
太魯閣峽谷Taroko Gorge

太魯閣峽谷Taroko Gorge



Taroko is famous for its spectacular mountains and marble canyons. Cliffs and canyons stretch along Li Wu River. Four million years ago, the island of Taiwan was formed by the collision of plates. After millions of years of wind erosion, the marble rocks were exposed and cut by Li Wu River, creating impressive grand canyons. From Tsing Shui to Nan Hu Peak, the drop height is 3,742 meters. Such special geography has also bred special flora and fauna in this area. The waterfalls characterized Taroko National Park and the most famous ones are Pai Yang Waterfall, Yin Tai Waterfall, Chang Chun Waterfall, and Lu Shui Waterfall. Yen Tze Kou and Chiu Chu Tung are the most impressive natural scenes in Taroko and the canyons here are the narrowest. Tourists can appreciate the natural beauty along the tour track. Swallows nest on the cliff, chirping and flying back forth.


太魯閣台地──太魯閣台地位在立霧溪出海口的北岸,立霧溪沖積扇三角洲的頂端,面積約三公頃,蘇花公路與中橫公路在此交會。台地上設有難易程度不同的步道,分為南北兩段,約環繞太魯閣台地270度,供民眾漫步或健行。步道長度1007M (無障礙步道700M、環教館至警察隊307M)。所需時間約30分鐘。南段步道鄰近立霧溪,從遊客中心旁大草坪經過遊客中心後方,延伸至太魯閣警察隊為止;沿途可見到立霧溪緩緩由群山中流出,向東注入太平洋。北段步道則從大型車停車場至行政中心旁,緊靠山邊,穿梭在密林中,除了可享受清涼的森林浴,也可觀賞偶而出現的台灣彌猴。

Taroko Terrace──The Visitor Center locates at the right wing of the entrance of Central Cross-Island Highway. It's red brick outlook design is very noticeable. There are the upper and lower halls in the Visitor Center. The center of the building is occupied with key exhibition area, such as Our Environment Hall, Humans in the Environment, Environmental Education Hall and Special Exhibition Room to provide educational and travel related information. Visitors are welcomed and recommended tocome to the Visitor Center to get useful information before leaving for the inside beauty of Taroko. The sales booth on the first floor not only sells food and drinks, but also various books (on the second floor) about the national park and related souvenirs. If visiting as a group, the Briefing Room in the Visitor Center can be booked in advance. Remember the Taroko Headquarters visitor center closes on the second Mondays of each month. The open hour is from 8:45 to 16:45.


Changchun Shrine (Eternal Spring Shrine) ──Drive from the west exit of the Changchun Tunnel of the Central Cross-Island Highway, then turn south(left) to Liwu River Valley, you can see the Changchun (Eternal Spring) Shrine which commemorates the 212 personnel (the late veterans) died during the construction of Central Cross-Island Highway (1956~1960). Spring water adjacent by the Changchun Shrine become the scattering falls, and the Highway Bureau named it after "Chanchun Falls" which is now the significant landmark on Central Cross-Island Highway.
In 1987 the cliffs by the rivers tumbled and destroyed the pavilion nearby the Changchun Shrine. After 10 years it has been restored and now opens to the public again. In the back of the Changchun Shrine, there are stairs leading to Kuanyin Cave, Taroko Tower, Bell Tower (the highest point), and through a suspension bridge, so called "Heaven trail" to Changuang Temple. The river valley next to the Changuang Temple has a calabash shape, and it is named thereafter as Calabash Valley (Hu-lu Gu). The trail is 1.3km/0.85 mile leisurely walk will be around 50 minutes to an hour.


Buluowan──Passing Changchun Tunnel, Ning-an Bridge, Sipan Dam to the big valley before the Sipan Tunnel, you will see the stone carved statute of the ancestor of Taroko Tribe. This is the starting point of Chinese character "Zhi" (zigzag) shaped road to the Buluowan terraces. It will take approximately seven minutes to reach the parking area at the lower terrace of the valley. Buluowan is divided into Upper Terrace and Lower Terrace. You can walk to the Meander Core Trail to visit the river valley from the Lower Terrace. Then you can proceed to the service station, exhibition halls and Idas (meaning moon in Taroko tribal language) Hall see both the arts and crafts of Taroko Tribe and multimedia presentations. Up to the slope to Mountain Moon (Shanyue) Village, the Taiwan lily is probably the main attraction for spring visitors to Buluowan. The lily season will be from mid April to mid May at the lower terrace. On the upper terrace, go through the service center of Leader Village Hotel, there is a 300 meter Bamboo Groves trail, leading you to observe the strangling fig trees.


Yanzihkou (Swallow Grotto)──Following the Central Cross-Island Highway, at Yanzihkou (Swallow Grotto) the rock cliffs of the Liwu River gorge seem to reach to heaven while the river runs its swiftest and the distance between the gorge walls so narrow that they almost touch each other. Along the Yanzihkou (Swallow Grotto) trail which runs about a half kilometer starting from the entrance to the grotto to the Jinheng Bridge, you can enjoy the sighs of the Liwu River from nearly straight above the water, the potholes on the cliff faces, and the springs sprinkled along the lower parts of the walls, as well as the famous rock formation "Head Rock" or locals called “Chieftain’s profile rock”.

As of early 2005 the Yanzihkou (Swallow Grotto) Trail is separated from the highway by a simple concrete divider. The road is narrow resulting in frequent congestion in the area. Consequently the Park Administration is building a two-lane tunnel for vehicular traffic which when complete will let walkers enjoy the sights of this spectacular part of the gorge uninterrupted by gas blasting cars and buses. The Swallow Grotto (Yanzihkou) Tunnels includes one Bridge-Ludan right between which have been completed in June, 2007 and open the vehicular traffic to the cars and large vehicles so that the old highway remains as a pedestrians walking path.


Jinheng Park──There is a memorial table for the workers who died on the construction of Cross Island Highway.


Jhuilu Cliff ──Jhuilu cliff is directly to the north of Lioufang Bridge. It is formed of marble. The whole cliff is 1200m wide and 16km long. It rises 1666 meters above the riverbed, even higher than the Grand Canyon in the USA(1620 meters). The scenic stretch of the Jhuilu cliff is around 500 meters long. The road is narrow and rockfalls often injure tourists here. Please do not loiter or play here, walk as close to the inside edge of the trail as you can, watch out for signs of a rockfall,


Jiucyudong (Tunnel of Nine Turns)──This is the most magnificent part of Taroko marble gorge, where the uprising sheer cliffs were facing each other. During the exploration stage, it is the especially difficult and dangerous part to explore when the wind comes from the broad river valley to the narrow valley causing the air suddenly escalated upward. The new tunnel was constructed 1996, so that the visitors can watch rock folds, joints and faults of marble cliffs. The two cliffs are so closed to each other, and it looks like they are joining to each other if watching from afar. This section has the reputation of "Nine Turns of the Coiled Dragon". The range between the cliffs is around 10-meter wide. At the gap of the rocks, a small Kelan River is the spot amazing all travelers because the water erupting out within the rocks from unknown source and forming a "Fish leaping across the dragon gate" scenery. Have you seen a fish swimming upward? The trail is a must-see point and one should stop by and enjoy the marble gorges have been through thousands of years river cutting to form this spectacular marble landform. The number nine in Chinese implying “many” is using a lot in Chinese expression.


Cihmu Bridge──Along Central Cross-Island Highway, after passing Jiucyudong (Tunnel of Nine Turns), you will arrive at Cihmu Bridge, which is a H-Shape hanging bridge with marble stone lions lying on two sides. The rocks beneath the bridge look like frogs. The frog rock is composed of black layer of schist at the top and white marble at the button. A pavilion was built on this frog rock, and it becomes the crown on the frog. This, built by former president Jing-Guo Chiang, was used to worship his mother during construction of the road. Cihmu Booth area is on the east side of the bridge, built by former president Chiang Kai-shek, to worship his mother Mrs. Wang. This area where Laosi River flowing from marble valley to Liwu River is called the "Heliu" which stands for the merging flows. The cliff has two different rocks. Across the bridge on the turn of the river terrace about 300 meters further is the camping area of Heliu, and it offers eleven camps with no charge and served as first comes, first gets basis. Remember that the parking space is limited. Summer vacation, holidays, and weekend will always be a very popular site for family outdoors activities.


Heliu Campground ──Heliu Campground is between Cihmu Bridge and Lyushui Geological Exhibition Hall. It's only about 300 meters up, westwards, from Cihmu bridge, and about 400 meters down,eastwards, from Lyushui Geological Exhibition Hall. Room for 11 big tents (each big tent= 10 persons tent).No need to make reservations. It is "first comes, first served."


Tiansiang ──Tiansiang is the large river terrace rest spot in Taroko National Park. North side of Dasha River and Tacih Jili River on the west wing converges at Tiansiang to become Liwu River. It is said that Sakuma Samata Shrine was installed here during the Japanese Era (1895-1945). At the later stage in time, Central Cross-Island Highway was built here(1956-1960), and Wen Tiansiang Park was built at the top of the terrace. North-western side is the Tiansiang Youth Activity Center (Hostel) and the Catholic Church next to it. This original lovely suspension bridge was reconstructed into concrete in 2003 due to the safety reasons along with the 26-meter tall White Robed Guanyin Statue. The 7-story high Pagoda, Giant Statute of the Bodhisattva, Siangde Temple of the recent years are the worship holy place for travelers and religious people. This area has large parking space, Plum Garden, and the 5 star hotel-Grand Formosa Taroko for travelers. This is the only 5 star hotel in Taroko National Park. Behind the area is the Tiansiang Presbyterian Church.


Lianhua PondLotus Lake──Huitouwan (5.1km west of Tiansiang) located at kilometer 168 of the Central Cross-Island Highway has a narrow path leading to the cross-coast crest line of Dasha River. On the other side of the rope path is the Lianhua Pond which is one of the natural pond in Taroko National Park at a height of 1180 meters. During the Japanese Occupation Era (1895-1945), the Taroko people called it "Tien Tan" (Holly Pond). Later on, it was renamed Lianhua pond because of its lotus. The Lianhua pond is about 500m in diameter. Lotuses used to grow there and looked very beautiful. However veterans introduced grass carp into the pond which killed the lotuses. There was also a problem with the pond drainage which killed the plant life. After the old veterans died or left, the area around Lianhua pond fell into disuse and returned to its original state. Lianhua pond then became a paradise for high and low altitude birds and butterflies, as well as wild animals. Excise caution while come across accidentally to wild boars.





Bilyu Sacred Tree ──Situated at the 128km mark on the Central Cross-Island Highway, Bilyu Sacred Tree is a Lunta Fir (Cunnhamia lanceolata var. konishii,). This tree is 3,200 years old and about 50m high with a diameter of 3.5m. Situated between Cih-en and Bilyu, Bilyu Sacred Tree is the largest old tree along the Central Cross-Island Highway.
Among Taiwan's native trees, the Lunta fir is the tallest. They can exceed more than 70meters and can be used for reforestation. The area near Bilyu sacred tree is very complex; in addition, the temperature goes up with the height and it is crowned with clouds and mists, while various tree species are intermingled. The highest layer of the forest is conifers such as Chinese spruce (Picea morrisonicola Hayata.), Taiwan hemlock [Tsuga chinensis (Franch.) Pritz. ex Diels var. formosana (Hayata) Li,] and Lunta fir. Below them are evergreen broadleaf species mixed with some deciduous species.

關原──關原海拔2374公尺,距離大禹嶺4.5公里,為一平坦的稜脊地區,視野開闊,是中橫公路開通後的新據點。此處七月均溫在l6℃左右,是一理想的避暑勝地。由於關原海拔較高,已在霧林帶之上,居高臨下,因此有極富盛名的「關原觀雲」景觀,關原緊臨塔次基里溪(立霧溪中游),當氣流順溪谷而上,水氣往往在此聚集,或見雲霧開闔、山形飄渺,或成雲海,波濤洶湧,使此地長久以來極負觀雲勝名。最佳的觀雲時間是清晨和午後,通常日出之後,雲海逐漸消失,等到下午日照減弱後,才又慢慢形成雲海。運氣好時,雲海的位置稍高,甚至會翻過大禹嶺,流瀉成雲瀑,也可欣賞奇萊北峰和四週雲海的盛況,夕陽西下時,則是另一番景緻,滿天紅霞的絕美景色,叫人驚艷。此處的植物多針葉林 ,主要為雲杉、鐵杉、二葉松等,闊葉樹則有高山櫟、紅榨槭等。秋日時分,變葉植物由綠轉為深淺不一的紅與黃,楓紅的美景,將關原一帶點染得一片繽紛。從關原到大禹嶺是中、高海拔鳥類的共同棲息地,所以關原是鳥類的樂園。

The scenery overlooking from the top has the "Guanyuan Skyline" scene. Guan Yuan trail is right next to Guanyuan gas station. The forest walk path is covered with Taiwan red pine (Pinus taiwanensis.) and Taiwan White Pine (Pinus morrisonicola). From Guanyuan to Dayuling region, it is the dwelling place for mid to high altitude birds. Besides from the frequently seen mid-altitude birds, Gray-faced buzzard eagle (Butastur indicus). also scatter on 2000 to 3000 meters high mountain forest.



砂卡礑步道──從太魯閣遊客中心出發,向西穿過砂卡礑隧道後,約15分鐘即可到達砂卡礑步道口。砂卡礑隧道設有人行步道及照明燈,安全性高。砂卡礑步道從入口處到三間屋全長約4.5公里,倚傍著砂卡礑溪而行。砂卡礑溪16公里的流路中,形成峻秀的峽谷,清澈的溪水、美麗的岩石褶皺及蓊鬱的森林,讓砂卡礑步道兼具景觀與生態之美。砂卡礑步道海拔約60公尺,屬於陰濕的河谷地形,但植物生態卻呈現出乾濕兩型的特色。坡度較緩的地方,生長高大且層次豐富的林木;坡度較陡的地方,只見低矮的岩生植物,以台灣蘆竹和沿階草居多。砂卡礑步道平緩易行,除了可沿途作自然觀察之外,步道全線亦設置十餘座大小觀景平台,供小憩賞景,還有幾處親水小徑可以直下溪谷,讓肌膚親潤沁涼的溪水,聆聽自然美妙的樂音。步道長度約4500M,入口 left1080Mright 大型觀景平台(水濱教室)left500Mright 斯維奇(五間屋)left800Mright 大水管left1020Mright 攔砂壩 left1100Mright 柏拉耀(三間屋)。所需時間約2~4小時。

Shakadang Trail ──Shakadang Trail is also known as "Mysterious Valley Trail", which is named because more than 40 years ago a group of young folks entered the river valley and founded it very secretive. This place has attracted more and more travelers, and thus everyone is used to call it " Mysterious Valley." .It renamed to "Shakadang Trail" in 2001 again according to the Taroko tribal language meaning “molar” of the “Shakadang.” This trail is built along the river cliff so travelers can easily observe both the rock folds and ecosystem beside the river shore. After 4.5-km arriving Sanjianwu(3D Cabin), the trail leads to old Datong tribe village(Make sure you are applying the Restricted Mountain Areas Permit—please see the website Regulation section at Fees and Permits), which is the favor of the travelers. After the first curve road, running water from upright river cliff to the small pond has astonished many people. In May, it is the season for Tung tree (or Tung oil tree) (Aleurites fordii) flowers and makes the trail a pleasant flower hallway.


長春祠步道──從中橫公路舊道長春橋頭循階而下即是長春祠步道,沿著山壁鑿出的小徑前行,長春祠就在不遠處。步道延伸到長春祠正後方,垂直的山壁開鑿出「之」字形陡急而上的階梯路面,雖然不難走,但走來有些辛苦,被稱為「天梯」。循天梯直上,先到達觀音洞、再經太魯閣樓和鐘樓均可遠眺,尤其登上鐘樓,居高臨下,俯瞰立霧溪曲折河道和峽谷,公路、車輛、遊人盡在腳下,景色很美。鐘樓是步道的最高點,由此開始是下坡,且林蔭鬱密,是最輕鬆的路段。不多久穿越過了吊橋,即可到達禪光寺,循禪光寺聯絡道路而下,可與公路相接。走長春祠步道,任意選擇從長春祠或禪光寺出發均可。步道長度約2030M,中橫公路入口 left300M right長春祠 left900M right太魯閣樓 left180M right鐘樓 left400M right禪光寺 left250M right中橫公路禪光寺牌樓。所需時間單程約1小時。

Changchun Shrine trail ──Located at Hwy. No. 8, 186 km marks, about 2.3 km from the Taroko Visitor Center. You can proceed from Changuang Temple (Zen monastery), cross a suspension bridge; walk up the stairs, passing a carillon to the old Changchun Bridge. The total length of the trail is about 1.9 km, and which takes about 1 h to complete. Along the route, there are diverse natural and cultural scenes such as temple (Zen monastery), engraved stones, suspension bridge, creek, forest, caves and spring etc. One can get a wonderful view at the high point, with all the neighboring sceneries of mountains and rivers under the eyes.


Lyushui Trail──Lyushui Trail was part of the Old Cross-Hehuan Mountain Roads. The Taroko National Park Headquarters & Visitor Center rebuilt it into paths due to the good road condition, beautiful landscape and abundant ecological values. The width of the path is about 2 meters which is maintained from the Japanese Era. (1895-1945) All routes are mild, level, and easy to walk. It is a good sight-seeing path that is suitable for all ages. There is a 30 meter tunnel along the trail, please bring the flush light. The entrance is located beside the Lyushui Exhibition Hall of the upper section of highway geology terrain. Dense forest, cliff terrain, plants growing on the rock and historical monuments are the characteristics of the Lyushui Trail. You can experience the historical remains of Taroko National Park and observe the special botanical ecosystem. Walking on this path which has historical values just like following in the footprints of the forerunner.Standing on the cliff, you overlook the Liwu River valley and the Lyushui terrace. There are plants growing on the rocks that represent vitality. Among those plants, the Taroko oak is a rare, precious and rare species in Taiwan. Lyushui Trail, Lyushui was once the home to the Taroko settlement known as “Tuoyou-en at Lyushui, now is the geological exhibition hall and Lyushui Service Station. In its early years, it was regarded as Taroko Scenic Area Administrative Office of Hualien County Government, Taroko National Park Headquarters and Taroko National Park Police Corps Office. Lyushui Trail generally starts from the Lyushui exhibition hall, and links to the gravel path at the back segment of the path; it finally connects next to the camp area and returns to the Central Cross-Island highway.


Lianhua pond TrailLotus Lake Trail──The beginning of 1.5 km of the trail is level and easy, turn right at Jiumei Suspension Bridge and past the Jiumei suspension bridge the trail is steep leading you to the forest, and around 2.2km reach to the pond. Do consider your physical limits before setting out. Round trip will take 3-4 hours/ 7km(4.2miles). Please make sure you have plenty of water in summer with light lunch or snacks.


Meiyuan Jhucun Trail──Walking along the path at Meiyuan Jhucun of Huitouwan (km 168 of the Central Cross-Island Highway) and past the Jiumei Suspension Bridge about 3 km, walk down to the track at the path right side, and you can reach Meiyuan. The altitude of Meiyuan is about 1100m. Meiyuan was formed by the converging of the Taosai and Siaowa Hei-er River with total of 3-layer terrace. It was the homeland of the Polihen settlement of Taroko tribe. Now it is part of Sibao Farm which grows vegetables pears and peaches. Continuing forward from Meiyuan and passing the Taosai bridge you will reach the Jhucun (Bamboo Village). The altitude of Jhucun rise from 1050m to around 1400m. It is a 7-layer terrace. In spring, the peach and plum flowers are blooming and they mature in June and July. The fruit grows everywhere and tastes delicious.


Baiyang Trail ──The Baiyang waterfall Trail is characterized by the number of tunnels. Beginning from the entrance tunnel of 380 meters (by the roadside of the Central Cross-Island Highway 600 meters further west of Tiansiang) to the last tunnel before Water Curtain, there are seven tunnels that one will go through along the 2 kilometers trail (4 km round trip will take about one hour and a half). Some of the tunnels are as straight as a pencil and you can see the light at the end. Others however are curved such that you will be enveloped in pitch-black darkness for a short time unless you take alone a flashlight, which is advisable. The trail was originally built by Taiwan Power Company in 1984 during the early stages of their plans (approved for construction in 1979) to develop hydroelectric power in the area, plans that included damming many parts of the gorge in ways that would have destroyed within years. The hydroelectric project for this area at least was shelved. So Taroko survived and we got a road that makes it easier for us to get into this once remote area with our various trapping of civilization.



1.晶華渡假酒店 Grand Formosa Taroko Hotel

,花蓮縣秀林鄉富世村天祥路18 18 Tiansiang Rd. , Hsiulin Shiang, Hualien County


2.天祥青年活動中心 Tiansiang Youth Activity Center

,花蓮縣秀林鄉富世村天祥路 30 30, Tiansiang Rd., Hsiulin Shiang, Hualien County


3.天祥天主教招待所 Tiansiang Catholic Guest House

,花蓮縣秀林鄉天祥路 33 33, Tiansiang Rd., Hsiulin Shiang, Hualien County



,花蓮縣秀林鄉天祥路 19 19, Tiansiang Rd., Hsiulin Shiang, Hualien County



1.立霧客棧 Li-Wu Hotel

,:花蓮縣秀林鄉富世村242-2 242-2, Fu Shih Village, Hsiulin Shiang, Hualien County


2.太魯閣旅店 Taroko Hotel

,:花蓮縣秀林鄉富世村258 258, Fu Shih Village, Hsiulin Shiang, Hualien County



1.山月村 Leader Village

,:花蓮縣秀林鄉富世村231-1 231-1, Fu Shih Village, Hsiulin Shiang, Hualien County



1.救國團觀雲山莊(合歡山) Kuan Yun Hostel

,:花蓮縣秀林鄉富世村關原22 22, Kuan-Yuan, Fu Shih Village, Hsiulin Shiang, Hualien County




It's easier to use "Train Type" to order tickets. After reserving tickets from website or by phone, write down the ordering code, and go to the nearest train station or Post Office to pick up your tickets. You may have to show the counter clerk your passport while getting tickets. The Sincheng train station is 5 km / 3 miles to the Park Headquarters. You can take Hualien Bus to Park headquarters after getting off the train in Sincheng. The Hualien train station is 26km / 15.6miles to the Park Headquarters. You may rent a car or scooter at the front station. It takes you 30 ~ 40 minutes to drive to the Park Headquarters. You can also take Hualien Bus to the Park Headquarters. The bus stop is to the right of Hualien Train Station exit (front station).

By Train:
Take a train to the Hualien or Sincheng station, then switch to a bus to Tiansiang (Taroko National Park).

By Bus:
Schedules are changed without notice發車時間請洽當地車站)

【花蓮市 Hualien City-太魯閣Taroko Visitor Center-天祥Tiansiang

花蓮客運 Hualien Bus Co. (03-83220658333468


Hualien Train Station

太魯閣(遊客中心)Taroko Visitor Center












太魯閣(遊客中心)Taroko Visitor Center


Hualien Train Station




































































































延伸到梨山(13:40抵達) reach to Lishanarriving at 13:40

從梨山15:00出發 15:00 depart from Lishan

【台中市Taichung-梨山 Lishan 豐原客運 Fengyuan Bus Co. (04-2222345425246603

08:00 08:00 票價Fare: 542

【宜蘭 Ilan-梨山Lishan】國光客運Kao Kuang Bus Co. (03-9365441

07:00 08:30 票價Fare: 326 4小時 about 4 hours

12:40 13:30

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