been shaped by the northeast winter winds into bonsai-like creations that make the visitors marvel at the amazing artistry of Nature. The park is also blessed with an abundance of flora and fauna, limestone caves, broad grassy plains, and unusual coral formations, all of great value and interest. Because many of the 329 species of plants that grow here, such as Aristolochiaceae and Rutaceae, are favored by them, the area is home to over 50 types of butterflies, and their gaily colored wings can be seen everywhere fluttering in the breeze. The park is an ideal spot for butterfly fanciers and serious lepidopterists alike.
14. Chuanfanshih 船帆石
About four kilometers south along the newly opened road past Sheting Nature Park , one comes upon a giant boulder set upright in the sea. From a distance it resembles a sailing ship just under way and so gets its name --- Chuanfanshih, or Sail Rock. Up close it suffests to some a profile of former U.S. president Richard Nixon. Chuanfanshih is about 18 meters high. It is actually a piece of older coral that long ago rolled off the nearby tableland down to the sea.
15. Oluanbi park 鵝鑾鼻公園
Oluanbi, famous for its lighthouse and the site of a bronze statue to the late President Chiang Kai-shek, was established as a park on December 25,1982. The park covers 59 hectares of varied and unusual topograghy, with ridges, caves, and curious formations of limestone and coral shaped by wind, waves, sunshine, and rain. Hiking trails crisscross the area like a labyrinth connecting 18 viewpoints of exceptional interest. The scenery is magnificent -- brilliant sky, blue ocean, green trees, white sand, rugged coral reefs, and the distant peak of Tachienshan towering over the tableland covered with flowering sisal.
16. Fengchuisha 風吹砂
Fengchuisha, or Windblown Sand, an interesting stop on the way to Chialoshui, is about seven kilometers from Oluanbi. The neighboring areas are all coral rock. Only here has a mixture of sand red soil producing a natural 'sand river.' Summer rains wash the sand northeast, eventually forming a 70-meter 'sand cascade' from the tableland into the sea. Winter winds blow it back again southwest.
1.墾丁列車Kenting Express
High Speed Rail Kaohsiung Kaohsiung Donggang Fangliao Hengchun Kenting Oluanbi
Zuoying Station Station Airport
班次Interval: 00:00~04:00 45~50分一班 40~50 mins
04:00~24:00 6~20分一班 6~20mins
票價Fare: (行駛一般道路 VIA Provincial Road)高雄車站Kaohsiung Station---墾丁Kenting: NT$298
(行駛快速道路 VIA Expressway )高雄車站Kaohsiung Station---墾丁Kenting: NT$342
行程Duration:(行駛一般道路 VIA Provincial Road)高雄車站Kaohsiung Station---墾丁Kenting: 175mins
(行駛快速道路 VIA Expressway )高雄車站Kaohsiung Station---墾丁Kenting: 130miins
* 由國光客運、高雄客運、屏東客運、中南客運四家客運公司聯營。
Buses co-operate by Kuo Kuang Bus, Kaohsiung Bus, Pingtung Bus, and Chung Nan Bus.
聯營中心Bus Information Inquiry :(07)2357841
國光客運Kuo Kuang Bus : (07)2384880、2352616
高雄客運 Kaohsiung Bus :(07)2371230
屏東客運恆春站 Pingtung Bus(Hengchun Station) :(08)8882900、8891464
中南客運 Chung Nan Bus (07)2358955
* 高鐵左營站發車時刻配合高鐵列車到站時間。
Buses departing from Zuoying Station arrange according to High Speed Rail arrival time.
* 恆春為墾丁國家公園交通轉運中心
Hengchun is the hub of transportation in Kenting National Park
2. 屏東Pingtung-------恆春Hengchun-----墾丁Kenting
07:15 10:20
08:30 11:50
14:00 16:50
15:45 18:40
票價Fare: 屏東Pingtung-------恆春Hengchun NT$242
屏東Pingtung-------墾丁Kenting NT$269
國光客運屏東站 Kuo Kuang Bus (Pingtung Bus Station): (08)7338574
3. 屏東Pingtung--- ----潮州Chaojhou-------恆春Hengchun
05:50 06:00
07:40 08:00
10:00 10:00
12:00 13:00
13:45 14:20
14:50 16:25
20:10 17:40
票價Fare: 屏東Pingtung-------恆春Hengchun NT$242
行程Duration: 2hrs
屏東客運恆春站 Pingtung Bus(Hengchun Station) :(08)8882900、8891464
屏東站 Pingtung Bus(Pingtung Station) :(08)7324103
4. 台北Taipei-------恆春Hengchun-----墾丁Kenting 行程Duration: 7hrs
23:30 13:40 中南客運:(02)25551118、(08)8862519
5. 恆春Hengchun----------墾丁森林遊樂區Kenting National Forest Recreation Area
06:10 06:40
07:30 08:00
12:20 12:50
16:15 16:45 屏東客運恆春站 Pingtung Bus(Hengc hun Station)
17:25 17:55 ( :(08)8882900、8891464
6. 恆春Hengchun---墾丁Kenting---鵝鸞鼻Oluanbi---水蛙窟Shueiwaku
05:50 06:25
12:10 12:45 屏東客運恆春站 Pingtung Bus
17:15 17:45 ( :(08)8882900、8891464
7. 墾丁街車Kenting Shuttle
◎ 橘線Orange Line: 每日行駛,30分鐘一班。 It runs evey 30 minutes, daily.
鵝鸞鼻Oluanbi-----船帆石Chuanfanshih -----墾丁Kenting -----墾管處旅客中心National Park Service Center -----南灣Nanwan -----恆春Hengchun -----台灣牛Taiwan Niu-----海洋生物博物館Marine Biology Museum-----悠活Yoho Hotel
◎ 藍線Blue Line: 假日及寒暑假行駛,40分鐘一班。It runs every 40 minutes on holidays and summer vacation.
恆春Hengchun-----瓊麻館Sisal Exhibition-----後壁湖遊艇碼頭Houbihu Harbor-----貓鼻頭Maobitou
◎ 綠線Green Line: 假日及寒暑假行駛,60分鐘一班。It runs every 60 minutes on holidays and summer vacation.
票價Fare: 上車投幣,基本票價$25,依里程計價(以$5元為累進單位) ;或在屏東客運恆春站購買
Prepare coins for the bus ride. Bus fare starts from NT$25 and changes according to the travel distance. One-day pass (NT$150) is available at Pingtung Bus Hengchun Station.
屏東客運恆春站 Pingtung Bus(Hengchun Station) :(08)8882900、8891464
1. Caesar Park Hotel Kenting 凱撒大飯店
: 6 Kenting Road, Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮墾丁路6號
: (08)8861888
2. Kenting House 墾丁賓館
: 101 Gungyuan Road, Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮墾丁里公園路101號
: (08)8861370~5
3. Howard Beach Resort Kenting 墾丁福華渡假飯店
,: 2 Kenting Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣墾丁路2號
: (08)8862323
4. Chateau Beach Resort, Kenting 夏都大酒店
,: 451 Kenting Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County屏東縣恆春鎮墾丁里墾丁路451號
(: (08)8862345
5. Kenting Youth Activity Center 墾丁青年活動中心
: 17 Kenting Road, Hengchen Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮墾丁路17號
: (08)8861221
6. A-gong Resort House 雅客之家
: 237 Kenting Road, Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮墾丁路237號
(: (08)8861272
7. Kenting Toong Mao Gaoshangcing Hotel 墾丁統茂高山青飯店
: 271 Kenting Road, Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮墾丁路271號
: (08)8861234~8
8. 鴻賓山莊
,: 130 Kending Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County屏東縣恆春鎮墾丁里墾丁路130號
(: (08)8861003
9. Syuhai Hotel 旭海客棧
,: 312 Kending Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮墾丁里墾丁路312號
(: (08)8861063
10. President Health World統一健康世界
,: 230 Oluan Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County屏東縣恆春鎮鵝鑾里鵝鑾路230號
(: (08)8851078,8851088
11. The Swanlake Resort Hotel 墾丁天鵝湖飯店
,: 500 Nanwan Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮南灣路500號
(: (08)8891234
12. Kenting OK Hill Hotel 歐克山莊
: 1000 Chuanfan Rd, Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮船帆路1000號
(: (08)8861601
13. Yoho Beach Club & SPA 墾丁悠活渡假村
,: 27~8 Wanli Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮萬里路27-8號
(: (08)8869999
14. Chinatrust Hotel, Kenting 墾丁中信客棧
,: 1180 Henggong Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County屏東縣恆春鎮恆公路1180號
(: (08)8896589
15. Kenting Holiday Hotel 墾丁假期渡假中心
,: 966 Henggong Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮恆公路966號
(: ( 08)8899999
16. Luxury Hotel 富悅大飯店
,: 18 Lane 117, Hengnan Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮恆南路117巷18號
(: (08)8898888
17. Kenting Maldives Hotel 馬爾地夫大飯店
,: 6 Lane 40, Shengbei Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮省北路40巷69號
(: (08)8898999
18. Jyunwang Hotel 君王大飯店
,: 123 Hengnan Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮恆南路123號
(: (08)8892201,8892636
19. Hengchun PTC Intern Hotel 恆春工商實習旅館
,: 38 Kending Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County屏東縣恆春鎮恆南路38號
(: (08)8891937
20. Herng Chuen Farmer Holiday Hotel 恆農假期渡假飯店
,: 6 Alley 2, Lane 11, Hengnan Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County屏東縣恆春鎮恒南路11巷2弄6號
(: (08)8896060
21. Sinsin Hotel 新新大飯店
,: 108 Jhongjheng Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮中正路108號
(: (08)8892722
22. Longde Hotel 隆德旅客之家
,: 143 Jhongjheng Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮城北里中正路143號
(: (08)8892701
23. Wangfei Hotel 縣城旅遊之家
,: 152 Jhongjheng Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮城北里中正路152號
(: (08)8892801
24. Hengbin Hotel 恆賓旅社
,: 129 Jhongshan Rd., Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮城西里中山路129號
(: (08)8892636
25. Hengchun Hotel 恆春大旅社
,: 41 Jhongshan Rd, Hengchun Town, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮城南里中山路41號
(: (08)8892101
Chengcing Lake is located in Kaohsiung County's Niaosong Township. It is the largest lake in the Kaohsiung area, developed originally as a reservoir to meet the need for water for industrial use. Later on the lake was improved through environmental landscaping, until today it offers the beauty of a forested park. It was opened to the public as a tourist destination in 1960.
The surface of the lake has a water area of more than 300 hectares, and the highway that has been built around it stretches for a total of seven kilometers.
The tranquil beauty of the area has led it to be given the sobriquet, "West Lake of Taiwan." The best known of the lake's attractions is probably its Bridge of Nine Turns, which was built in 1960; it is 230 meters long and 2.5 meters wide, and does indeed have nine turns.
Under the hill behind the Chuanxizhai is an aquarium that was originally built in 1961 as an anti-nuclear underground bunker. Its winding, 200-meter length was later remodeled into a tourist aquarium with exhibits of all sorts of oceanic organisms divided into eight display areas: special animals, treasures of the sea, shellfish, coral, strange rocks, and sperm whales. It is a place that is perfect for both entertainment and education.
By Bus:
1. From Kaohsiung Train Station, take City Bus N0.60 to Chengcing Lake.
2. Take Kaohsiung Bus NO.111、139、603、702、703 to Chengcing Lake.
Kaohsiung Bus, Fongshan Station: (07)7411418
By Car:
1. Freeway 1 -> Exit at the Nanzih Interchange -> County Road No. 183 -> Chengcing Lake.
2. Freeway 1 -> Exit at the Jiouru Interchange -> Jiouru 1st Road -> Chengcing Road -> Chengcing Lake.
3. Freeway 1 -> Exit at the Kaohsiung Interchange -> turn right on Dashun Road -> turn left on Chengcing Road -> Chengcing Lake.
1. Chengching Lake Youth Activity Center 救國團澄清湖青年活動中心
:No. 140, Wuncian Road,Niaosong Township, Kaohsiung County高雄縣鳥松鄉文前路140號
2. GRAND HOTEL 圓山大飯店
:No. 2, Yuanshan Road,Niaosong Township, Kaohsiung County高雄縣鳥松鄉圓山路2號
ADD:No.32, Dapi Rd., Niaosong Village, Niaosong Township, Kaohsiung County
開放時間Open Hours: 6AM-9PM
票價Entrance Fee: NT$100 for adult & NT$50 for child。全票100元,半票50元。
Chengcing Lake is located in Kaohsiung County's Niaosong Township. It is the largest lake in the Kaohsiung area, developed originally as a reservoir to meet the need for water for industrial use. Later on the lake was improved through environmental landscaping, until today it offers the beauty of a forested park. It was opened to the public as a tourist destination in 1960.
The surface of the lake has a water area of more than 300 hectares, and the highway that has been built around it stretches for a total of seven kilometers.
The tranquil beauty of the area has led it to be given the sobriquet, "West Lake of Taiwan." The best known of the lake's attractions is probably its Bridge of Nine Turns, which was built in 1960; it is 230 meters long and 2.5 meters wide, and does indeed have nine turns.
Under the hill behind the Chuanxizhai is an aquarium that was originally built in 1961 as an anti-nuclear underground bunker. Its winding, 200-meter length was later remodeled into a tourist aquarium with exhibits of all sorts of oceanic organisms divided into eight display areas: special animals, treasures of the sea, shellfish, coral, strange rocks, and sperm whales. It is a place that is perfect for both entertainment and education.
By Bus:
1. From Kaohsiung Train Station, take City Bus N0.60 to Chengcing Lake.
2. Take Kaohsiung Bus NO.111、139、603、702、703 to Chengcing Lake.
Kaohsiung Bus, Fongshan Station: (07)7411418
By Car:
1. Freeway 1 -> Exit at the Nanzih Interchange -> County Road No. 183 -> Chengcing Lake.
2. Freeway 1 -> Exit at the Jiouru Interchange -> Jiouru 1st Road -> Chengcing Road -> Chengcing Lake.
3. Freeway 1 -> Exit at the Kaohsiung Interchange -> turn right on Dashun Road -> turn left on Chengcing Road -> Chengcing Lake.
1. Chengching Lake Youth Activity Center 救國團澄清湖青年活動中心
:No. 140, Wuncian Road,Niaosong Township, Kaohsiung County高雄縣鳥松鄉文前路140號
2. GRAND HOTEL 圓山大飯店
:No. 2, Yuanshan Road,Niaosong Township, Kaohsiung County高雄縣鳥松鄉圓山路2號
ADD:No.32, Dapi Rd., Niaosong Village, Niaosong Township, Kaohsiung County
開放時間Open Hours: 6AM-9PM
票價Entrance Fee: NT$100 for adult & NT$50 for child。全票100元,半票50元。
Southern Cross-Island Highway 南橫公路
Southern Cross-Island Highway 南橫公路
Introduction 簡介
If you want to enjoy the primitive and natural beauty of this island, to experience the colorful wonders of its mountain scenery, the Southern Cross-Island Highway is your best choice. Since it is far from any population centers, and the public transportation system has not been fully developed, it becomes the least frequented of the island's three major east-west highways. But, to speak from the other side, this also helps to preserve its unspoiled loveliness of nature. It took over four years to construct the highway, which included 61 bridges and 10 tunnels, and the whole project was completed at 1972. During that time, more than 100 brave workers sacrificed their lives so this mountain road could be accomplished. The Southern Cross-Island Highway starts from Peiliao (北寮村) village in Tainan county, then passes over the Central Mountain Range and ends at Tehkao (德高村) village in Taitung county. It is divided into two sections: the western section, from Yuching ( 玉井 ) to Tianchi ( 天池 ), and the eastern section, from Tianchi ( 天池 ) to Haiduan ( 海端 ), which are labeled altogether as No. 20 Provincial Highway on the map. The scenery of the two sections is quite different. The western section is famous for hot springs, stiff valleys and original forests, while the eastern section, cliffs waterfalls and sea of clouds.
Scenic Spots風景據點
From Meishan 110k to Yakou 146K of Tai. 20 Highway of Southern Cross-Island Highway is in the range of Yushan National Park. The altitude rises from 1,014 meters to 2,700 meters at Yakou Daguanshan Tunnel. There is a variety of forest vegetations and landscapes of mid, high altitude.
Jhongjhihguan Old Trail is 3.5kilometers in length and lies from Meishan to Yakou in the southwestern Yushan National Park. It is the upper section from 130.5K to 136K of Southern Cross-Island Highway (Tai. 20 Highway). The construction of the road has minor impact of the trail, so the tails is a better-maintained section of the Guangshan System.
Jhongjhiguan Trail
Jhongjhiguan to Tianchih Trail is located in the warm temperate forest between 1800 and 2400 meters of altitude. The changes of seasons are distinct. When you walk through the trail, all you can see is dense, green old trees. The needle-leaved trees are mainly cedar, Chinese hemlock, and spruce. The broadleaf trees are mainly Theaceae, Lauraceae, and Fagaceae. Near Tianchih, dwarf bamboo dominates the area after the fire. Along the trail are Charcoal Kiln, retaining walls, Wushe cherry trees, police stations that left behind from the Japanese Occupation Era. All of these remains have great value in humanities research. It is quite relaxing to walk through the trail and is most suitable for recreation activity.
Jhongjhiguan Rest Area
It’s located at 130.5K of Southern Cross-Island Highway. It has a parking lot, public toilet facility, chairs, and dining tables. It is an important rest point of the highway. It is also the entrance to Jhongjhiguan-Tianchih Trail.
Jhongjhiguan Police Station
It was the police station during the Japanese Occupation Era. It was established to monitor the Yushueishe of Bunun tribe. There is a explanation booth and several explanation signs. There are also benches for visitors to use.
Charcoal Kiln
It is on a roadside about 3 kilometers away from Tianchih. The kiln was used for heating or hotting water during the Japanese Occupation Era. There is an explanation board behind the kiln.
White Wood
It is at the top of the trail, above Tianchih. It is the division mark of forest and grass slope of the trail. The White Wood was caused by the fire. There is an explanation board beside it and the view is spectacular. View into the north is Yushan Peaks and Yun Peak. Visitors can enjoy the Guangshan Ridge in the east.
It is an important recreation area on the Southern Cross-Island Highway. It is located at 2290 meters above the sea level. Tianchih is a highland lake, and the main lake’s shape is like a heart. Besides a forest in the northeastern side, the rest is occupied by dwarf bamboo. There are also two comparatively small lakes, which only become obvious during the rain season. The edge of the lake has plants like Thwaites, mat-rush, and Hayata.
Changching Shrine
It is located at 135.5K of Southern Cross-Island Highway, above Tianchih. It is a building resembling a temple, and it’s the enshrinement to the spirits of martyr workers during the excavation of the highway. The entrance to the trail is behind the shrine.
Suggested Routes
1. Jhongjhiguan Rest Area (0.2K) → Jhongjhiguan Police Station (0.3K) → Charcoal Kiln (2.5k) → Lonely Wood(0.5k)→ Tianchih(0.1k)→ Changching Shrine
2. Estimated time
Jhongjhiguan Rest Area(30min)→ Jhongjhiguan Police Station (20 min)→ Charcoal Kiln(60 min)→ Lonely Wood (15 min)→ Tianchih(10)→ Changching Shrine
檜谷位於高雄縣,約在台20號省道141公里處,距離天池、長青祠 6公里(約在20號省道公里附近),成群的巨大檜木林立眼前,此即〞檜谷〞,是南橫公路上原始森林景觀最浩大的地方,海拔標高約2454公尺,林間常是雲霧繚繞,更添一份悠然詩意。由天池到檜谷這一段 3公里的路程,為南橫健行精華路段之一。如欲住宿,可聯絡林務局天池員工宿舍,TEL:07-6780006。
利稻--稻是南橫公路東段的一個布農族聚落(約在20號省道 176公里附近),村莊座落在群山環繞的河階台地上,居民多以種植茶及高冷蔬菜維生,由公路上望去,但見紅瓦屋舍排列有序、田野青翠,晨間雲霧裊繞,向晚彩霞斑斕,高山聚落田園景緻之美,如世外桃源。
霧鹿、天龍吊橋--南橫公路利稻到霧鹿間(霧鹿約在20號省道 185公里處),新武呂溪切割造成約9公里的霧鹿峽谷,可說是南橫全線最精采之處。霧鹿峽谷係指海端鄉霧鹿到利稻之間9公里長的「新武呂溪峽谷」,整個峽谷呈「S」型,起點是利稻,中間點是利稻橋,終端則是天龍橋。而峽谷形成的原因,乃是源於關山的高山溪流不斷侵蝕關山連峰於此形成的大斷崖所至。峽谷兩岸斷岩如削、千仞岩壁挺立,且兩壁間的縫隙,流水潺潺。至於公路就沿壁盤旋而上,一路行來,定令您嘆為觀止。
Accommodation 膳宿
住宿點Accommodation 地址 ADD. 電話 TEL.
梅山青年活動中心Meishan Youth Hostel Activity Center 高雄縣桃源鄉梅山村55號
No. 55, Meishan Village,Taoyuan Township, Kaohsiung County (07) 6866166
Yakou Youth Hostel 台東縣海端鄉利稻村3鄰埡口5號
Yakou No.5, Lin 3, Lidao Village, Haiduan Township, Taitung County, (089)6866057
森濤餐飲 高雄縣桃源鄉寶山村111號
No.111,Baoshan Village, Taoyuan Township, Kaohsiung County (07)6894013
摩天農場 台東縣海端鄉利稻村摩天1號
Motian No. 1, Lidao Village
Haiduan Township, Taitung County (089)938056
霧鹿渡假中心 台東縣海端鄉霧鹿村30號
No.30, , Wulu Village,Haiduan Township, Taitung County (089)935056
天龍飯店Chief Spa Hotel 台東縣海端鄉霧鹿村天龍橋1-1號
No. 1-1, Tianlongciao, Wulu Village
Haiduan Township, Taitung County (089)935075~7
野農民宿 台東縣海瑞鄉利稻村文化路3號
No. 3, Wunhua Road, Lidao Village,
Haiduan Township, Taitung County (089)938055
碧山溫泉休閒農莊 台東縣海端鄉霧鹿村4號
No. 4, , Wulu Village,Haiduan Township, Taitung County (089)935021~2
金銘民宿 台東縣海端鄉利稻村40號
No. 40,, Lidao Village,Haiduan Township, Taitung County (089)938027
Transportation 交通
※BUS 搭車
西段West Section
高雄客運318號公車往梅山口Kaohsiung Bus NO.318 to Meishankou
高雄客運Kaohsiung Bus Co. TEL:07-2371230
06:05 12:15
旅程時間Duration:約4小時15分 about 4 hours and 15 mins
東段East Section
※國光客運台東站Kuoguang Motor Co TEL: (089)322-027
去程:台東Taitung07:10→關山Guanshan 08:10→天池Tianchi12:40
回程:天池Tianchi12:50→關山Guanshan 15:20→台東Taitung16:10
票價Fare : NT$376
旅程時間Duration:約 5時00分 about 5 hours
※鼎東客運Dindong Bus(山線)利稻線各站時刻表 電話TEL:(089)333-023
站名 往利稻To Lidao 站名 往台東To Taitung
台東Taitung 06:20 13:05 利稻Lidao 09:15 15:20
關山Guanshan 07:20 14:05 天龍橋 09:23 15:28
檢查哨 07:35 14:20 霧鹿Wulu 09:31 15:36
新武Sinwu 07:43 14:28 下馬 09:39 15:44
下馬 07:51 14:36 新武Sinwu 09:47 15:52
霧鹿Wulu 07:59 14:44 檢查哨 09:55 16:00
天龍橋 08:07 14:52 關山Guanshan 10:10 16:15
利稻Lidao 08:15 15:00 台東Taitung 11:10 17:15
※ DRIVING 自行開車:
(1)Western section of Southern Cross-Island Provincial Highway: Tainan─Yakou (Provincial Highway 20)
59k 21.7k 14.5k 16k 25k 12k
台南 甲仙 寶來 桃源 梅山口 天池 埡口
(2)Eastern section of Southern Cross-Island Provincial Highway: Taitung --- Yakou (Provincial Highway 20)
47.9k 38.3k 28.3k
台東 關山 利稻 埡口
西段/甲仙-埡口:三區工程處甲仙工務段 (07)6751014
東段/海端-埡口:三區工程處關山工務段 (089)811024
Introduction 簡介
If you want to enjoy the primitive and natural beauty of this island, to experience the colorful wonders of its mountain scenery, the Southern Cross-Island Highway is your best choice. Since it is far from any population centers, and the public transportation system has not been fully developed, it becomes the least frequented of the island's three major east-west highways. But, to speak from the other side, this also helps to preserve its unspoiled loveliness of nature. It took over four years to construct the highway, which included 61 bridges and 10 tunnels, and the whole project was completed at 1972. During that time, more than 100 brave workers sacrificed their lives so this mountain road could be accomplished. The Southern Cross-Island Highway starts from Peiliao (北寮村) village in Tainan county, then passes over the Central Mountain Range and ends at Tehkao (德高村) village in Taitung county. It is divided into two sections: the western section, from Yuching ( 玉井 ) to Tianchi ( 天池 ), and the eastern section, from Tianchi ( 天池 ) to Haiduan ( 海端 ), which are labeled altogether as No. 20 Provincial Highway on the map. The scenery of the two sections is quite different. The western section is famous for hot springs, stiff valleys and original forests, while the eastern section, cliffs waterfalls and sea of clouds.
Scenic Spots風景據點
From Meishan 110k to Yakou 146K of Tai. 20 Highway of Southern Cross-Island Highway is in the range of Yushan National Park. The altitude rises from 1,014 meters to 2,700 meters at Yakou Daguanshan Tunnel. There is a variety of forest vegetations and landscapes of mid, high altitude.
Jhongjhihguan Old Trail is 3.5kilometers in length and lies from Meishan to Yakou in the southwestern Yushan National Park. It is the upper section from 130.5K to 136K of Southern Cross-Island Highway (Tai. 20 Highway). The construction of the road has minor impact of the trail, so the tails is a better-maintained section of the Guangshan System.
Jhongjhiguan Trail
Jhongjhiguan to Tianchih Trail is located in the warm temperate forest between 1800 and 2400 meters of altitude. The changes of seasons are distinct. When you walk through the trail, all you can see is dense, green old trees. The needle-leaved trees are mainly cedar, Chinese hemlock, and spruce. The broadleaf trees are mainly Theaceae, Lauraceae, and Fagaceae. Near Tianchih, dwarf bamboo dominates the area after the fire. Along the trail are Charcoal Kiln, retaining walls, Wushe cherry trees, police stations that left behind from the Japanese Occupation Era. All of these remains have great value in humanities research. It is quite relaxing to walk through the trail and is most suitable for recreation activity.
Jhongjhiguan Rest Area
It’s located at 130.5K of Southern Cross-Island Highway. It has a parking lot, public toilet facility, chairs, and dining tables. It is an important rest point of the highway. It is also the entrance to Jhongjhiguan-Tianchih Trail.
Jhongjhiguan Police Station
It was the police station during the Japanese Occupation Era. It was established to monitor the Yushueishe of Bunun tribe. There is a explanation booth and several explanation signs. There are also benches for visitors to use.
Charcoal Kiln
It is on a roadside about 3 kilometers away from Tianchih. The kiln was used for heating or hotting water during the Japanese Occupation Era. There is an explanation board behind the kiln.
White Wood
It is at the top of the trail, above Tianchih. It is the division mark of forest and grass slope of the trail. The White Wood was caused by the fire. There is an explanation board beside it and the view is spectacular. View into the north is Yushan Peaks and Yun Peak. Visitors can enjoy the Guangshan Ridge in the east.
It is an important recreation area on the Southern Cross-Island Highway. It is located at 2290 meters above the sea level. Tianchih is a highland lake, and the main lake’s shape is like a heart. Besides a forest in the northeastern side, the rest is occupied by dwarf bamboo. There are also two comparatively small lakes, which only become obvious during the rain season. The edge of the lake has plants like Thwaites, mat-rush, and Hayata.
Changching Shrine
It is located at 135.5K of Southern Cross-Island Highway, above Tianchih. It is a building resembling a temple, and it’s the enshrinement to the spirits of martyr workers during the excavation of the highway. The entrance to the trail is behind the shrine.
Suggested Routes
1. Jhongjhiguan Rest Area (0.2K) → Jhongjhiguan Police Station (0.3K) → Charcoal Kiln (2.5k) → Lonely Wood(0.5k)→ Tianchih(0.1k)→ Changching Shrine
2. Estimated time
Jhongjhiguan Rest Area(30min)→ Jhongjhiguan Police Station (20 min)→ Charcoal Kiln(60 min)→ Lonely Wood (15 min)→ Tianchih(10)→ Changching Shrine
檜谷位於高雄縣,約在台20號省道141公里處,距離天池、長青祠 6公里(約在20號省道公里附近),成群的巨大檜木林立眼前,此即〞檜谷〞,是南橫公路上原始森林景觀最浩大的地方,海拔標高約2454公尺,林間常是雲霧繚繞,更添一份悠然詩意。由天池到檜谷這一段 3公里的路程,為南橫健行精華路段之一。如欲住宿,可聯絡林務局天池員工宿舍,TEL:07-6780006。
利稻--稻是南橫公路東段的一個布農族聚落(約在20號省道 176公里附近),村莊座落在群山環繞的河階台地上,居民多以種植茶及高冷蔬菜維生,由公路上望去,但見紅瓦屋舍排列有序、田野青翠,晨間雲霧裊繞,向晚彩霞斑斕,高山聚落田園景緻之美,如世外桃源。
霧鹿、天龍吊橋--南橫公路利稻到霧鹿間(霧鹿約在20號省道 185公里處),新武呂溪切割造成約9公里的霧鹿峽谷,可說是南橫全線最精采之處。霧鹿峽谷係指海端鄉霧鹿到利稻之間9公里長的「新武呂溪峽谷」,整個峽谷呈「S」型,起點是利稻,中間點是利稻橋,終端則是天龍橋。而峽谷形成的原因,乃是源於關山的高山溪流不斷侵蝕關山連峰於此形成的大斷崖所至。峽谷兩岸斷岩如削、千仞岩壁挺立,且兩壁間的縫隙,流水潺潺。至於公路就沿壁盤旋而上,一路行來,定令您嘆為觀止。
Accommodation 膳宿
住宿點Accommodation 地址 ADD. 電話 TEL.
梅山青年活動中心Meishan Youth Hostel Activity Center 高雄縣桃源鄉梅山村55號
No. 55, Meishan Village,Taoyuan Township, Kaohsiung County (07) 6866166
Yakou Youth Hostel 台東縣海端鄉利稻村3鄰埡口5號
Yakou No.5, Lin 3, Lidao Village, Haiduan Township, Taitung County, (089)6866057
森濤餐飲 高雄縣桃源鄉寶山村111號
No.111,Baoshan Village, Taoyuan Township, Kaohsiung County (07)6894013
摩天農場 台東縣海端鄉利稻村摩天1號
Motian No. 1, Lidao Village
Haiduan Township, Taitung County (089)938056
霧鹿渡假中心 台東縣海端鄉霧鹿村30號
No.30, , Wulu Village,Haiduan Township, Taitung County (089)935056
天龍飯店Chief Spa Hotel 台東縣海端鄉霧鹿村天龍橋1-1號
No. 1-1, Tianlongciao, Wulu Village
Haiduan Township, Taitung County (089)935075~7
野農民宿 台東縣海瑞鄉利稻村文化路3號
No. 3, Wunhua Road, Lidao Village,
Haiduan Township, Taitung County (089)938055
碧山溫泉休閒農莊 台東縣海端鄉霧鹿村4號
No. 4, , Wulu Village,Haiduan Township, Taitung County (089)935021~2
金銘民宿 台東縣海端鄉利稻村40號
No. 40,, Lidao Village,Haiduan Township, Taitung County (089)938027
Transportation 交通
※BUS 搭車
西段West Section
高雄客運318號公車往梅山口Kaohsiung Bus NO.318 to Meishankou
高雄客運Kaohsiung Bus Co. TEL:07-2371230
06:05 12:15
旅程時間Duration:約4小時15分 about 4 hours and 15 mins
東段East Section
※國光客運台東站Kuoguang Motor Co TEL: (089)322-027
去程:台東Taitung07:10→關山Guanshan 08:10→天池Tianchi12:40
回程:天池Tianchi12:50→關山Guanshan 15:20→台東Taitung16:10
票價Fare : NT$376
旅程時間Duration:約 5時00分 about 5 hours
※鼎東客運Dindong Bus(山線)利稻線各站時刻表 電話TEL:(089)333-023
站名 往利稻To Lidao 站名 往台東To Taitung
台東Taitung 06:20 13:05 利稻Lidao 09:15 15:20
關山Guanshan 07:20 14:05 天龍橋 09:23 15:28
檢查哨 07:35 14:20 霧鹿Wulu 09:31 15:36
新武Sinwu 07:43 14:28 下馬 09:39 15:44
下馬 07:51 14:36 新武Sinwu 09:47 15:52
霧鹿Wulu 07:59 14:44 檢查哨 09:55 16:00
天龍橋 08:07 14:52 關山Guanshan 10:10 16:15
利稻Lidao 08:15 15:00 台東Taitung 11:10 17:15
※ DRIVING 自行開車:
(1)Western section of Southern Cross-Island Provincial Highway: Tainan─Yakou (Provincial Highway 20)
59k 21.7k 14.5k 16k 25k 12k
台南 甲仙 寶來 桃源 梅山口 天池 埡口
(2)Eastern section of Southern Cross-Island Provincial Highway: Taitung --- Yakou (Provincial Highway 20)
47.9k 38.3k 28.3k
台東 關山 利稻 埡口
西段/甲仙-埡口:三區工程處甲仙工務段 (07)6751014
東段/海端-埡口:三區工程處關山工務段 (089)811024
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