Yilan 宜蘭
The city of Yilan is located in the central, and most favored part, of the Lanyang Plain. Streams and rivers provide a constant source of replenishment for the nutrients in the soil here, making Yilan a breadbasket county. The cultural, educational, and administrative heart of the Lanyang Plain is Yilan City, which is also a major hub for traffic along the northeast coast.宜蘭市位居蘭陽平原中心的精華地帶,河川縱橫提供豐富的灌溉資源,讓居於平原中央的宜蘭市擁有肥沃土地與充裕水源,成為一個農產豐饒的稻米之鄉。這麼多年來,宜蘭市一直是蘭陽平原的經政文教重心,也是南來北往的交通要道。
【Scenic Areas景點介紹】
◎Jiaosi hot springs礁溪溫泉
The special ground or crust stratum in Yilan County had made this area well known for its numerous hot springs, which are the result of air warmed by some source underground, and rising upward blended with under-layer water. Among them you would see the most historic " Jiaosi Hot Spring", which is quite rare in Taiwan for its occurrence on a flatland. " Tangwei Hot spring", meanwhile, has been famous since Ching Dynasty and placed on the list of " Eight Scenes of Lanyang Area". The Hot Springs area is the busiest district of Jiaosi Township with hot springs hotels lining the streets on either end of the railway station. Public springs are also available on Jhongjheng and Gongyuan Roads, and behind the Wusha Memorial Hall. Admission is free.礁溪溫泉屬於碳酸氫鈉泉,富含鈉、鎂、鈣、鉀、碳酸離子等化學成份,是台灣少見的平地溫泉。此泉色清無臭,湧到地表時約為58度 C,洗後光滑柔細不黏膩,由於富含礦物質,因此不論是浸泡、沐浴或經處理後成為礦泉水飲用,都對身體健康極有幫助。溫泉區是礁溪鄉最熱鬧的地帶,大致包括火車站附近方圓1.5公里的地區,除了在旅館可以享受溫泉浴之外,還有四處公共澡堂:燒水溝上、中正路上、吳沙紀念館後、公園路上,可供民眾免費洗湯。
Jiaosi Visitor Center礁溪遊客中心:
:No.16, Gongyuan Rd., Jiaosi Township, Yilan County宜蘭縣礁溪鄉公園路16號
:Sun日~Thu四 09:00~17:30、Fri五~Sat六09:00~22:00
◎Renze (Jioujhihze) Hot Springs仁澤溫泉(鳩之澤溫泉)
Situated 500 meters above sea level in Taiping Tsuen, the Renze Hot Springs are a stopover on the road to the Mt.Tai-ping Forest Recreation Area. The colorless, odorless mineral water here contains calcium carbonate and is very hot-frequently above 95 degrees Celsius. Bathing in the springs leaves the skin lustrous and smooth. Visitors here can also enjoy walking on nearby forest paths and watching the birds that make this area their home. Accommodation is available at the Renze Hostel, operated by the Lanyang Forestry Administration.
:25, Lane Shaosui , Taiping Village, Datong Township, Yilan宜蘭縣大同鄉太平村燒水巷25號
◎Suao cold springs蘇澳冷泉
The Suao cold springs have a temperature of less than 22°C, and the water from these springs are clear, colorless and emit no smell. This rare type of cold springs is only found at a few places around the world, among which Italy, and is suitable for bathing and consumption. The cold spring area of Suao can be found at the northern side of Suao village, some 300 meters from the Suao train station around Chungyuan road and Lengchuan road. As the water temperature of the cold springs is lower than our body temperature, you will first feel cold when immersing into the water, however, after having soaked for some 5 minutes, your body will start to warm up. As the water of these cold springs contains high levels of carbon dioxide, it can also be used for food and beverages, such as goat-meat stew and glass-bead soda.
Suao cold spring Park蘇澳冷泉公園
:No. 6-4, Lengchuan road, Suao village, Ilan county宜蘭縣蘇澳鎮冷泉路6-4號
:08:00~22:00 open開放
$ :NT$70 (adult全票), NT$40 (children半票)
◎Dongshan River Water Park冬山河親水公園
The Dongshan River is only 24 kilometers long, but it is the fifth-longest stream in Ilan. A multi-purpose riverside recreation area has been planned along its course to provide for sports, leisure, and recreation activities divided into upstream, midstream, and downstream sections, each of which exhibits a different recreational character into what, it is hoped, will make the river into an "outdoor water park."冬山河為宜蘭第五大河,流經羅東、冬山、五結等三鄉鎮,在全長24公里的冬山河流域中,經規劃為以運動、遊憩、休閒多元功能的河濱遊憩區,共分上、中、下三段水域,各自展現不同的遊憩風貌,期望能成為「戶外水態博物園」。
:20-36 Siehe Rd., Wujie Township, Yilan County宜蘭縣五結鄉協和路20之36號
:summer夏季 7:00~22:00 winter冬季 8:00~22:00
$ :NT$80
◎National Center for Traditional Arts國立傳統藝術中心
This new 24-hectare facility is located beside beautiful Dongshan River in Yilan. In addition to organized displays and performances of culture and art, it also provides a stage where performing artists can show off their creative works. The emphasis here is on the continuous propagation, innovation, and renewal of traditional arts. You can stroll casually among artistic creations, listen to elegant music, and enjoy exciting opera performances--and you can even participate in the process of artistic creation yourself. From the Center, you can take a boat and visit the Dongshan River Water Park.
:No.201, Sec. 2, Wubin Rd., Wujie Township, Yilan County宜蘭縣五結鄉季新村五濱路2段201號
$ :NT$150
◎Fushan Botanical Garden福山植物園
This 410-hectare branch of the Taiwan Forestry Research Institute is the largest botanical park in Taiwan. It is located on the boundary between Ilan County's Yuanshan Township and Taipei County's Wulai Township. The area includes 20 kilometers of self-guided trails, with interpretive plaques for visitors to use. The park was established to preserve the characteristic forest ecology of northern Taiwan; most of its plant cover consists of natural temperate-zone broadleaf forests, and there is a complex mix of local vegetation as well as numerous species of wildlife in the area.
*Prior application is required to visit the park. For information and application, go to the website www.tfri.gov.tw 入園需事先申請,詳細資訊請洽網頁或電話查詢。
:(03)922-8900, ext. 103 or 129
:No.134-2 DaHu Rd. Huba Yuanshan Village Ilan Hsien宜蘭縣員山鄉湖北村大湖路134-2號
:09:00~15:00 Wed~Mon週二休
◎By train火車:
Duration車程:about 1.5hrs約1.5小時
Types of train車種 To Jiaosi到礁溪 To Yilan到宜蘭 To Luodong到羅東
Tze Chiang train自強號 NT$205 NT$223 NT$243
Chu Kuang train莒光號 NT$158 NT$172 NT$188
Fu Hsing train復興號 NT$132 NT$144 NT$157
◎By Bus客運:
1. Kamalan Bus葛瑪蘭客運 :(02)2550-4668
Route路線:Via Syueshan tunnel 經雪山隧道
Taipei Intercity Bus Terminal 台北國道客運總站→Technology Building on Fuxing S. Rd.復
Time時間:01:10~ 24:30 , about 1.5hrs約1.5小時
Fare 票價:to Jiaosi礁溪NT$105、to Yilan宜蘭NT$132、to Luodong羅東NT$136
2. Kuo Kuang Bus國光客運 :(02)25583060
Route路線:Via Coastal Highway經濱海公路
Taipei Intercity Bus Terminal 台北國道客運總站→Jiaosi礁溪→Yilan宜蘭→Luodong羅東
Time時間:08:20、09:20、10:20、14:20、16:20、17:40、20:20 about 3.5hrs約3.5小時
Fare 票價:NT$230
3.Capital Bus首都客運:0800-000-866
Route路線:Via Syueshan tunnel 經雪山隧道
MRT Blue Line City Hall Station Exit No.3捷運板南線市政府站3號出口→Jiaosi礁溪→Yilan宜蘭→Luodong羅東
Time時間:06:00~ 24:30 , about 1.5hrs約1.5小時
Fare 票價:to Jiaosi礁溪NT$90、to Yilan宜蘭NT$120、to Luodong羅東NT$120
Kuo Kuang Bus國光客運
Yilan Station宜蘭站:(03)936-5441 Luodong Station羅東站:(03)954-2054
*Weekends and Holidays only僅週六、日及例假日開
Route路線: Yilan宜蘭→Luodong羅東→Renze仁澤→Taipingshan太平山
(via Cilan經棲蘭)
About 2.5hrs約2.5小時
Fare 票價:to Luodong羅東NT$20、to Renze仁澤NT$148、to Taipingshan太平山NT$215
Kuo Kuang Bus國光客運
Yilan Station宜蘭站:(03)936-5441
Route路線:Yilan toward Nanfang-ao, get off at Suao宜蘭往南方澳,蘇澳下車
Time 時間:0615~22:00,runs every 30 mins , takes about 50mins每30分一班車,約50分
Fare 票價:NT$71
Luodong羅東→National Center for Traditional Arts國立傳統藝術中心
Kuo Kuang Bus國光客運
Luodong Station羅東站:(03)954-2054
Route路線:Luodong toward Nanfang-ao(Chingshui line), tell driver to stop by National Center for Traditional Arts,walk for 5mins to the center羅東往南方澳(經清水),請司機停靠國立傳統藝術中心,下車步行5分鐘
Time 時間:0550~22:35,runs every15 mins , takes about 25mins每15分一班車,約25分
Fare 票價:NT$23
Luodong羅東→Dongshan River Water Park冬山河親水公園
Kuo Kuang Bus國光客運
Luodong Station羅東站:(03)954-2054
Route路線:Luodong to Dongshan River Water Park , get off at Lizhegien羅東到冬山河親水公園,利澤簡下車
Time 時間:0550~22:00,Every40mins , about 20mins每40分鐘一班車,約20分
Fare 票價:NT$24
Yilan宜蘭→Fushan Botanical Garden福山植物園
Take train or Kuo Kuang Bus, and get off at Yilan Railway Station. Then take Taxi to Fushan Botanical Garden.
◎By Car 開車:
1.Coastal Highway (Provincial Highway 2) or No.5 Freeway濱海公路或北宜高 →Toucheng頭城→ Provincial Highway 9台9線→ Jiaosi礁溪→Yilan 宜蘭→Luodong 羅東→Suao蘇澳
2.Coastal Highway (Provincial Highway 2) or No.5 Freeway濱海公路或北宜高→Toucheng頭城→Provincial Highway 9台9線→Yilan宜蘭→Provincial Highway 7A台7甲線→Tucang土場→Renze Hot Springs仁澤溫泉
3.Coastal Highway (Provincial Highway 2) or No.5 Freeway濱海公路或北宜高→Provincial Highway 9台9線→Luodong 羅東→Provincial Highway 7C台7丙→ Dongshan River Water Park冬山河親水公園
4.Coastal Highway (Provincial Highway 2) or No.5 Freeway濱海公路或北宜高→Kavalan
Bridge噶瑪蘭橋→ Jialiyuan Bridge加禮遠橋→ National Center for Traditional Art國立傳統藝
5.Coastal Highway (Provincial Highway 2) or No.5 Freeway濱海公路或北宜高→Provincial
Highway 9台9線→Yilan宜蘭→Provincial Highway 7台7線→Fushan Botanical Garden福
Please visit http://taiwan.net.tw for more infomation. 請上網查閱更多資訊。
Hotel Royal Chiao-his
No.69, Wufong Rd., Jiaosi Township, Yilan County
宜蘭縣大忠村五峰路69號、69-1號 (03) 9886288
Lion Hotel
幼獅大飯店 222, Sec. 3, Jungshan Road, Luodung Jen, Ilan County
宜蘭縣羅東鎮中山路3段222號 (03)9551111
Sun Spring Resort
山泉大飯店 36, Yushih Rd., Chiaoshi. I-Lan County
宜蘭縣礁溪鄉礁溪路6段36號 (03) 9887979
Cilan Village
棲蘭山莊 62, Lane Tucang , Taiping Village, Datong Township, Yilan
宜蘭縣大同鄉太平村土場巷62號 (03)9809606
Taiping Village
太平山莊 25, Lane Taiping , Taiping Village, Datong Township, Yilan宜蘭縣大同鄉太平村太平巷25號 (03)9809806
Mingchih Village
明池山莊 41, Lane Mingchih , Yinshih Village, Datong Township, Yilan宜蘭縣大同鄉英士村明池巷41號 (03)9894104
National Center for Traditional Arts
(Forte福泰冬山厝) No.201, Sec. 2, Wubin Rd., Wujie Township, Yilan County
宜蘭縣五結鄉季新村五濱路2段201號 (03) 9602121
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