
A Glance At The Neighborhood of Taiwan Taoyuan Int’l Airport 臺灣桃園國際機場臨近景點

A Glance At The Neighborhood of Taiwan Taoyuan Int’l Airport


Suggested itinerary for half day4-6 hours 半日行程建議

【竹圍漁港 Zhuwei Fishing Port

位於桃園縣大園鄉的竹圍漁港,是桃園北部唯一的漁港,近年來在當地漁會的努力經營之下,已成了具休閒功能的觀光漁港,在假日都會吸引了許多的遊客來此吃海鮮看海景。其海產街在南方提防旁邊,不管是高級海鮮餐廳或是各俱味的小吃店應有盡有,這裡最特別的就是吻仔魚和虱目魚漿合製的魚丸,值得一嘗。如果想到北岸觀海可以經過由漁會特製的跨海拱橋,在橋上可將漁港風光盡收眼底,清晨時分,匯集附近漁港的各式新鮮魚貨,展示於竹圍漁港魚貨直銷中心,佔地約七百坪大的一樓生鮮區,共有77個攤位,新鮮、活跳跳君挑選。 愛好生猛口味者可上二樓佔地約690的熟食區共有18個攤位可嚐盡各式新鮮魚貨及各地小吃。黃昏時,休憩於徐徐海風吹著的休閒涼亭,觀賞夕陽之海釣最佳處。步上美麗的拱橋,遠跳海天一色,玩耍於濱海遊憩區,享受滿載而歸的快樂。

If you like to see our traditional fish market, you can go to Zhuwei Fishing Poart from dawn till dusk. You can bargain or eat fresh seafood, also you will enjoy the beautiful views from the seashore while you are taking a walk on the new-shaped Rainbow Bridge around the harbor. From Taiwan Taoyuan Int’l Airport, you can take a taxi there and enjoy a few hours of relaxation. It takes about 15 minutes to arrive.

【大溪 Dashi


The old town Dashi is noted for its Heping Road woodcrafts district, where antique-style furniture is produced in ancient buildings with Baroque facades. The town is also famous throughout Taiwan for its dried bean curd, with the Huangrshiang Shop, also on Heping Road, reputed to offer the most delicious. These days, perhaps, the Dashi area is best know for scenic Tszhu ( Lake Mercy ), which is the temporary resting place of the late President Chiang Kai-Shek. A museum dedicated to the memory of this great man, who led the Republic of China for almost half a century, is located in Dashi’s Jungjeng Park. The 200-year-old Guanyin ( Goddess of Mercy ) Temple, located south of the park on Mt. Liantzuo and now listed as a third-class historic site, is also worth a visit, especially for the fine panoramic views from its plaza. From Taiwan Taoyuan Int’l Airport it takes about an hour to arrive.

【石門水庫Shihmen Reservoir


Shihmen Reservoir, the first large multipurpose reservoir ever built in Taiwan, was formed by the damming of the Dahan River. The first thing you see on entering the reservoir area is the Asia Amusement Park; as you follow the road you soon come to the dam, from where you can enjoy panoramic views of the whole reservoir and its surrounding green hills. Boats are available to take you on sightseeing cruises around the lake or to Amuping for camping or barbecuing. A number of other commercial amusement areas are located along the shores of the lake. Gourmets enjoy dining on fish fresh from the lake, which is another specialty of the Shihmen area. From Taiwan Taoyuan Int’l Airport it takes about an hour to arrive.

【購物 Shopping

台茂南崁家庭娛樂購物中心Tai Mall




Open HoursMon~Thu 11:00~21:30 Fri 11:00~22:00Sat 10:30~22:30Sun 10:30~22:00

◎自機場出發可搭大有巴士西線或國光客運中興號。From the Airport, you can take the West Line of Air Bus or Jhongshing Hao to the Mall. It takes about 20 minutes to arrive.

大江國際購物中心Metro Walk Shopping Center

為一美式購物中心,基地面積5公頃,商場量體共計地下二層,地上五層,總面積達五萬坪,包含商場25,000坪,地下二層和商場後方停車塔20,000坪,及商場前方綠地4,500坪,大江國際購物中心特別聘請國際知名建築事務所JPI負責商場設計,經由JPI巧妙柔合建築科技與自然造景,把整座購物中心建築在4,500 坪綠地上,透過大片玻璃惟幕及圓蛋型挑空,大江國際購物中心融合了室內與戶外,引進藍天、白雲及大量光影,遊逛視野得以無限延伸。大江國際購物中心主力核心店:誠品書店Eslite Book StoreSBC影城、Sega Joypolis、家樂福Carrefour、思夢樂。



Open HoursMon~Thu 11:00~22:00Fri 11:00~22:30Sat 10:30~22:30Sun 10:30~22:00

自機場搭乘計程車約25分鐘可達。From the Airport it takes about 25 minutes to arrive by taxi.

Suggested itinerary for one dayat least 6-8 hours 一天行程建議

【鶯歌 Ying-Ge


A short distance along the river from Sanshia is the old town of Yingge, known as the pottery center of Taiwan. Pottery workshops and sales outlets are located in abundance along Wanhua Rd. and Jianshanpu Rd., and there is a “Tourist Pottery Market” around the intersection of Jungjeng 1st Rd. and Jungshan Rd.. These busy streets, lined with shops, are bustling hives of pottery-related activity.

台北縣鶯歌陶瓷博物館Taipei County Ying-Ge Ceramics Museum


Located in the most prominent pottery town Yingge and opened on Nov. 26, 2000, is the first museum in Taiwan devoted to ceramic research. The museum has turned a new historical page on its pottery development in Taiwan. The missions of the Museum are to demonstrate the pottery development in Taiwan and to display the life of Taiwanese ancestors as well. It not only exhibits the unique culture of Yingge, but also integrates a great variety of resources to keep close interactions with the local community.

ADD地址:台北縣鶯歌鎮文化路200 200 Wenhua Rd., Yingge, Taipei County


Open Hours開放時間:Tue~Fri星期二~09:00~17:00、星期六及日Sat & Sun. 09:00~18:00Mon Off星期一公休

Entrance Fee門票:NT$100

◎自機場搭乘計程車約30分鐘可達。From the Airport it takes about 30 minutes to arrive by taxi.

【三峽 Sanshia

三峽舊名三角湧,日治大正九年(1920)改稱三峽。三峽舊名的由來,乃因大漢溪、三峽溪、橫溪在此匯流,加上周圍有山,於是讓處於平原和山地交接處的三峽有了優越的發展條件,便利的河運更使三峽成為當時北台灣的重要內陸船運碼頭及物資集散中心。興盛時期的三峽在主要物產及經營項目上有:染布、樟腦及茶,尤其染布業更是重要行業,為當時台灣染布重鎮。然而隨著交通重心的移轉及河運的沒落,三峽的商業地位逐漸被取代。三峽的經濟利益消失,但在文化價值上卻有不可取代的地位,因為結合宗教與藝術的三峽祖師廟,擁有細膩的雕刻、 繁複的造型,讓祖師廟享有藝術殿堂的美譽。因此這麼多年來,三峽祖師廟早已成為三峽的代名詞,也成為遊客遊覽此地的最重要目的地。

Sanshia is a traditional country town located in northern Taiwan, easily accessible from Taipei. It has become known in recent years mainly because of its Tzushr Temple, which is unique among all the Chinese temples of the world for the painstaking and time-consuming dedication to classical temple arts that is manifested in its modern reconstruction work. The town, originally named Sanjiauyung after its location at the confluence of three rivers, was given its present name of Sanshia ( Three Gorges, also the name of its main river ) in 1920. Nestled where fertile plains meet mountain foothills, and blessed with convenient inland river transport, Sanshia offered excellent conditions for development in the early years of Taiwan’s settlement by the Chinese. It quickly became an important goods distribution center and a base for the production of camphor, the growing of tea, and especially the dyeing of cloth. As transport shifted elsewhere and the use of river transportation declined, however, Sanshia gradually lost its importance as a commercial center. Even as the town lost its economic importance, though, its cultural value remained undiminished, mainly because of Tzushr Temple. With its unparalleled combination of religion and art, this temple is the eptome of exquisite carving and complex structure as well as a dynamic center of Chinese religions worship. These features have also made it a powerful attraction for tourists from all over Taiwan and the world.

三峽祖師廟Sanshia Tzushr Temple


Originally constructed in 1769, Tzushr Temple has been rebuilt three time: after an earthquake destroyed it in 1833, after the Japanese army burned it during their occupation of Taiwan in 1895, and finally after the island was restored to Chinese rule in 1945. The most recent reconstruction was inspired by artist Li, Mei-Shu, who wanted the temple to express a harmonious mixture of Chinese history, culture, and temple arts. At the same time, since Li was trained in Western art, the temple now manifests traces of Western artistic concepts as well. Begun in 1947, the resconstruction is not yet completed; Tzushy Temple is a work in progree, offering visitors a rare opportunity to witness first-hand how a Chinese temple is constructed. All of the work is to the glory of the temple’s host deity, Chingshuei Tzushr, or the divine Progenitor of Chingshuei. According to legend, Tzusht was born as Chen Jau-Ying in the city of Kaifeng during the Northern Sung dynasty ( 960-1128 ). Appointed a government official for meritorious service, he built a shrine at Chingshuei Rock in Anshi County, Fujian Province, in mainland China, and retired there in seclusion. He thus became known as the Divine Progenitor of Chingshuei, and the people there named his shrine “Chingshuei Temple”. When a group of Anshi residents migrated to Taiwan and settled in Sanshia hundreds of years later, the brought am image of their Divine Progenitor with them for protection. The god’s supposed remarkable efficacy in answering prayers has made the Tzushr Temple a focus of religious faith and social activity for the people of Sanshia. Its architecture, carving, and painting are all classic examples of Taiwanese temple art.

李梅樹紀念館Li Mei-Shu Memorial Hall


Born in 1902 in Sanshia, Li, Mei-Shu has studied art in Japan and was very active in promoting fine arts in Taiwan. Li chose realism as the principle he lived by as an artist for the rest of his life, because realism was the only way that, as Li himself described, “could best serve my faith in depicting the true beuty of rural life in Taiwan.” Persistent and determined as he was, Li has been thus regarded as the “Great Wall” in the art history of Taiwan. On Arril 9, 1995, in commemoration of the artist-painter and temple architect, Li, Mei-Shu Memorial Gallery was established by Li’s descendants. The gallery, with its abundant collection of Li’s works and archives, becomes a valuable source for the understanding of one of the most influential artists in Taiwan since the World War II.

開放時間Open hours:星期六、日Sat. & Sun. 10:00~16:30

(星期一至星期五擬不開放,團體旅客可於10天前事先打電話預約Group visitors are welcome from Monday to Friday by reservation 10 days in advance

地址Add.:台北縣三峽鎮中華路4310號(近長福橋側) 10 Lane 43, Jhonghua Rd.

門票Entrance FeeNT$50


Open HoursSatSun 10:00~16:30


鳶山海拔325公尺,位於三峽鎮西南方。於鳶山三角點可覽觀板橋、三峽、桃園、土城、新莊,視野頗佳,可觀日出、夕陽、賞夜景。山上有座巨型古鐘,據說只須敲古鐘十二聲響,便可心想事成。旅客可開車直達古鐘停車場或健行上山,全程約2.5 公里,路程輕鬆易行,是值得走走的好地方。



◎自機場搭乘計程車約30分鐘可達三峽。From the Airport it takes about 30 minutes to arrive by taxi.

【六福村主題遊樂園Leofoo Village Amusement Park


This is a large park that combines the features of an amusement and safari park, offering fun for the whole family. The amusement park is divided into zones according to major regions of the world, including the American West and the South Pacific. The safari park is divided into carnivore and herbivore areas, through which buses take visitors to view the wild animals in their natural habitats.


自中壢火車站搭新竹客運。Take a Hsinchu Bus from Jhongli Train Station.

【小人國Window on China


Window on China has the second-largest collection of miniature structures in the world. Its meticulously executed scale-model reproductions focus on famous buildings from Taiwan and China, both ancient and modern, with a large number of building from other parts of the world as well.


1.公車By Bus:自中壢火車站搭新竹客運。Take a Hsinchu Bus from Jhongli Train Station.

2.高速公路Highway:由國道1號下中壢交流道經中壢市區接113縣道至龍潭,或國道3號下龍潭交流道至市區循路標前往。Take the highway #1, exit at the Jhongli interchange, drive into Jhongli, and take Country Road 113 to Lungtan. Or, take the highway #3, exit at the Lungtan interchange, and follow the signs to the park.

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